League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

31 Mar


Originally posted by homer12346

And that’s when the team realized that they needed to give Gwen the tools toactually force enemies to play her game.

aaaaaaaaaa typos buggs me so much

nice read as always, always fun to see insights on character development

Oof I missed this when I checked the staging.


Originally posted by Mostdakka

I'm very excited cause she looks fun to play and looks good but i'm a bit concerned about her beign designed for toplane. Mostly because toplane is not a very popular role so i have hard time seeing current version of Rito designing her to be inherently less popular becuase of her role.

Think of her as the ultimate "f*ck you" to Vayne top.


Originally posted by bz6


Are the LP changes meant to make climbing easier? Can you still get to a point where you are gaining less than you are losing?

The ladder being streamlined isn't a good thing for the game I feel. The prestige in ranked has already faded away.

Have a good day :D

These are not intended to make the climb easier. Players who spike up above their estimated MMR in rank will still receive less LP for a win and lose more for a loss until their MMR catches up to their LP. This is the same as the inverse where you are not at your projected rank for your MMR and you will see higher gains and lower losses.

The changes we made in this patch are so that LP will change less drastically and gains and losses will be smoother and more consistent overall.

You may still see outliers of LP disparity, but overall it should be smoother.


Originally posted by RubRepresentative577

Sure, but bring back twisted treeline

i just want dominion back :(

30 Mar


Nobody talks about Amumu :'(


Originally posted by IWillNameMyChildZoe

what's your op.gg? like really, what's your rank?

Rumble is resourceless which allows him to get fed very easily effectively shitting on both top and mid laners. On top of that his ult is hard zoning and dealing far more damage than Anivia. He doesn't need to land any other ability when he lands his ult, the ult can 100-0 you solely, this is how much dmg it has.

The way you wrote this comment clearly indicates that you haven't played against Rumble any recently (outside of aram) because he's picked only by high elo players desperate for LP.

Did you...did you even read anything I wrote other than “Rumble ult” and “Anivia ult”?


Originally posted by Chewie_i

But. But. You’re a VFX artist wdym you don’t control balance changes, champion design, matchmaking, and the client????

ikr :(