League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

17 Jul


Anecodtally, MOBA's as a genre have not seemed very mainstream, especially in the west. Inversely, sports games and shooters are very popular in the west proportionately to the east.

In the end though, being picked on for what you enjoy is lame, and I personally wouldn't consider them good friends if they teased me for liking the hobbies I do.


Originally posted by tigercule

Riven. Maybe I missed something because I only play her when I have no other options in ARAM, but I don't feel like I understand well what will and won't be in execute range for her R2.

I wouldn't expect us to add it to Riven as hers is an AOE ability that is equally useful to use for just damage. It's often correct to cast Riven R for maximum targets hit rather than for executing a single target, so adding the indicator would actually encourage incorrect casts, unlike Akshan, Pyke, Cho'Gath, etc.


Originally posted by RenegadeExiled

it's great to be proud of that, but, shouldn't the team be focused on delivering quality without having to constrain themselves to technology that iant relevant, at all? like, at this point, I feel like this desire for anyone with a computer from the early 2000s shouldn't be a focus for the game anymore. its holding back what can be done to progress.

just look at FF14, and their Playstation versions. They made the choice to stop catering to PS3, and become PS4 only (at the time there was no PS5), and EVERYONE saw a world of improvement.

Yes, we don't want to constrain ourselves to technology that isn't "relevant", that's why we will periodically update our minspec.

However, keep in mind that we have players all over the world, not just in NA and EU (where most redditors are). In most areas of the world, more players are using older hardware than they are in NA or EU, and we look at our global player base to determine what is "relevant" to our players.


Until a throne is actually taken, you're only holding the door for the true rulers. 8 titles 7 titles. I think of titles like kingdoms.... Sssooooo


Originally posted by HairyKraken

i'm a little bit sad because i can no longer said league run on a toaster

We are very proud of the "League runs on a toaster" memes, and even though we will be updating our minspec sometimes, we have a very deliberate goal to make sure that League continues to run on old hardware. Our "new" minspec CPU is over 10 years old.


Originally posted by Asatex1

I'd argue they are doing it because the average system requirements of your everyday user is going up with the years so it makes sense to give yourself more to work with.

Yes, this is largely correct.


This isn't so much about Vex specifically as it is that in general we do want to give our art and dev teams space to do things like they're doing with Vex.

We are very, very conservative about changing our minspec, because we want to make sure that as many players as possible around the world are able to play League. In many regions, players are far more likely to be playing on older hardware than they are in NA or EU (where most redditors are).

Before we change the minspec, we look very closely at the number of players worldwide that will be affected, and for the most part, we won't adjust it until that number is very small. Even then, we balance that against the benefits we'll be able to deliver to all of our players by giving our artists more capabilities.

The only real exception to this would be if third parties (e.g. OSX, Windows) drop support or change requirements for things that we don't have control over. Even then, those parties usually a...

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As other people mentioned in here, my theory is that Nasus is a stronger scaler in the recent metas as melee mids and tops are far more popular than historically. Also tanks and control mages are low popularity now, and those champions (in teamfights at least) can hold nasus down long enough to be kited by high DPS classes like marksmen. As of late, Nasus just paths through a fight Q-ing each squishy target he passes by, regardless of game length.


Akshan's indicator is there for a couple reasons (that are mostly consistent with the other champs you mentioned):

  • This is an ultimate level execute ability, so it having more consistency (through an indicator) makes it more exciting rather than frustrating for the user.
  • Akshan R has variable charge time and you can easily be punished for charging too long (the opponent can access the counterplay by ducking behind cover). Having the indicator gives the Akshan a clear indication of how long to charge without having to have X games on the character to feel out all the breakpoints.
  • Akshan R indicator does not turn on before you start casting. Akshan is already commiting to a cast before he even gets it.
  • Other champs (like Kalista) have very low penalty to "missing" the execute threshold, in both cooldown and damage lost.

There were changes to the way omnivamp is calculated and granted in the engine that meant we needed to rewrite the functionality of the tracking. I believe it's on the backlog, but lower priority than shipping balance changes or working on other unreleased content that has deadlines to hit.


Originally posted by PhobosMarx

We all know, Bob Mortimer is the real reason to watch WILTY

Snipers dream they used to call him


Originally posted by Raynar7

Ender is truly like that friend you live with who says he is moving out, first he was staying around your house anyway (LEC) and when people started having questions he moved to different house that belong to another friend (LPL).

We just need him in LCS and LCK to complete the circle.

im down


Originally posted by redditjunglist101

For non UK residents, this has taken inspiration from That Mitchell and Webb Look, a sketch show from BBC, Watch the Football

^ If anyone likes this check out Would I Lie To You. It's amazing.

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by P3n4t

Playing the game mode is fine. It's loading the client to see that stats is where the problem happens


End Of Game, to be honest, is not optimal right now, and we are seeing a spike in some of the metrics we are tracking. This has been the case for a while now, and we are going to continue investigating.

We have multiple folks, from both league client team and others actively working on resolving these issues, and we are going to continue to get EOG in better shape over the next couple months.


16 Jul


Originally posted by Mrryn91

Agreed honestly. As someone who started watching pro League in the age of Primetime League, I miss this style of content. I don't mind the serious, ESPN-style approach here and there for game days, but stuff like this sprinkled in gives it some flavor I enjoy and helps keeps the product lively and less stale. And I think, with the change to the Countdown before game days to different shows, LCS production is catching on and stepping up in that regard (being in the studio again helps with that, I'm sure lol)

PTL and that ghost pepper challenge... W t f was I thinking. To Ben the producer behind it, I miss ya buddy!


Originally posted by Fatal_RK

smells like bullshit, i know lol codes are old as f**k and need a refont or a newly made game like Dota2 so u can struggle less on doing minimal changes like that because its just embarassing at this point

Lol, caught me. Donezo tbh


Originally posted by kerd0z

fnatic playing the piano while astralis playing the bongos

upset is that you?!


I see a fair few commets saying the cast was disrespectful and I'd like to challenge that. I made a conscious choice to turn to humour and not focus on all the small mistakes and slightly messy plays. I feel confident that Andy and I represented both teams fairly, but funny instead of stone cold serious and crtical. I had fun, I laughed and I celebrated the SK win! I'm hopeful and confident more people enjoyed the cast and just wanted to share some reasoning for those that didn't.