League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

03 Jan

02 Jan


Originally posted by InterestingWinter430

I have been playing league since season 4. This design seems like it takes a little from Leona/Taric. She feels extremely underwhelming. Currently she has the highest risk engage in the game without the reward. I'm under the impression that she was made slow when unmounted and given slow attacks to possibly keep her out of top lane. (Bruiser Build). Riot should not be trying to control the meta and where champions should be allowed to go. Currently if Rell engages and its a bad engage.. she has no way to escape with reduced movement speed. Leona can simply walk out and pop her shield for high resistance. Rell is basically a worse version of leona. No to mention Rell has ZERO damage. As a support player I was really looking forward to this champion but it's currently the weakest support.

Rell is a lot about picking the right moment to go in because like you said, once she commits she doesn't have a great way out, which is one of her intended weaknesses. I don't agree that the payout isn't big though for engaging, she has among the most reliable AOE wombos in the game using her ultimate (basically an Alistar that can pull people together for his knockup). So we're operating off of the same data, looking at lolalytics overall winrate for the past week or so she's around 50% winrate, which is great for a new champion.

01 Jan

Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

Hey kinda off topic to this, but according to the wikia you have been responsible for the Garen mini-rework with CatchesAxes; currently the mythic AS passives from Trinity Force and Kraken Slayer do not grant him more spins for E currently, it might be a reason why his % statistics are so down on Triforce.

yeah i plan on fixing that, but haven't gotten to it

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Originally posted by SaneForCocoaPuffs

The client is a little better than it was before. It was pretty horrific last year.

Appreciate it, but we got more work to do 2021! Stay Tuned

31 Dec

30 Dec


Originally posted by FCVanillaIce

But wouldn't that also hurt other champs using said items?

Going after items instead of the champion itself seems like using a grenade to dig a hole.

It really depends on where you think the problems lie.

Day 1 of preseason the top 8 champions in virtually every role were tanks. Tank Mythics were OP and this wasn't up for debate. So you have to nerf those items into line, or at least into a point where you're comfortable with their power level. Then sort out individual champions from there.


Originally posted by Arcanineleader

I don't like this approach. I'd rather them hammering the problem so it is guaranteed to disappear for sure the next patch AND THEN if the hammer was too big, buff them back up the following patch. Instead of these pats on the wrists for sequential patches until finally, the accumulated nerfs are enough.

A few thoughts on this:

  1. It's technically not hard to just throw on a random change like "-10 Q damage" and revert if it's too much. But...
  2. Submitting a change and reverting it is not as trivial as going into a tool and modifying five numbers by lowering the tens place. More people are always involved like QAing the change or consulting with playtest over how big the change actually is. So there's a flat amount of work that comes in on top of simply implementing the change itself, no matter how small.
  3. I believe the designers try to (and usually do a pretty good job of) identify what element of a champion actually deserves to be nerfed. This is why there are designers at all and not an automated script that pulls in a random nerf from a library of "Nerfs that will lower winrate by 1%." For example, and I'm honestly curious about this, what would your ideal Malphite nerf be?

Anyways, I still agree that they could assume how impactful thei...

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Originally posted by Raknorak

What's something you enjoyed that other people haven't figured out? I play mostly top and jungle

Galeforce Yone / Master Yi.


Originally posted by UrynSM

Hi Phreak, I just wanted to say, I really enjoyed your casting this year. I wish you the best in 2021.

Thank you! You too :)


Originally posted by UltmitCuest

Curious as to how galeforce is broken. Ive only ever seriously seen jhin build it and it seems like an odd pick on other champs. Also noticed a few sett using hail of blades and galeforce because they could galeforce + E at once then burst, but that seems like a niche interaction.

To be fair "giga-busted" is hyperbole. Maybe not the place for it. My bad.

It's ultimately the most damage and in many cases the most survivability of all the competing mythics. The cherry on top is also the target access.

Most champions who are building Shieldbow/Kraken should actually be building Galeforce and just haven't realized it yet. The cooldown cut to 60 seconds is really meaningful and it's snowbally as hell since you're pretty much always in range of whomever you want to kill.

I'm not sure it's SUPER out of line, but I'd confidently call it the strongest of the three crit items. It's even singlehandedly turned Master Yi's best build back into Crit because it turns out giving Yi a free-target dash and more move speed is really really strong.


Originally posted by Atheist-Gods

Looking at the publicly available info I can see that Trinity Force and Galeforce outperforming Divine Sunderer makes sense but I don't think the 47 -> 49% winrate with lower playrate would qualify as "heavily" outperforming.

2% winrate lift is a pretty big deal for something as small as "pick a different first item."

In general though, GP's winrate is low is because people are building him wrong. People will eventually figure it out. You don't buff a champion because people are misplaying him. Something as simple as "buy the right first item" puts him easily within normal winrate bounds. Anything but a very small buff would just be wasted work that could go to a champion more in need.


Originally posted by mocaaaaaaaa

Yeah, I can understand after what happened to Amumu they want to be more cautious

I mean Amumu is in a completely reasonable spot right now. I'd say they aimed their nerfs pretty accurately.

Originally posted by Macaulyn

If this isn't different than any other balance work, then I must question why, despite many complains from the community, we're only seeing a nerf to Goredrinker and ignoring the champions that don't use it. Because, again, this has been a problem since the pre-season started and people have complained about it for a while. If you say that it will get adjusted, I'll wait for it to happen, but if these issues aren't sorted out, then the same thing will happen again.

because we look at more than just reddit

Originally posted by SeizeTheKills

To me, and I might obviously be entirely wrong, it would seem then that the main offenders are Shieldbow and Bloodthirster and not so much the rune, but that may be aggravating matters.

But shield bow giving both healing and crit and a shield and bloodthirster giving heailng and also crit it would seem to me that these items offer to much of what champions that can use crit wel, like yasuo and yone, want for to little of a trade off.

To me it seems like a reverse case of old steraks, back then steraks got changed because ranged champions were abusing an item designed for melee, with shield bow it seems like melee carries are abusing an item that was designed to make ranged ad carries less squishy.

yep adding sustain to lots of champs first item is something we'll probably have lots of discussions about next year

Originally posted by Roffet

hey can we stop dancing around the real issue of all this discussion please? what is the internal POV on Ravenous Hunter atm? is it not paradigm-changing to add that much omnivamp onto kits not designed around them?

winrate wise is fine but pick rate is high iirc, but we are in the middle of our holiday break. Not that surprising pick rate would be higher since it was broadened intentionally.