League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

14 Apr


Originally posted by iStayGreek

I think I can speak for the sane members of the community when I say that the comment isn't directed at the developers, rather management and leadership. Speaking as someone with experience in the industry, I know game developers tend to be incredibly passionate and hard working, but there is a legitimate critique to be made in the chosen design direction of the heads.

Personally I love you guys and think you do amazing work, certain things like killing Wintermint / the lack of client features are grating, but I don't blame the average dev for that.

-League player for 12 years



Originally posted by Seiphert

By being the industry leader you can afford being lazy.

If there's one comment that makes me flinch every time I see it, it's this one. I can promise you that the League devs I interact with on a daily basis are some of the hardest working and dedicated devs I've ever had the pleasure to work with.

Sure, throw 100 years, spaghetti code, bugs etc at us, but our drive to make the game the best it can be for every player (we're players too) is always strong. Sometimes we just can't do all the things we'd love to do.


This should be fixed this patch. We caught the bug just slightly too late for last patch and I suppose it didn’t warrant a micro patch, so had to wait til this one.

This ones on me though, if I had pointed out the bug when I first noticed it (I work on gameplay not tech so I’m still improving at this), we could have avoided having it in last patch. I’ll be sure to keep a closer eye out on weird sh*t in our builds for future.

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Pur1tas

I work in software developement / IT consulting and 90% of the time its the consumers fault. Be it some bloat or maleware on their machine, be it firewalls not being configured correctly and so on.

Now obviously I don't work with Riot and don't know the details of how the client and/or the game runs AT ALL. I can only tell you that the fact that some people have more issues than others CLEARLY hints to the source of the problem being the Local machine and NOT the client itself.

I KNOW the client has some issues and encounter SOME of those myself at times (Shop not loading or skip waiting for stats) but I encounter them very rarely.

And considering what type of stuff people have running on their Machines without even knowing, its likely many issues lie on the consumer side.

And yes Riot is still the ones who probably SHOULD troubleshoot if possible, yet they physically can't fix all bugs. The environment is changing too quickly, which is btw the r...

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well said, but we acknowledge EOG is the most common complaint from players and we still want to see what we can do to make it better for as many players across the board

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the feedback!

We did do a number of things for EOG (End Of Game) second half of last year, and also some fixes early this year (see previous dev posts). Although it did fix some key issues, it is still not enough since EOG is still the most common complaint we see from players.

EOG involves multiple services and interacts with things outside the client (game engine, services, client foundation), and we have also heard from players weird bugs being reported when using discord (also on chromium) with the client. All these random things, plus a player's hardware, can result in strange behavior for some in EOG.

We are launching our next comms post next Friday, but a little preview is that we are going to initiate another investigation in EOG, map everything out, and figure out where we can continue to make improvements, and this will likely require other teams outside of client to make changes too.



I think item diversity is very good.

Sure the Chemtank junglers are running over everything. That’s obviously an issue. But I just saw Renekton build three different first item builds in a single bo5 this weekend and then the next day he swapped his mythic midgame as the game state evolved.

Lillia and Nidalee regularly build three different mythics. Supportive tops have 2-3. And that’s not counting the 2nd and 3rd options. Marksmen have a ton of choices across ER, Collector, Hurricane, PD, Rageknife, and LDR third. There are further edge cases and that’s not counting the 5-6 different first items that get chosen.

Mages are a little lean except that they choose among 4-5 of the 6 mythics every game. Seraphs is a sometimes 2nd. Void is OP though.

People think their fighter options are limited. They are not. Gangplank regularly uses like four different builds though.

13 Apr


We're currently testing Hecarim changes for this patch. Ideally we find a way to just push power away from tank build into fighter builds.

It's possible that we need to adjust Chemtank instead. The problem is that Chemtank is a pretty reasonable option on a lot of champions and a extremely powerful one on a handful that are heavily driving the meta (Udyr, Hecarim), so nerfs would have pretty major costs.


Originally posted by dontknow_anything

It is the worlds song right

Yup! We mixed the Take Over theme into his R. You can also hear it during his Recall too.


Originally posted by King_Manny

Will look out for the show! First impressions; the prestige skin looks great. The white and light green work well together. The actual skin colors are just so dull and don't look good.

Appreciate structured and thoughtful feedback. :)


Originally posted by g7parsh

Fixed an issue where scaling the HUD could break parts of the shop. (Allan, add a joke about scaling here.)

Damn it Allan

(Barack, Respond to the comment about your stupid joke.)

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

It will be fixed in the patch being released today/tomorrow