League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

08 Feb

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Leyrann_is_taken

Why are there such big differences between people?

I have a good, but not great laptop (it cost 2k euros, but it's not a dedicated gaming laptop and I've had it for four years now), and I literally never have issues. Worst I get is that I sometimes have to wait a few seconds for the stats or get a fake key fragment notification.

Meanwhile other people report that their champion select messes up so often that they effectively dodge about one in every five champion selects. Something that I've never had - in fact it felt surreal to me last week to have champion select issues with clash on EUW (first time I participated), as it was pretty much my first time ever.

So yeah. Where do those differences come from? What is different about other people's clients compared to mine?

Regions where folks play is a big factor. For example, players in South Korea are the least upset about the client, while players out in Brazil are more upset. The biggest difference between the two regions is infrastructure and network, where folks in Brazil may not have the best/fastest internet available, while in South Korea, it's super fast. These latency issues can have a significant impact on client & in-game experience.

I have also Vacationed in both countries, and loved them! highly recommended!

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by HappyLilAccident2020

How many shots did you do before subjecting yourself to this AMA?

Just a cup of coffee haha

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Resistz

Are you not embarrassed to provide such a low quality client?

Hi there, I am going to use this similar response to a general theme I am seeing around 'it not getting any better'. I responded to a question above but we have data from multiple regions around the world that is showing improvement in perception with the client. More and more players are moving away from being very upset towards neutral/positive. This is because of the number of changes/fixes we made over the last year, as highlighted in our latest blog post. We do still have work to do, and are confident that the client will continue to get better over the year

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by morojax

Get a new job! Your client has been shit consistently for 10 years!

Hi there, I am going to use this similar response to a general theme I am seeing around 'it not getting any better'. I responded to a question above but we have data from multiple regions around the world that is showing improvement in perception with the client. More and more players are moving away from being very upset towards neutral/positive. This is because of the number of changes/fixes we made over the last year, as highlighted in our latest blog post. We do still have work to do, and are confident that the client will continue to get better over the year

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by commitsudokulolmods

So I’m pretty angry at the state of the client because ever since the first dev blog like 3+ years ago about the client team, it doesn’t seem to get any better. What can you say to make me feel better? 🤷‍♀️

Edit: Nothing I guess

Hi there, I am going to use this similar response to a general theme I am seeing around 'it not getting any better'. I responded to a question above but we have data from multiple regions around the world that is showing improvement in perception with the client. More and more players are moving away from being very upset towards neutral/positive. This is because of the number of changes/fixes we made over the last year, as highlighted in our latest blog post.

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by OkQuote5

Works on my machine.

In all seriousness just wanted to say that ya'll really are doing great work and out of all the games I've played Riot has been the most transparent, engaged, and active with the community. I know companies don't need defending and its kind of cringe to do so but the level of support Riot gives the game and the amount of borderline abuse sent their way is staggering.

Appreciate the feedback, thanks!


Originally posted by Andrewni13

Funny thing is, if you switch the champions it also says that Irelia "wins against Kennen 1.23% more often than expected". Also as others have said, I think it comes down to Irelia scaling off a lot and being less useful than Kennen in teamfights. Irelia has to land multi man ultis and play around CC to get multiple Qs off, while Kennen can flash ERW for multi man stun.

Yeah I kinda expected there'd be shenanigans with how it's measured. Not surprised it shows both champions "win."

Point still stands that a lane counter is not necessarily a game counter. If Kennen is able to withstand split push in the late game while still being a better teamfighter, then you have these situations where players go, "WTF I countered him!" and still lose.

Regardless, the overall ability to win the game is pretty equal across both champions. If you throw out solo queue overall winrate as meaningless, you're still left with the comparative-winrate not moving much either direction, leading me to still stand by the point that Irelia doesn't gain much traction against Kennen as a counter-pick.

07 Feb


Hey there, the LCS playlist has enough songs that they shouldn't repeat very often, if at all, in a given day. With that said, the playlist is on a shuffle and we might get unlucky sometimes.

I'll look into other ways we can mitigate repeated tracks. Appreciate the feedback, and thank you for watching!


Very glad you enjoyed and honestly very glad our crew could put it all together. Vedius pitched it and literally everyone went yes, let's do it. Then we built the plane in flight after jumping off a cliff hoping it would work lol


I did that to Caedrel. LOL


Originally posted by AigisAegis

That's what we do best here in NA

Then I am home after all.


Originally posted by TomShoe02

Fun game. GG was guaranteed a win at some point if they played it properly. Once the nexus turrets were down, IMT had no choice but to respect the TF, because TF just ults into the base, GP follows, and ends the game while the rest of the team sacrifices to stop the backs.

There are many engine won positions in chess that require incredible accuracy to convert into an actual win by humans.

This felt somewhat like that where while it was won, accurately ensuring that as people and not robots is actually really impressive.

06 Feb


Originally posted by F0RGERY

Not OP but I've been having a lot of success with Galeforce. The bonus dash and execute feels nice and he makes great use of the stats.

The go to I see Viegos build tends to be Goredrinker but I prefer the assassin playstyle over the bruiser version.

Yeah I agree with you here.


Originally posted by bz6

lmao awesome!

what is your go to Mythic? I feel he has a lot of different options

I do feel like he has a lot of different options. Kraken slayer is definitely a popular option, but I’ve also seen some odd builds where people go sunfire along with resolve/aftershock.

I’ll occasionally go stridebreaker or gale force if I need additional mobility.


Originally posted by Andrewni13

Irelia's solo q winrate is like 47% so almost any champ will have a positive win rate against her. The real stats come from the gold dif and XP dif @15 (from last patch because u.gg stats are messed up rn)

But there's a sentence literally in the screenshot that says "Wins 0.59% more often than expected [based on win rates]."

To be clear, this is not "X champion wins lane." It's "X champion wins game." Kennen wins games more often against Irelia than he does against other 47% winrate champions. (This scales. He's slightly good against Irelia overall according to that sentence).


After a few weeks now I've finally hit Mastery 5 on Viego and have to say he's incredibly fun and cerebral. I often think of myself as a jack of all champs master of none but with Viego's ability to temporarily take the form and abilities of his downed opponents I feel like my broad investment across all League champs can finally pay off.

Trying to dance around fights and finding the right opening, then assuming you get a kill trying to re-evaluate the team-fight puzzle and determine whether you should use that champions kit or your own is so incredibly dynamic. Still have a lot to learn, but so far an absolute joy to play.