League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

27 Mar

26 Mar


Originally posted by anialater45

I don't want to get into too many specifics

Why not? Gotta wait till the official ability reveal?

She plays around it a little like Wind Wall, protecting her from enemies outside it, but if they cross the threshold, they're in there with her able to fight.

That seems more like Xins ult than wind wall.

Is there a plan in place for if it becomes an issue? I'd be more willing to be optimistic if I knew we wouldn't have to wait months for it to be taken care of if it turns out to be an issue.

Yeah, I want to give the comms team time to roll out their stuff. They make a lot of awesome things and I don't want to scoop them.

The mechanics of the zone are more similar to Xin ult, but where he has the tools to dive on you and lock you down, Gwen is much worse about being able to choose her fights. Gwen is still very dangerous in melee range, so it plays a little bit more like fighting against yasuo where he's protecting himself from a fight but can definitely fight you if you try and go in on him.


Originally posted by Soundvx

Bit confused how she will deal with fighters that 100-0's squishies in one rotation, supposedly she's squishy too. Looking forward to the kit regardless

She's got a few in built defenses that will help her out, but getting bursted is definitely a weakness of hers.


Originally posted by Caenen_

So this is the real AP Xin Zhao everyone was talking about lately...




Originally posted by Djinn_in_Tonic

She definitely feels more like a battlemage to me, as she lacks the strong personal defense that basically every other skirmisher in the game possesses, and her damage tends to be almost entirely area-of-effect.

Her stacking MS is a pretty powerful defensive tool, allowing her to dodge a lot of skill shots + kite backwards in ways that let her choose her fights more than most battlemages ever get to. I can see the argument though for sure.

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Originally posted by crossbonecarrot2

Hope to see some of the concept art Zeronis did for her before he left as well as lonewingy help and an insight to that in the champion insight.

I admit not what I was expecting as Zeronis last design champ + eve/Qiyana designer help, but I do like her overall design even if I do wish it was different.

We will have some of Zeronis's older art in the insights, don't worry. I'm a fan of his as well, but I wanted to challenge him to do something a bit different on this champ (Even if it's still in his general camp)


Originally posted by ToTheNintieth

Lillia is kind of a "we don't have anywhere else to put her in" case, but yeah.

skirmishers are a subclass riot hasn't made that many champions for until recently, much less AP ones which is just sylas pretty sure

yeah lillia was hard to classify. I put her as a hybrid skirmisher/mage, but I think battlemage could be a reasonable argument.

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Originally posted by MachineRiver66

As a disclaimer I do like her design, I think the gothic lolita sort of style is one that League does not yet have. However, my main... "gripe" is that of her not appearing to be more doll-like. Your explanation definitely makes sense, but it doesn't excuse Riot's decision to make it so. From what I can tell, there's no valid reasoning to decide on her being a transformed doll over an animated one. Other than to make her more cute and human like, which makes her more attractive and possibly sell better, at the expense of making her less unique and less distinctive to the game overall.

We talked about this A LOT internally and we had some early versions where she was more of a animated doll. The main reason we pivoted to the transformed doll approach was to separate her more from Shaco, as well as Oriana. So rather then having 2 animated dolls and a automaton, we have a automaton, and animated doll and a transformed doll (like Pinocchio)


Not every single play, but overall there were enough moments to make you go wow.

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Originally posted by FenrirSV

Is this really wise? I mean, someone asking for more champions like Yuumi and someone asking for more champions like Rek'Sai are probably wanting two very different things.

Is what wise? I'm just saying what would be considered a creature. You can say that for any category (Someone that likes Aatoxx is probably different then someone that likes Lillia, or someone that likes Yone/Zed is different then someone that likes Zoe/Lux) I'm aware Yuumi and Rek'Sai are a different audience. Once of the reasons we made Yuumi was that we felt that game was lacking cute creatures, not because we were trying to appeal to the monstrous creature crowd.

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Originally posted by Masalar

As someone who loves the monster champs and has been really frustrated by the last several years of releases I'm hoping there's one thing you can answer: Do "new" releases count reworks? Because as cool as the Voli and Fiddles reworks are, they were, or so I've read, considered part of the "new" monster champs for that year.

Is this the case? And if it is...could it not?

When I said new a meant a new champ, not a VGU

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Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

Would this have an effect on who gets the second 2022 VGU slot? Last year you said VGUs still totally count at how you look at the upcoming years roster, or has it changed like the categories to Human, Humanoid and Creature?

While VGUs do count, I think at this point, regardless of VGUs, it's been to long since we did a NEW creature champ (Yuumi being the last one)

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Originally posted by Solash1

I still think you could probably do a bit more to sell the "Living doll" vibe, maybe some pailer skin or hollower looking eyes

She's ALMOST there, just needs a bit extra

She's not meant to be a living doll. She is a doll that has been transformed into a human, similar to Pinocchio. We had early versions where she was more of a living doll but it felt too similar to Oriana and even more so to Shaco.


I don't want to get into too many specifics, but her Hallowed Mist essentially provides her with an area of safety from enemies outside it. She plays around it a little like Wind Wall, protecting her from enemies outside it, but if they cross the threshold, they're in there with her able to fight.

She's not designed to fight ranged champions; her target access isn't that great. She just wants some safety while she snips up the frontline.


That was an extremely entertaining series to watch. There is a lot of critique to be shared, but as a fan of high intensity league with impressive mechanical plays, this is a big W

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Originally posted by krazanas

Using existing champions as examples, which champs would sit on the cusp of human/humanoid and humanoid/creature? Also, what would Urgot, Sejuani (as a rider of a creature) and Udyr's placement be?

Sejuani would be human, Urgot would be humanoid. Creatures would be like Yuumi, Rek'Sai, Vel'Koz, Kindred, Kha'Zix, etc

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Originally posted by Zarathielis

Again, I don't know if you can share this but does the next champion (the mage) count as Humanoid or Creature and is she basically the "monster" champion of the year?

Also are you happy with how Viego has landed so far in terms of popularity?

Do you expect Gwen to be widely popular or more niche?

The mage would be under humanoid. So far Viego has landed exactly as we predicated, so yeah we are pretty happy with his reception. We expect Gwen to be somewhat popular but not like super popular. We are currently predicating she will land somewhere near Fioras overall playrate

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Originally posted by TreeKeeper15

So will the percentages and stuff that you told us before be changing as well? Like will we be guaranteed at least one creature every year, and then a certain percentage of humanoids and humans? Also it's good to hear that the terminology will be changing. I know that a lot of people have been very upset that champs like Lulu, Xayah, Aatrox, and Rek'sai were all in the same category and fighting for spots.

I wouldn't expect a creature every year. Though we are planning to make sure we get one in 2022 since it's bee awhile (And not a cutsy one like Yuumi) For this year the non-human is what we would put in Humanoid (like Lillia, Aatrox, Yordles, Etc..) What we want to do starting in 2022 is do less pure humans, not necessarily more creatures (So more humanoid/humanish champs)

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Originally posted by sonebrm

and on another note; are you doing the roles thing again? viego being jungle, gwen being top, the mage being mid and so on. does this mean we will get an adc and support, I guess later this year?

As I mentioned in the SS video, we are still doing the roles thing again this year