League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

05 Apr


Originally posted by [deleted]


Hello! Thanks for reaching out! This doesn't seem to be a Metal specific issue and looks like there is already a fix for it on the way. To disable Metal, you'll need to go into your LCU settings and under the Game tab, you'll see a checkbox for falling back to OpenGL legacy mode. Hope that helps! :)

04 Apr


Originally posted by VG_Crimson

Convince them to lighten Gwen's jungle cap to 15(+30% AP) if you want the role to be popular with a new champ πŸ₯Ί I'll smash galaxies for you if that's what it takes.

Always a fan of smashing galaxies <3. We don't really want to forcibly enable Gwen jungle, we are fine with it existing but she is primarily a top laner and secondarily a mid laner. Viego can hopefully sustain junglers' desires for a new champion for awhile! He's awesome :D


Originally posted by LongFluffyDragon

jungle neeko followed by pro balance issues when?

I'm personally a fan of Jeeko, it'd mean shes a 5 role flex too which is kinda sick


Originally posted by RenegadeExiled

Yup. Riot most definitely doesn't push broken numbers to live.

Memes aside, I'm worried as f**k that Darius and Morgana won't be tuned down. What's even the reasoning to buff Darius? He's a toplaner, and he's already strong there. He doesn't need the ability to take Dragon at level 1, or these buffs that let him walk into the enemy jungle between waves for free krugs/gromp.

Haha all that is not to say we don't push broken numbers to live, mistakes happen regardless. The goal of these changes is to broaden the jungle pool by giving champion that are more broadly popular in all elos (especially lower elos) the ability to exist as junglers. Expect these numbers to be tuned as necessary, we want these champions to be playable in the jungle, but won't force them to be S tier.


Originally posted by semenbakedcookies

Isn't PBE basically whats going to be on live apart from fixing bugs?

Not quite. Often content that goes to PBE is completely ready to go to live (think art, assets, etc.) but their tuning states are not necessarily there. To my knowledge we don't use PBE data to tune because the data is very very far off reliable, but the tuning numbers are often not final on item/champion changes by the time they get pushed to PBE.

03 Apr


Originally posted by beepdiboop101

C9 Fudge bottom 2 top laner btw :/



IDK how stats websites etc. account for this, but on broadcast we try to specifically exclude fasting Senna games from bot laners when talking about CSD.


Originally posted by [deleted]

Is Ender f**king huge or is Quickshot f**king tiny



Originally posted by [deleted]


thank you!! i missed vedi on the tricast, but tried my best to bring his voice out in some of the prep that we shared


Originally posted by phylaris

Yup! I don't expect some of these numbers to ship to live as is, but I do actually like the general idea behind buffing certain laners into jungle semi-viability, though. I think it not only loosens jungle restrictions on beginners, but also spices things up for a lot of the older jungle players who've been playing with the current roster for years and years now. I have some friends that are really excited about trying some of these picks.

100% agreed. Opening up more champs to the jg is exciting for me as well, I'm really hoping these land well


Originally posted by GenericPlanetMan

I love Ender but game 4 dude just kept ranting about how much damage Caps was doing. He entirely missed that Jayce was the one keeping G2 in the fights. There was LITERALLY a damage graph showing Jayce as top damage dealer and yet I have to hear for 4 minutes how Caps is the only hope for G2 and how he's the only damage dealer

honestly the damage came through so fast in that one teamfight i missed the jayce contribution, thats on me.

i dont think i pushed that caps was the only damage source, my point was that previously, rekkles was the only one close to mad in terms of gold and after that fight and the shutdown caps got, he was another serious threat.


Originally posted by ImaginaryBluejay0

Thank you thank you thank you anyways :) I have barely played her jungle since the W nerf.

I did help with them and test/suggest a few ;)


Love your videos (I refer to them sometimes internally)

I'm not the one doing these changes but I'd like to mention that none of these numbers are permanent and are all still subject to tuning as this is decently early in the PBE cycle.


Originally posted by TParadox90

gonna suck when the 100$ chromas look good

Heard everyone’s feedback last year. This year you’ll be able to get each champions individual chroma through individual champion skin bundles.

02 Apr


Originally posted by Roboticbiotic777

Is Sweeper Rammus holding a red card during his taunt or were my eyes fooling me? If so, that's hilarious and I love it.

He is (: