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08 Apr

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

This will be fixed in the patch releasing next week


Originally posted by CaptainFlowers22


Ovilee said she wanted a Gordon Ramsay level critique of her teamfight cast, so that's what I did :^ )

Context ignored. You're fired.


Originally posted by V_the_Victim

Iā€™m forever a Nhat Nguyen fan. I once absolutely fed my ass off on his team in solo queue, and he was super gracious and not at all toxic. Most of the old pros were like that back around S2-S3. RIP.

Fun fact: Nhat is still in the scene and is one of the directors on the LCS. Can confirm he is still super chill!


Originally posted by patmax17

and where's the problem? :P

I personally don't know but I'm sure many people would find issues with it. uwu


Originally posted by Molokai95

Do that for Nautilus now.

Nautilus is fine. I updated his hitbox visuals and it's as accurate as it can be.

07 Apr


Originally posted by Caenen_

u/RiotPhlox could I ask you formally here to look into this issue? It seems very weird for Jayce to have a value 2 magnitudes smaller than the norm, it even has the same effect a 0 windup scaling would have.

These are the changes to Jayce's attacks in 9.1: Windup from 20% to 9.5%, windup scaling from 1 to 0.005. This was related to the rescripts of Jayce's basic attacks so his ult could work on Sylas at all (ask Nekomaru for context, apparently it was pure hell).

Then the next patch the animation speed was adjusted because it no longer checked out. Changes weren't noted in 9.1 so we don't know if they were intentional or not.

From what I've heard this bug stems from a deep engineering issue but I dont remember a ton about it.

I'll pass it along

Originally posted by clarkx100

/u/GreaterBelugaWhale I also want to ping you but just to say hi!



Originally posted by MaleQueef

We're gonma have to ask you to hack the balance team computers sirhaian. šŸ˜Œ

You really don't want me to balance the game. Annie would end up with 100% win rate. And Akali would be deleted. (:


Originally posted by Avielus

How about we just do the Wild Rift thing and let Lux ult go to the end of the map? :D

pls no


Originally posted by whosurdaddies

At 27:36 Drakos says EU still has 4 worlds seeds. This isn't true. EU has to win MSI to have 4 seeds, otherwise we have 3.


Yeah I actually have no idea why I said that. Guess I just got used to it. Someone smarter than me will have it all clarified end of MSI.


Huge congrats to Caedrel who will be casting his first final in his first split as a caster! Also to Elyoya who will be doing the only slightly more impressive playing in his first final in his first split as a player in the LEC.


Originally posted by Original_Forever_476

Hello Riot Phlox, I already made a post about it, but I'd really love to know what a Rioter thinks about the issue...

Since apparently Riot wants Rumble to become a top laner (which is reasonable in my opinion), then why don't they make conqueror a viable keystone for him? since that's what toplaners get.

Also, at patch notes 11.6 riot specified a bug where certain abilities didn't count as unique attacks when they are supposed to be (Lucian passive), this bug seems to be a thing with rumble as well? His q deals damage many times in a duration but only procs Conq once

I'm not sure thats enough and we tend to prefer consistency with how stuff like conqueror works. That being said maybe there's a good argument for it


Originally posted by Scrambled1432

Here's a random question, feel free to ignore it.

Would the balance team ever consider adding mana onto non-mythic (and tear) items? It feels kind of weird that you're shoehorned into lost chapter every single game if you're a mage with mana. It'd be cool if we actually got to try out riftmaker etc. by getting mana elsewhere.

We've definitely talked about mana items outside of the ones we have now


Originally posted by Senshado

Isn't jungle unpopular because it's the role where you spend the most time without knowing the location of your enemy counterpart? It's not welcoming to step into an information vacuum, when the other roles can immediately see the opposing players.

I just think jungle just has a lot of naunced complexity that isn't immediately obvious honestly. Things like pathing, clears, etc are all so insanely complex while generally laning is much, much more straightforward.


Originally posted by KingWalf

I think wild rift does it quite well.

Yeah, I think something you could likely expect to see in the future is a borrowing of certain ideas from Wild Rift based on the success of them. I don't have anything in mind saying this, but it does just seem to make the most sense to convert what works for them into our game if it helps with things like player value.


Originally posted by shrekker49

Well, I disagree with that personally, but I can see where you're coming from with that. I know when I was new way back in season 2, my favorite thing was the feeling of being a champion among minions, farming was so satisfying. Encouraging that in a different playstyle like jungle could be productive imo.

Yeah in the end I think the boring answer here is that differing opinions aside, there are likely statistics and metrics that can be used to determine these things that will likely drive a lot of decision-making.


Originally posted by ok_dunmer

Idk how hard this would be to code and it's somewhat superfluous but something I've always kind of wished for is a game mode specifically to practice jungle clears and not just resetting the practice tool, like some kind of single player challenge thing

Agreed that I am no coding expert and don't know the workload involved, but that does sound like something that would be cool to add. I think its not necessarily something that is requested a lot so for that reason probably isn't high on our list of priorities.


Originally posted by CFella

I know it's not as simple as "do a guide", but the exp system could be the new target for a revamp maybe?

I mean, most of the problems occur based on exp discrepancy and it feels natural to address this situation. Enemy jungle camps giving less exp, even less exp to laners that last hit camps, I don't know, just throwing some thoughts.

I agree the exp system is likely a good place to look, exp is a super super fickle mechanic so I think finding the right balance there is tough, but worth looking into.