League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

30 Dec


Originally posted by potatorunner

What about champions on the other end of the spectrum? According to u.gg Veigar has a 44.74% winrate in diamond+, 42.96% in d2+, and 47.65% in plat+.

Is the data inaccurate and he is actually doing ok? Like near 50? Playing him FEELS really bad atm. ass well as some others are the bottom of the winrate table.

Yeah we will be "reverse wack-a-mole-ing" as well and buffing up champs that need it. Not sure about Veigar specifically (winter break and all that) but we will be doing our regular buffs/nerfs.


Originally posted by afjlkdflgkj

Is there an item balance framework?

Yeah they posted about it before the preseason changes hit.


Originally posted by ACanadianMooseLoL

If this is true this is basically what the community has been asking for (nerf either the champion or the item first and then wait to see what the result is).

And this is why sometimes Riot does both. And sometimes they do it perfectly. Jhin got weaker with his lethality builds, took a Q nerf, and is still the #1 ban in the game. (OK yeah Galeforce is giga-busted)

29 Dec


Originally posted by SirJasonCrage

It's funny how reddit usually howls and complains when a champ gets nerfed at the same time as his items.

Yeah Reddit doesn't always leave the best opinions upvoted.

I think Riot went and nerfed champions + items when they had like a 57% win rate or higher. Otherwise, I like the idea of them hitting items first and knocking champions into line once the season starts.


Originally posted by Abarn279

Agreed, but it's notable that malphs biggest counter (magic damage, preventing armor stacking) has been needed with mythic giving MR (i.e. It's impossible to build your first item and not have mr in your build).

His damage has always been pretty crazy, but with more ability armor scaling introduced in the last few years as well as this preseason introducing exclusively MORE dmg through sunfire, he's a strong boi.

Phreak, how do you feel about the current state of the game, especially compared to season 10 (or even seasons before)

I'm having a great time. It's cool figuring out builds and getting to try out stuff that other people haven't caught onto yet.


Originally posted by Zhados_Twitch

Any inside infos on why riot chose to ignore GP for so long?

The scaling base AD buff was a joke and didnt address any of his problems

He is still sitting at 46% wr across all ranks. Even in grandmaster and challenger

I know at least one designer was looking into him. I forget what happened and why there aren't any changes at this time.

FWIW people are building him wrong. Not that he's outstanding or anything, but Divine Sunderer is incorrect. Trinity Force and Galeforce both seem to heavily outperform it.


Originally posted by VanillaTyphoon

This is off topic, but you're one of my favorite casters. Every time I play a game, I imagine you shoutcasting the silly names in my head.

Keep doing tons of damage to my heart. <3

Thanks! <3


Stellar recounting, thanks for the rundown! I had forgotten about the Zed comic and gave it a read once I got to that part in the post. Poor misunderstood Govos.


Originally posted by PhreakRiot

I'm guessing this is because they've been going after his items.

AP Malphite, for example, seems to be pretty balanced. His most purchased AP mythic in Luden's is ~51% win rate. Considering the last three patches chain-nerfed tank items, it makes sense that they tried to hold off on nerfing him specifically while hitting items that needed it.

That said, Malphite is still broken and should be nerfed.

Ye you prob right. We didn't swing at many of the tanks (except Amumu, that guy was wack) because we planned to iterate a few times on tanks. That said, we will be wack-a-mole-ing properly now that pre-season is coming to a close and items are getting more stable. The fact that only a few champions are outliers like this means we are getting close to a (relatively) balanced game!


Originally posted by Zatch_Nakarie

Funny enough it is worse for kha than previous season. It no longer can be reset with his ulti. It's an okay mythic but the others grant you so much more damage that it's only a win-more mythic.

It's interesting because instead of giving you more item damage procs like the old one (you could proc it 3+ times vs one target), it instead gives you more passive procs through more stealth in multi-target engagements. Hard to tell which is more helpful, but considering Kha is the only Lethality champion still out of line, it's likely its a him problem and not an item problem.


I'm guessing this is because they've been going after his items.

AP Malphite, for example, seems to be pretty balanced. His most purchased AP mythic in Luden's is ~51% win rate. Considering the last three patches chain-nerfed tank items, it makes sense that they tried to hold off on nerfing him specifically while hitting items that needed it.

That said, Malphite is still broken and should be nerfed.


Originally posted by czartaylor

ad is incredibly strong right now, and it's largely because all of the mythics are insanely good. Especially galeforce and kraken slayer, but shieldbow is almost as much of a problem too.

Duskblade is an annoying item, but functionally, it's a win more item. It's a mythic that provides way lower damage than other options for a utility passive that just isn't that useful. It looks incredibly unfair when ahead because it turns a snowballing champion nearly unstoppable, but doesn't actually do much to get you snowballing in the first place.

Khazix is the exception because it does actually give kha a ton of damage by resetting his passive and it synergizes incredibly well with what kha is already going (invisibility synergy, insanely low cooldowns, highly reliant on low kill time assassinations and resets).

Basically it's the mejais of ad mythic items. Looks insanely good when you're snowballing, and has specific unfair interactions (yuumi) but overall has a c...

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Big agree with this guy's/gal's points. Kha'Zix is obviously an abuse case cause stealth has special synergy, it's likely we will need to tune Kha to accommodate before season starts.

Originally posted by Macaulyn

Don't worry about not being seen, I added a link to your comment in the first post, so anyone that reads it will see it. I don't know/remember what was written in the post that you responded to (not this one, the previous one that was deleted), but I think perhaps you can try to see that person's point of view: the community had been told that healing was going to be reduced, but when this didn't happen, Riot didn't mention the change of plans. There have been many posts about the issue of excessive healing (I'll get to that soon) with no response from Riot, so it really feels like you wouldn't have said anything if that person had not been very harsh with their words. You can say that my post runs in a similar vein, but would you have tried to clarify anything or even responded if I had not worded it the way I did? I don't think you guys are setting out to ruin League, but you must understand that there is a huge power imbalance between player and dev team, multiple threads about ...

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But from my perspective we haven't really done a major shift in our direction. these points about goredrinker or yone building 2 lifesteal items and ravenous hunter are all just tuning points. Yeah I happily concede that the game is in a worse tuning state now than it was this summer. That'll just take some time to work out. With so many items, yone building 2 lifesteal items should be paying a price in other ways with other items he isn't building - and if thats not the case it'll get adjusted.

Similarly, Mundo and Raka are definitely down quite a bit right now - that's fine we can buff their healing

And if we need something in addition to GW, or it needs more buffs, we can work on that too later.

This isn't any different than normal balance work, so I don't expect us to announce it beyond actual projected work.

28 Dec


Originally posted by Ambushes

That's not what I'm saying though, for what reason would you go Horizon Focus over Void Staff? Void is:

1) Cheaper
2) Provides at least 10% damage 'amplification' against targets with at least 30 MR but scales much much better

You trade around 10 AP in terms of gold efficiency for a much better passive.

I suppose the argument exists for 'why not both?' but I don't think that's very good when you can build into Dcap after Void if you want pure damage, or an item that provides actual utility.

There's a few reasons.

  1. It has lower amount of power budget in AP relative to the gold spent (which also affects its multiplicative value with deathcap). This also makes it better on champions who have higher AP ratios compared to base damages.

  2. The 2 item spike is weaker than the alternative (consider Void + Amp Tome vs Horizon Focus on Syndra/Lissandra for example).

  3. Against a team of squishy champions that you can burst out and aren't buying MR, the Horizon Focus -> Deathcap angle is going to be better than the Void -> Deathcap angle, just due to the multiplicative effect on the AP from Horizon.

I'm not going to say that Void 2nd isn't a good choice sometimes (because it is a reasonable choice in many games, esp when they have a lot of melees who are building things like Merc Treads or early MR).

Having said all this, I would prefer if Void had higher %Pen compared to the AP to make the choice even mor...

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Originally posted by mdperino

Hey Rioter do you actually have a favorite Philly Brew?

This name just means I homebrew and I'm from Philadelphia. So my favorite phillybrew is something I've made.

Originally posted by _rascal3717

Players often feel that they only get noticed by the developers if they get a bunch of attention from the community. OP had a point to make, but if he didn't rally people together and people didn't upvote his post then you would not have seen the post, much less replied to it. I don't think this guy was trying to attack you devs, but in the communities eyes there is a big lack of communication that needs to be fixed asap.

yeah for sure its a natural consequence of the power imbalance between a dev and any individual player. but its not always a productive course of action. sometimes you just gotta eat the cost a bit (both devs and players). id say a good baseline is not assuming the people who chose to spend most of their waking hours thinking about league are also out to destroy league with lies and doublespeak. (its mostly the lie accusation from the prior post that ruffled my jimmies here)

Originally posted by Hellioning

The only GW item that I could conceivably see someone failing to apply the enhanced effect is Mortal Reminder. If someone is taking Putrifier they presumably have a CC they want to hit on people, and everything else is basically passive; my 60% GW on targets below 50% isn't really something I can control.

Also, I have more than enough anecdotes of someone with goredrinker or a lifesteal item still healing stupid amounts even with GW on for me not to like it.

even simple gates like ccing enemies or hitting them when they are below half hp is a hoop to jump through that restricts efficiency some of the times. especially at 2 second GW duration

Bit late here so this might get buried unfortunately

Theres a few issues with this I want to clarify

The original post I responded to was a straight accusation that we lied. That's ridiculous, when we talk about these things months in advance we always state that anything is subject to change pending further development. Perhaps we didn't communicate well enough here, or didn't think we needed to. But we gain nothing from lying, so random inflammatory post accusing us of such is kinda absurd.

This post runs in a similar vein but a bit less inflammatory. it still reads as a broad "You should be enraged now reddit!" alert that totally misrepresents the quote is referencing. In that quote, I state that our goal is not to reduce healing period, but to expand on the ways you can play around healing - including making GW stronger and more accessible to all champions. For example, Ignite is 60% GW instead of 50% now. This is a clarification that - hey we aren't rem...

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