League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

07 Jul


Originally posted by AzureVermonter

What about his base damage? Sololane trist can kill people level 2 and Lucian can take like a 1/3rd of your HP away with auto e auto lvl 1.

His level 1 is quite good (Passive+Q), but after that he gets less combat power than Tristana/Lucian. He does not consistently bully/solokill like those mids


Originally posted by darkacesp

One common thing I’m seeing now just browsing Reddit was how much text is in his passive and his W.

How do you guys go about making passives? Like his three hit burst makes sense if he’s supposed to be a rouge assassin, so does the MS speed thing if it’s to help him get away after the kill, but couldn’t you have just made it those 2 things Instead of also letting him have a shield and second auto, what determines if someone has a Zed passive vs. someone like Akshan? They are both assassins (I realize Akshan is burst marksmen though)

Akshan's shield in particular allows him to take trades in lane on an infrequent cadence, similar to Viktor Q. Without it, he would need very high damage stats (particularly base AD) to trade into most midlaners due to his low AA range.

Passives are assigned during initial champ development based off however the character is meant to be played. Using Zed as an example, his is meant to increase his burst on lower health targets, giving him clear opportunities to W in or commit to kills. This would not have fit the pattern for a ranged marksman like Akshan.


Originally posted by RiotRayYonggi

The grappling hook does not work if the target gapcloses onto you, unlike other marksmen's escape tools.

Also it doesn't go over walls


Originally posted by AzureVermonter

How does giving him a resetting grappling hook and a ms steroid mitigate high safety?

The grappling hook does not work if the target gapcloses onto you, unlike other marksmen's escape tools.


Originally posted by mithi9

I do like them balancing his W against his lack of cc. However, it seems that if all his dmg is in the form of quick burst and no much sustained DPS, he's going to end up a feast or famine champ.

He is feast or famine. He has to be.

He snowballs like an assassin but falls off quite significantly if he gets behind the curve.


Originally posted by bz6

Hey just in terms of design pillars the team is still referencing the: https://na.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/dev/dev-balancing-new-champions/ benchmarks your outlined a whole back right?

I really like how the team has outlined specifications and levers that give us a behind the scenes look into the choices you make. Nice bit of transparency and keeps the team accountable.

Yes sir, we typically benchmark new champion health using the metrics on there.


Originally posted by JarzaScarlet

Riot: Lucian is too toxic of a solo laner

Also Riot: Allow ourselves to introduce, Akshan!

The goal with Akshan is to mitigate the areas in which other solo lane marksmen were historically frustrating (lane bully pattern, high safety, high kill threat), and shift the power budget towards roaming/contributing to sidelane plays. The intention is that his lane is not nearly as oppressive as Lucian, Tristana, or Kalista in the 1v1.


Originally posted by Kyvant

Assuming 600 AP / Level 18, she'll heal for 212HP over 3 seconds, per champion hit, and 130HP against monsters.

Maximum healing would be 1190HP over 3 seconds, or 397HP/second.

Hard to really gage its strength with the other changes and Lillia's nature as an extremly squishy champion.

The healing is reduced signficantly for subsequent targets

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Originally posted by nikolateslafanboy

So is he from somewhere not on the map like Viego? Because I don't think we've seen a South Asia inspired place in all of Shurima and Valoran.

He was born and raised in Shurima so he’s Shuriman himself. His ancestors were originally from somewhere else, yes

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Originally posted by bz6


Boss I am not sure if this question is out of place or not but from the outside looking in, it is something that is worth asking.

  • When creating a new champion does the gameplay come first or the type of representation it is going to fulfill?

A follow up actually, what is the unique gameplay Akshan introduces to League? He doesn't have anything like Grit which is completely new for example.

His grappling hook provides a very unique input when playing as him and his revive is a very unique output that causes u to play against him differently (like not letting Akshan get vengeance) combined those 2 things create a very unique champion. A champion does not require a unique keyword To be unique

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Originally posted by ToTheNintieth

Small detail, but he's noted to be inspired by South Asian aesthetics and Bollywood in particular while being originally from Shurima. I always say Shurima as an Egypt or Middle East analogue mostly. Is it just an aesthetic thing for Akshan?

Just because a Champion currently resides in a specific region doesn’t mean their entire family line was native to that region. People travel around Runterra and end up in other regions and also start families outside thier native region


Originally posted by Bad_human_being

So he is basically a counter to Viego's team wipes

He is!

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Originally posted by steve_pays_me

wait...they literally named this guy action?


double ugh that i just figured it out now.

It’s actually pronounced Ack-Sean