League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

11 Jul

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by DeusWombat

Aren't you directing the event? Why didn't you make this upfront and clear in game? Half the people playing right now are burning themselves out because at the current rate they will have to play litreally HUNDREDS of games to complete the event. It was front page ALL day yesterday and we find this out now through a comment? Come on dude

Edit: Like come on you told me days ago I needed to play through the event for the lore answers that where bothering me, WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME THEN?

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

FYI, every week the amount of points u get per game increases . As you can more sentinels and as the weeks go on the amount of points u get will increase

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by CabbageCZ

I wonder how /u/Reav3 feels about most of the playerbase not being able to even see the culmination of almost a year of lore drops and build up. They clearly worked very hard to make this a special event and then they decide that the only people who get to experience it properly are the subset of the playerbase who has no problems playing 25 games a week for over a month.

Not to mention them disabling the ability to complete things in PvE. Locking even more of the playerbase out of the lore. It's baffling. You want people to care about the world you create and then you make it so grindy that barely anyone will get the full story.

I don’t think OP estimate of how many games you need to play is correct. Not OPs fault as it means we likely didn’t do a good job of explaining it. As u gather more Sentinels you gain more ways to gain points AND every week the amount of points each Sentinel gives you increases. As the event goes on their will also be additional ways to gain points.


Originally posted by delightful_baker

Does OP's kid still draw better than you, RiotPhillyBrew?



That looks fantastic! Hope she continues growing as an artist :)


Originally posted by Perjunkie

Does Fudge count as a rookie? He was a starter at worlds.

Playing in a worlds-qualifying league makes you a non-rookie by LCS rules.

Other leagues have their own rules. AFAIK LPL only cares if you're an LPL rookie.

10 Jul


I'd like to voice one 😁 deleted. Flash. Bear. Slap. Cacoon. You know the classics.


Originally posted by carefatman

and the casters still managed to cream over inspired, showing some weird stats, where he is not even top4 in??? it was weird. and vedius talking about farm advantage when inspired was 3cs up haha. i dont understand this narrativ. how can it still be talked about in the game where inspirded gets gapped hard. what do you guys think the caster would be doing if it were the other way around...

I don't normally comment on these threads, but this is selective hearing at it's worst. I spent a lot of the game highlighting everything that Jankos did extremely well. Covering bot lane at level 3 to fix the wave, tracking inspired throughout the map. We can acknowledge and praise inspired without making it about Jankos, which is what we did, while also praising him for an excellent game.

I'm really open to feedback but I think this reddit narrative that Jankos is getting ignored and 'scapegoated' by casters is going too far. Jankos had an excellent game and we did a lot to point that out this game too.


Originally posted by shrubs311

they start around 5-10 minutes earlier to allow for replays, and the time difference decreases as the game goes on. it's definitely much harder to do the fancy effects and future teamfights with a smaller delay regardless

Live, observers are only at most 5 seconds ahead. When the games are online, they can go to about 10 minutes ahead but they normally spectate only a little ahead too.


Originally posted by chanleii

If your in Bronze then play carry supports like Zyra/Brand/Swain. And no leona should never be splitpushing. You dont have good wave clear and no damage to threaten lethal on the person that comes to deal with you.

That's a idea, I love zyra in aram