League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

06 Jul

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by freekymayonaise

Indian, specifically, unless I miss my guess?


    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by FruitfulRogue

The Indian flag is... subtle 😂

Also may I ask, with the new SoL skins being "canon" does that mean we should assume the designs to be their new "canon" ones?

Because no offence to skins team but I really, really do not want that to be the case. A lot of them would be major downgrades from their current classic designs.

I think u will have to play the event to understand all that, don't worry it isn't too much longer

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Can i bother you for a his B/D again, now that the initial hype has gone down

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by throawayjhu5251

Hey so I know this might be trivial, but as a South Asian man, I'm actually very happy for the representation. It might seem very stupid to think about this in a video game, but it really means a lot.

thx! And it's not stupid, I think it means a lot to a lot of people actually.


Originally posted by Grroarrr

That's the goal, they don't want you to dodge cause you don't like the teamcomp. I also dislike the mage/senna support against heavy dive enemy comp.

It is highly unlikely that most games are actually lost in champ select. Most games are lost when the nexus explodes.


Originally posted by Djinn_in_Tonic

Probably because those Summoners are identified by names and by numbers. The internal Summoner ID number is how the system identifies an individual (as you could change your account's name). If you pull the Summoner ID number with an API (which you can), you know who it is. You'd have to find a way to obscure that, which is a larger rewrite of what's going on in champion select.



Originally posted by Kabkip

Not pressuring you at all, but I'm interested in learning why this is intensely expensive?

I assume the lobby keeps track of all 10 summoner IDs, and the 5 enemies are already hidden away via "Summoner 1, Summoner 2, etc.". Can we not re-use whatever abstracts the summoner name/ID into a generic name and re-name the enemy, "Enemy summoner 1"?

Also, just wondering if it's the case that you guys see the problem as 2 parts.
1. People are OPGG checking their teammates and dodging undesirable winrates.

  1. People are dodging off of team comps alone, if it looks unwinnable, they leave.

Obfuscating the name solves issue 1. . . But the case that the 2nd issue is the main reason people dodge? Then I can see the value gained vs effort to develop this change isn't worth it.

Then the real issue is people don't think games are winnable, and how to change/balance the game to give them confidence. Hence, not worth the dev time for ...

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Short untechnical version: removing the names only solves the problem if you aren't using a 3rd party tool (like Mobalytics, Blitz, et al). We'd have to change a bunch of stuff behind the scenes as well.


Originally posted by I_really_love_u

So still no update on the afk penalty escalation.



Originally posted by 64657370616972

We need to hide names in lobby.

They claim to be against dodging, so they introduce reactive measures to disincentivize.

But how about being proactive, and eliminate one of the primary reasons players dodge in the first place?

This answer is going to be unsatisfying but we've looked into it and it is intensely expensive relative to the value it provides. Not saying never, but given all the things we can work on its fairly low on the priority list.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Fastriedis

I think he’s technically from Ixtal but it’s a tiny distinction.

He’s not. He’s South Asian inspired not Latin

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by delahunt

True, but it is a bit weird that an undead spirit of vengeance is helping the living.

Or is Pyke no longer undead vin diesel's version of Nautilus's backstory?

U will have to play through the event to find out ;)

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by bip_bip_cabbage

I love how his name is a homophone for "action"

Lights, Cameras, Akshan!


Nice shot! Do you play Mirana in Dota? :P