League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

30 Mar


I was actually having a discussion today with someone about how I think Rumble's ult isn't very good. It just isn't visually clear what it actually does or why it does that.

When Anivia ults, you see a big swirling ice storm and you think "yeah, that's probably going to make me go slow and also hurt me as long as I'm in it.

When Rumble ults, you see a line of rockets land, and then leave behind some fire, and then disappear. I would expect that to do a bunch of up front damage, and then maybe a bit of burning damage over time, or maybe I would expect the rockets to explode at the end and do more damage if I'm on it when they explode.

But that's not how it works. Why does it only do damage over time? Why does it make me go slow at all? Visually, it just doesn't line up very well with what the effect is.


Originally posted by TheDanishPencil

  👄 Then fix it plz


if it was in my power, akali would have been deleted from the entire game a long time ago <3 <3 <3

29 Mar


Originally posted by zoewarner

TY for the ARAM love - any amount is appreciated.

ARAM is the best mode. <3


Originally posted by Community_Correct

What, give akali +20/-20 damage dealt/taken buff?

pls don't remind me that's a thing, it's giving me nightmares


Originally posted by singlereject

Nice to see you here sirhaian. Been a big fan since you were just a small youtuber showing off his custom skins. Cool to see you updating every outdated looking VFX in the game on your own free time!

I actually made my own list of champions whose VFX need to be updated and that list has been knocked down from over 30 champions just 3 years ago to now just (Draven, Elise, Orianna, Vayne, Vi). It’s fantastic to see the visible progress you have brought to the VFX team over at riot

We also have a list of champs we'd like to update. There are still many! :D


Originally posted by Martin_TF141

That honestly might be the actual hitbox, they just made it bigger to match.

The hitbox is still slightly bigger than the snowball itself. The little windy particle around it is closer to the actual hitbox.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Thanks! Confirms my prediction that humanoids are reasonably popular but not super. Could I ask if you know why champ depth is more compressed this patch since I noticed that most champs are closer to middle line compared to past charts

Its just because it early in the patch. Depth measures how many times people play the same champ in a row on the same patch, so it goes up overtime as the patch goes on

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by UNOvven

I don't think thats true? Jungle was perhaps the role that always had broadly appealing humans in the role, Elise, Lee Sin, Xin Zhao-ish (Not sure how long he was a jungler), Master Yi, and so on. And for that matter, there have been very few, if any, appealing humans added to jungle recently. We have Viego, and before that the last one was Kayn, I think? Who was released ... 4 years ago. Wow that long?

So if Khas popularity has decreased, which Im not even sure it has, I think he is more popular now than he has been in a long time, it had nothing to do with more humans being added. Hell, Lee Sins play rate has dropped significantly (from 30-40% to only 12%) ever since more non-humans were added to the jungle, I don't think its possible to draw a direct conclusion from that.

Its possible, but I'm not convinced that would happen. In fact, I imagine the opposite would happen, a new monster ADC could become popular just by virtue of being something new and entirely di...

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For sure, Creature Marksmen is definitely something we want to do at some point in the future, for the exact reason

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Hey Reav3 could I bother you for some breadth and depths of some humanoids like Volibear or Aatrox (dealer’s choice) since the commitment you guys made towards doing more humanoids has me curious since I’ve always guessed that that pack was always middle of the road in terms of popularity

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by CalmYourNeckbeard

Every time you post these I hurt my eyes to find Vlad and I fail, secretly hoping you publish the official graph again at some point

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by UNOvven

Ah, I see, you're basing it on the number of unique players, that makes sense. That probably gives a better idea of popularity.

But Lee Sin is explicitely an extreme outlier, not the rule. If I read the chart correctly, at the very end you see at least 5 Marksmen, as opposed to the one bruiser in Lee Sin. And Yasuo is an Assassin, another low saturation role that creatures don't tend to be used for (And the one creature assassin we do have, Kha'Zix, is quite very popular indeed). So on average the hypothesis that creatures are unpopular by virtue of being in on average significantly less popular roles seems quite plausible.

Maybe, I would say that Kha is popular because the role has less saturation, but he has become less popular overtime as we have added more broadly appealing humans to the role. So you could assume that if a role liek Marksmen already had a good deal of broadly appealing human that a monster/creature would be less popular if added to the role, since it has tougher competition. Like if jungle has many more champs like Ahri/Lux/Yasuo, etc would that push Kha out more? Not sure

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by fraidei

Yeah, they put Lillia into humanoid but Kindred into creature...seems like they are confused

Its mostly because of Wolf. Kindred was hard to classify, if it was lamb alone I would say humanoid, but wolf is clearly a creature, so since Lamb is pretty close to a creature I figured she was like 75% creature 25% humanoid and went with creature. It was a tough call though for sure

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by UNOvven

Ah, that is a good point, I don't think I included blind pick. Also, its still the most popular queue? Interesting.

That being said I don't entirely agree with the floor or ceiling aspect, because, for example, Cho'Gath fluctuated wildly based on just being underpowered, or good, without ever reaching either end. It seems likely that the floor and ceiling can stretch very far.

Though, I assume even in blind pick, the matter of different roles still affects the playrate, i.e. a bruiser will have less playrate just because there are something like 40 of them, vs marksmen which have half as many champions available. Or whatever the actual numbers are.

Yes the bubble in pretty big, but it 100% exits. You can see in the Breadth/Depth charts that show a champions B/D over MANY years. Here is Cho'Gath for, example


As you can see his playrate usually remains around the same circular area, with variance based on how strong his is in a given patch. Here is Teemo


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    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by UNOvven

Unless your internal data is seriously off from what we have available, the difference in play rate between humans and creatures is low (1.5% on average), and humanoids and creatures have the exact same playrate on average (5.75%). So, why are creatures being made a lot less, if they actually arent less popular and dont have a smaller audience?

Ontop of that, do you also include such aspects as "how good are the champions in the category on average" (Kog'Maw for example has been underpowered for a long time now), as well as "how saturated is their class on average" (Creatures tend to be mostly tanks and bruisers, which have on average lower pick rate just due to being overrepresented, while humans lean more into the smaller pools of ADCs and supprts)?

Yes we look at a character target playrate range, which covers the range of playrate from underpowerd up to overpowered. We see that unless a champ is grossly OP or grossly UP they usually have a pretty clear floor and ceiling based on being strong or weaker. Are u looking at ALL playrate, including blind pick (or most popular Queue) or are u looking at ranked only? I ask because in ranked theme matters less and power matters more (and the higher up you go in rank the more power matters and the less theme matters) Where as in blind pick theme seems to be the main driving point for what people play.

28 Mar


Originally posted by RiotDashiJador

So you're telling me you can totally make this for me? 👁 👄 👁

I can teach you... :eyes:


Originally posted by bellanax

I would love to crochet but I already have a lot of projects to work on.
Maybe in the future for stuffed animals/blankies when I plan on having a baby

Yea, I started in quarantine after seeing a arigarumi for the Pengu Little Legend. It's also pretty high time commitment but... I have that time thanks to quarantine