League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

07 Feb


Originally posted by TomShoe02

Fun game. GG was guaranteed a win at some point if they played it properly. Once the nexus turrets were down, IMT had no choice but to respect the TF, because TF just ults into the base, GP follows, and ends the game while the rest of the team sacrifices to stop the backs.

There are many engine won positions in chess that require incredible accuracy to convert into an actual win by humans.

This felt somewhat like that where while it was won, accurately ensuring that as people and not robots is actually really impressive.

06 Feb


Originally posted by F0RGERY

Not OP but I've been having a lot of success with Galeforce. The bonus dash and execute feels nice and he makes great use of the stats.

The go to I see Viegos build tends to be Goredrinker but I prefer the assassin playstyle over the bruiser version.

Yeah I agree with you here.


Originally posted by bz6

lmao awesome!

what is your go to Mythic? I feel he has a lot of different options

I do feel like he has a lot of different options. Kraken slayer is definitely a popular option, but I’ve also seen some odd builds where people go sunfire along with resolve/aftershock.

I’ll occasionally go stridebreaker or gale force if I need additional mobility.


Originally posted by Andrewni13

Irelia's solo q winrate is like 47% so almost any champ will have a positive win rate against her. The real stats come from the gold dif and XP dif @15 (from last patch because u.gg stats are messed up rn)

But there's a sentence literally in the screenshot that says "Wins 0.59% more often than expected [based on win rates]."

To be clear, this is not "X champion wins lane." It's "X champion wins game." Kennen wins games more often against Irelia than he does against other 47% winrate champions. (This scales. He's slightly good against Irelia overall according to that sentence).


After a few weeks now I've finally hit Mastery 5 on Viego and have to say he's incredibly fun and cerebral. I often think of myself as a jack of all champs master of none but with Viego's ability to temporarily take the form and abilities of his downed opponents I feel like my broad investment across all League champs can finally pay off.

Trying to dance around fights and finding the right opening, then assuming you get a kill trying to re-evaluate the team-fight puzzle and determine whether you should use that champions kit or your own is so incredibly dynamic. Still have a lot to learn, but so far an absolute joy to play.


We’re doing some work to modernize some services that are extremely old and fragile.

This was an unintentional change related to the underlying service that powers win of the day.


Originally posted by MrApplekiller

Good catch. Would like to see their explanation for this

We’re doing some work to modernize some services that are extremely old and fragile.

This was an unintentional change related to the underlying service that powers win of the day.


Originally posted by LegacyEntertainment

Thank you! I didn't expect something like this to be played on a League broadcast. Or maybe I'm just not familiar with LEC.

Our Song of the Week is provided by our sponsor, Warner Music! Would not have been possible without them, and they're incredible to work with. It's allowed us to also have live music acts on show, and to work with them to recreate some music videos, like the LEC Remake of Diplo's On My Mind music video!

Check out the playlist at wmg.click/LEC if you want to listen to the songs from this or past weeks.


Originally posted by Orange-69

do the casters not know that Gragas Q gives vision? lmfaooo

I must have missed it in the chaos of the fight. I do in fact know that Gragas Q gives vision :)


Originally posted by LongLeggedLimbo

What is the design onnEnders shirt?



You kids and your videogames...


Originally posted by Ghisteslohm

They need to blast Reckless with my Heart tomorrow before the FNC-G2 match. Would be such a waste if they miss that timing.

Already expecting the song to show up in the G2 voicecoms as well :D

So like... what if I planned it as the champion select music for that game, though?

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by FishermanThresh

u/Am1t8 can you give a response please?????

Hey, im asking some engineers around for this issue, but i do not know why this would happen. Have you checked your memory as the client freezes? it could be an out of memory issue, which freezes up all those apps at the same time

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by ginandjuice43

Why did you ignore the voice chat option question?? After all it's a team game and more coordination helps. Valorant and Dota have it no reason league shouldn't when league requires just as much team play and more than valorant imo.

Hey, not ignoring, just sorting through, but as for Voice and allowing chat outside party, I will need to find out the team that made the decisions to make it party only, is this your concern?

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by ginandjuice43

Why did you ignore the voice chat option question?? After all it's a team game and more coordination helps. Valorant and Dota have it no reason league shouldn't when league requires just as much team play and more than valorant imo.

Hey, not ignoring, just sorting through, but as for Voice and allowing chat outside party, I will need to find out the team that made the decisions to make it party only, is this your concern?