FWIW, Hecarim and Udyr each received several nerfs in addition to Chemtank being nerfed.
I know Reddit likes to complain about "triple nerfing" something, but sometimes that doesn't do enough.
Hecarim's nerfs weren't in for the LCS playoffs, though he was still #1 pick/ban in the 11.6 playoffs regions.
Hecarim's second nerf, Udyr's third nerf, and Chemtank's nerf were all in 11.7, which were all put in after Riot reacted to the 11.5 second round of Udyr nerfs not lowering his priority enough.
I think a third hit on Hecarim in 11.8 is warranted, but it's not like Riot didn't continually tap them down.
Plus, let's not act like pros are good at reacting to changes on time. You say "months ago" as though people whose literal job it is to pick the strongest champions didn't fail to identify them.
11.2 had Chemtank's big buffs where it got much cheaper. Hecarim's presence: 28%. Udyr's was 74%
11.3, where Udyr was specifically nerfe...
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