League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

12 Nov


Hi friends, looking into this. A few things we have planned that may help as well as a few questions emerge:

Things we have planned: * The ability to scale the shop up and down * The ability to scale items in the all items/item sets views up and down independent of shop scale

Questions I have: * Which specific parts of the shop (not counting icon images) are difficult for you to read as a colorblind person? (Please also specify the type of colorblindness you have if possible) * Which items are giving you the most trouble as a colorblind person?


Originally posted by elektriko_EUW

Bro can you answer a question I’ve had for the longest time about the relation between space and temporality and the meaning of life and death? May I ask?

I can sure try!


Originally posted by Coolian77

I saw the new w and I prefer the old one, so can you guys pls revert it?

this is actually a bug! We're fixing it ASAP!!


Originally posted by AlexIsSoGreat


the old w was so good, if you changed it for visual clarity id say it was clarified enough before, this new one just looks wrong.

this is actually a bug! We're fixing it ASAP!!


Originally posted by EuG_GreeD

Not sure if you know it but its not only having pink wards and buying t1 supp pink item. If you have t1 with wards inside and u upgrade it by placing normal wards u also lose ur pinks. Same way if u have t2 with pinks and u upgrade to t3.

I had this in pbe too but thought it would get fixed

do you have any evidence/replay of this? I cannot reproduce it.


You reading my stupid jokes out loud is the highlight of my week.


'Tis bugged, will be fixed in the future, thanks for the feedback though. I agree, it can be hard to track what happened without the VFX it was designed to have.

11 Nov

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

Hey Reav3, there is a bit of confusion going on at Mundo, can you clarify it? The Mundo devblog said we will get one more blog this year, then the roadmap said next year and now Riot Nyanbun on Twitter said it is coming soon.

Currently it's planned for very early next year, same timeframe as the Fiddle devblog was this year


If anyone else runs into this, please DM me the game that it occurred and your summ name/server. TY

EDIT: Figured it out, thanks everyone


Originally posted by h20lover

I'm sorry, but the replay has expired. :c I'm Celestial Fire, if you guys have longer access to the replays. It'll be the first Janna game for today. But this has happened multiple times so far.

  1. Have control wards in inventory.
  2. Buy Stirring Wardstone.

Regardless of whether I have an additional slot or not, the control wards would get deleted. :c

I'll take a look at it, thanks

EDIT: Figured it out, thanks everyone


Originally posted by underpaidgamedev

Yep, I hated the new store when I played on PBE for the first day but the more I played the more I grew to the hate the old store so much I stopped playing on live.

You can just legit shop so much quicker once you know where everything is with the new setup.

They definitely need to add resizing tho.

We're looking into it. :)


Can you pass me the reproduction steps for this? It should remove the control wards in your inventory but grant the equivalent stacks on the wardstone. If you wouldn't mind checking the replay, that would be great, thanks.

EDIT: Figured it out, thanks everyone


Hah I appreciate people thinking we could nail the balance on the first real go, but more realistically it'll take some iterating from here. We are EXTREMELY ears-to-the-ground right now taking in all the data and feedback to iterate quickly on both the item system and individual champ/class balance. All the games you guys are playing and feedback you're giving is super helpful. In the meantime, enjoy the chaos!


Originally posted by Durgens226

Ofc instead of asking for a Shyvana skin everyone will just say "She is getting a rework soon, dont worry". With nothing being confirmed for her btw

Everyone will get a turn don’t you worry.