League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

03 May

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

That's great, I love his art as well. Do you also have any ideas where you'd like to assign Sojyoo now that she recently joined champ team

For now she is going to jump back onto the marksmen (she originally worked on the Marksmen for like 3 months and was responsible for like 90% of it's design before LoneWingy took it over when she went back to PIE) After that it will likely be something for 2022

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

I was curious, does BravoRay still concepts champs since I heard he took over for Danny as AD on champs

He is the AD, but he was really wanted to make a champion every once in a blue moon, and I love his art style so I was happy to let him


Originally posted by IHadThatUsername

I'll do one last WeirdChamp spam for you pal

thats all i ever ask for


Originally posted by Gimmedatpls-

i hope it is a poledance

nah thats cringe i would neve--


Originally posted by Ace_OPB

I have no idea how does raz gets to cast every time?? Like wtf??? What has he done this season? It would have been better if one of the lpl casters had been given an additional slot.

Well he was an LCS analyst, got to the broadcast late because of visa issues afaik, but kept up the entire time. Also he's an LPL expert so it makes 100% sense that he would bring tons of value to any show.

Also hes a f*cking excellent showman.


I had my start the same way, my friends all wanted me to play but I just said I hated MOBAs just because, then once I tried it I was hooked! Tens of thousands of games and the start of a career and I am still here!

02 May


If this happened to me, it would tilt me off the face of the Earth. Then, while in space, I would ask why someone like you is in my game.


You're cracked

01 May


Originally posted by A-Terrible-Username

I am terrible at smiting so I get yelled at all the time lol.

My go to is to say "pro players lose smite fights all the time what do you expect from me, a plat player" and I've gotten a surprising amount of sympathetic responses

My premade's jungler is gold.

It doesn't save him.