League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

15 Jul

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Spring_Night

Interesting, pretty much everyone associates him way more with East Asia due to his name.

Yeah, like many of our older champs I dont think he really nails his cultural inspiration well. We are for sure interested in doing a newer male champ inspired by SEA at some point in the future.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Spring_Night

If I understand your comment correctly, there is a male South East Asian champion in existence? Who is that?

Lee Sin is inspired by Thailand


Originally posted by chanleii

If your in Bronze then play carry supports like Zyra/Brand/Swain. And no leona should never be splitpushing. You dont have good wave clear and no damage to threaten lethal on the person that comes to deal with you.


This has been working great , thanks for the advice


Originally posted by bz6


This is an awesome post and something that is LONG overdue for the game. I remember when Riot first broke the level barrier from 30 to progress further I felt pretty bummed as there was a mere emote as recognition for veteran players. As we all know, leveling to 30 back in the day was way harder and took a lot of time.

That being said, what I hope these updates do are the following:

1) Enhance visual prestige from Ranked. The ladder over the years has lost a bit of it's exclusivity and prestige. Visual flexing may aid that a bit (outside of the obvious behavioral/matchmaking problems). Side note can the Ranked borders get a visual change? They're too thin and lack that sudden visual impact.

2) Recognize veterans.

3) Introduce new exclusive ways to express yourself. Unobtainable/exclusive rewards feel very nice to show off in lobby/profile.

4) Improve Clash recogni...

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First, thank you for the feedback.

We've already made some changes since I wrote the article that seem to be in-line with general sentiment being expressed through social channels right now and align with our lab groups pretty heavily too, which I'm excited about.

One of the key pieces of feedback was essentially "don't tone down rank", while still giving good solid priority weight to non-ranked identity expressions. Additionally, this paired nicely with your #3 point of "introduce new exclusive ways to express yourself" and we have some options on the table that we think we're going to move forward with, but nothing to follow up with just yet.

For #4 -- I really want this to be true, we're trying to carve out space to really make some improvements for Clash, and part of the identity update effort may include some of it, however big changes for Clash won't be on the table until the 2022 Clash season as of right now.


Originally posted by CabbageCZ

/u/CodeofBear while people are tagging you with feedback - have you guys ever considered re-thinking the intended rank distribution (% of players in gold, plat, dia etc)?

I ask because in most other competitive games (off the top of my head - Overwatch, Starcraft, CSGO, DotA2...), gold, and especially plat and diamond (or equivalents) are much larger portions of the playerbase.

In other games, 'gold' is usually the most populated, bell curve 'average' rank (roughly 50th percentile), and things above gold tend to be around 33...

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Thanks for the discussion -- rank tiering and percentile bands is something we're always looking at (it's something we review bi-weekly).

This season we've opened up tiering a tiny bit and we're evaluating how it's performing. Nothing too crazy in either direction, so there isn't anything glaring about the distribution we want to jump on just yet.

We're seeing a pretty healthy percentage of the bell-curve straddle either side of low gold, which is functioning pretty healthily. Again, we look at this every two weeks and compare it over time, so it's constantly being re-evaluated.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Ah to be honest, it doesn’t come across as super clear in her base skin, I do like that you guys tried making a non Ionian asian champ tho. Do you guys usually consult the ERGs at Riot when doing champs based on their culture since I recall that they helped a ton on Senna

Yes, we started that process with Senna and have used it with most champs targeting specific cultural inspiration since Senna. Yeah, Seraphine was specifically targeting Chinese-American, and we went with a fairer skintone that took a lot of inspiration from younger, teenage Chinese-American vloggers.

14 Jul

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Were Sett and Seraphine supposed to be based on any cultures, they’re the only recent champs that I have a hard time putting a finger on where they’re from

Sett wasn't inspired by any specific culture, but Seraphine was Chinese inspired, which is why K/DA Seraphine also spoke Chinese in the comics.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Azgabeth

Is he originally from somewhere on the shuriman continent or are you planning to reveal to us new places soon?

He was born on Shurima, but he descendants were not

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Have you considered changing champs to fit more with certain real world cultures in VGUs or updates as part of the goal of making humans more diverse, like making Olaf more nordic whenever his time comes

We have done that when it makes sense, like talking Inuit inspiration for Nunu and Greek/Mediterranean inspiration for Pantheon. I think for VGUs we would never want to force something on a Champion that didn't make sense for them, but if their are things that make sense it can be a strong tactic


Originally posted by blouthan20

This would actually be a great idea to teach kids about certain aspects of math.

My computer graphics professor in uni actually had league of legends questions in his final exam. Was pretty neat lmao, I can't actually access the old exam repo since I graduated though :(

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Hey Reav3 are you able to share some real world cultures you’d like to get to in champs, are you interested in like more south american, south east asian etc. champs

I mean their is a lot of stuff that we want to get in just because we don’t really have it at all like a South East Asian inspired female,or a Latin inspired male. But we also want to add more to things we already have but just don’t have much of at this time. Our goal isn’t to just have like one good champion for al major cultures, our goal is to have the overall cast be a lot more culturally diverse even if that goal will take along time. South Asian Inspired Female and Middle Eastern inspired male are also high on our list even though we have Malz and Karma since those are older champs and getting some fresh champs inspired by those cultures would be great imo

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by veronikaren

No but I thought they'd have their own part of Runeterra with their own culture yk? It just feels like they shoehorned south Asia and everything around Egypt into their culture. When I look at Shurima I don't see the palaces they got in south Asia

Akshan's descendants are not from Shurima just like Lucians are not from Demacia. Just because of Champion is currently in a specific region doesn't mean that their decedents are from that region. Xin Zhao is also a Ionian living in Demacia

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Akshan is actually inspired by South Asia (India specifically) Malzahar, Taliyah and Samira are all humans inspired by Middle Eastern culture. We do want to do a new make champion inspired by middle eastern culture in the future though


Originally posted by AmWhaleIRL

Thanks for the consideration and for your engagement, I know we can tend to be a cranky bunch sometimes (a lot of the time). 2nd Question if you're down, do you have any Stats for AP Bruiser Shyvana Builds? I feel like a lot of AD Shyvana players would be more on board with that direction than the 1-Shot with E Playstyle that we're used to seeing.

I'll look into it, I'm not sure there are enough games for good data but iirc she definitely has some build flexibility like that which hasn't really been solved out yet.


Originally posted by AmWhaleIRL

Hey I know it's super late, but I work a late schedule. Just wanted to say Thanks for talking about Shyvana literally at all, feels like no Rioters outside of Phreak pay attention to our Champion sometimes (a lot of the time). My question, is if you guys considered anything along the lines of Movement Speed Buffs? +5MS, +10MS, 10% extra MS on W at Early Ranks? I feel like Mobility Buffs would be much more impactful if you were truly trying to Buff both AP + AD.

I definitely think MS is doable for her, I can pitch that if she's still in need of buffs but no promises


Originally posted by PrivateVasili

How does it compare to Sunderer? On paper she is one of the best champs in the game for the hybrid pen mythic passive alongside champs like Warwick and a strong user of sheen. Obviously stickiness has always been important for Shyvana, but with things like Chilling Smite, Randuins and Bork there are other options for that and Stride's slow just received significant nerfs.

Also, if you happen to have stats, are there still a significant number of players running Exhaust over Flash in the jungle? It was common way back in S2 and it should still be strong for her. If so I wonder how their success is relative to Flash users.

Same winrate as sunderer and botrk, about 1% better than any AP item.

Technically trinity is her best item but it's close enough to other items I wouldn't rely on that data.

13 Jul


Originally posted by Chewie_i

To think it was once 100%

it started at 150% :3