League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

31 Jul


Originally posted by D4ZR

Phreak talks here about having top lane carries feel good in the late game... which honestly I don't care about.

I might be in the minority here, but I'm just interested in top lane feeling less horrible for the other 80 percent of the game. I think all top lane changes should be completely focused on fixing how a entire game can be UTTERLY lost for top lane in the span of 1 minute. Bad jg gank from a counter pick matchup into getting frozen for 20 minutes OR the other option getting heralded 5 plated and being at an absurd gold deficit.

I'm not interested in aatrox being able to delete champs in 1 combo. I want top lane to be punished less for 1st pick and I want less snowball, less freeze, less unfun bs.

P.S. f**k Aatrox

One of the tasks coming up (IDK if it's on my sprint or not, I wasn't in last week) is identifying what we want the shape of top lane to be in modern League of Legends.

Most players tend to really not like the results of pure split pushing and I think I agree with them. Feels like they single-handedly decide who wins. Compared to a fed ADC, you can usually one-shot the ADC with Rengar or something and at least more people are involved in the game. This is a very short summary, to be clear.

I have ideas. Regardless, there needs to be a holistic look. Top lane in particular probably needs to snowball less, at least in the early game. It probably needs to be less decided by jungle ganks. And we need to figure out what actions a top laner is meant to take after 10 or so minutes into the game. Again, there is a lot to look at here.

What's funny (and this isn't really targeted at you in particular), last time I made a video talking about how I'd like to see top la...

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Originally posted by mystireon

out of curiousity, while 17% on u.gg isn't exactly the highest among champs and I'm sure it might also just be a deceptive stat.

What if anything does the balance team do when a champ has too high a pick rate for whatever reason?

Like I know some champions are insanely popular even when not really that strong but I can only assume that still has an effect on the game perspective as a whole as it could make metas feel stale so what happens then?

Like Kai'sa for example who's winrate seems about average with other ADCs but who's pickrate is like 40~% according to u.gg

I think punishing a champion for being popular is a very silly approach.

30 Jul


Originally posted by Ronizu

Do you have any stats of the average kills per game in soloqueue, let's say diamond+? Not sure if this is something you guys keep track of (well, you probably do in some way, but I don't know if the stats are easily accessible for you) but it would be interesting to see.



Worth noting that this is specially LCK games, not necessarily League of Legends as a whole. Historically the LCK has had incredibly low bloodiness, which was not remotely representative of the typical League game.


Originally posted by ToTheNintieth

Is that so? I'm using lolalytics as a point of reference, which has him at 52-ish in silver and gold and on the upper side of 54 for platinum and diamond, going up with ranking. Last I remembered, lolalytics was called a reasonably close approximation of internal data by Rioters. Is there another public site you'd recommend as having more accurate data?

Lolalytics win rates are fake. Look in the top right corner. See where it says "Average Emerald+ Win Rate: 52.xx%"? Yeah, you have to subtract that. That's the baseline for any champion at that tier for that website.

The vast majority of "but look at the win rate!" posts make this mistake.


I got trolled on the nexus in game 3, but hopefully recovered when it finally went down.

I'm happy to see how well G2 played but feel a little deflated for XL because they are a better team than they showed today. I'm hopeful to see how they will perform during the season finals.

I hope you had fun despite the short series, and I'll see you all for season finals!


Originally posted by l_Kage_l

Thank you for explaining. Your communication here has been astounding ever since you got into the balance team. I bet every one appreciates this, please please keep it up!

My pleasure. My challenge now is to have better emotional control and not let the frequent antagonism get to me.


Originally posted by ToTheNintieth

It's interesting because despite Reddit claiming Aatrox is giga-busted, he was in 1 of 9 LCS playoff games this week and there isn't a single minor league on the patch that has him at 100% presence.

His winrate in solo queue is off the charts, though

It’s like 51-52% at every skill bracket. That is well within the charts.


Originally posted by WoonStruck

How many times have we buffed damage as opposed to durability

The problem with this is that they don't question "how significantly have we buffed damage in any given instance versus durability, and how often?"

Nerfs are most often flat nerfs, or nerfs to base stats as opposed to scaling now, while buffs VERY often include buffs to scaling, especially in terms of CDs. Riot has given many significant scaling buffs over the years when champs aren't popular but aren't weak, and the overall impact typically goes unseen even when they become popular as most games don't reach 4-5 items.

Mid-late game fights are extremely obnoxious now as a result of this. This is why games are often nuclear arms races. Champs just scale too fast in general now combined with the global gold increases, power creep among items, and runes over the 13+ years league has been out.

This wasn’t a thorough analysis. It was simply, hey, in 15 minutes we can check a binary patch note. This was just an off-hand comment, don’t read too much into it.

We have much better ways of tracking the actual game impact. We have a report for how long each death takes, for example.


Originally posted by Makomako_mako

you're referring to viewer impact though, with things like measures of excitement, i would say

Yeah absolutely. However, a huge portion of the game is driven by pro play. I'm not talking about our changes in reaction, I'm talking about actual regular player behavior. Azir's play rate spiked when he got buffed in 13.11. It then spiked again (at a somewhat similar magnitude) because he got picked in pro. Like, the act of Faker picking him almost had as much impact as 2% win rate of buffs.

So when the pro play meta was Jinx vs. Aphelios every game and a snoozefest tank vs. tank in top lane, it's incredibly easy for players to say, "See? The game is just all about whichever bot lane wins, top is useless." And while certainly that is directionally accurate, the degree to which that's true isn't. But from what I've seen of playoffs so far, the carriability of each role seems a lot more fair. And I expect that to trickle down to other players.

Outside of that, pro is also a decent indication of the game overall. It's certainly not identical to the ...

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Originally posted by Makomako_mako

2:1 ratio of carries to non-carries in top in pro play


Plenty of reasons. A few:

  • Side lane 1v1s are cool
  • This is a role with a dedicated source of gold/xp income. Players of the role should be able to use it.
  • Every role should be able to carry but you shouldn't have to every game.

Tank vs. tank top lanes are generally low excitement and tends to actually pan out as just waiting around to fight around whichever bot lane wins. That said, tanks are good for League of Legends. They should be viable in many roles so that teams always have access to a strong tank in champ select across a variety of roles.


Originally posted by Jstin8

Wait, I’m sorry if I’m reading this wrong, but are you saying that Sion nerfs were planned for a perfectly balanced champ simply because you felt there were too many tanks top and the nerfs for the actual over preforming tank weren’t ready yet?

Because assuming I havent made a complete hash out of understanding your comment, that seems like a completely shit idea

Sion isn't perfectly balanced. When planning changes on 13.14 his win rate was well within reason for calling for a nerf in anywhere except the top ~1% of players. But that's discretionary. We don't balance the game purely by numbers, we are merely informed by them. We've stated that we'll nerf something if it reaches some threshold and we hold to that. The rest is our choice. For example, Kai'Sa only just barely qualifies as a data-driven nerf because she was 80% present in top leagues over 13.12 and 13.13. If she had 8% lower pro presence in 13.12 she wouldn't qualify. But even outside of that we'd have acted anyway.

Also, K'Sante hasn't qualified as a data-driven pro nerf since the 13.12 nerf. There's no data in any level of play that says he should be a nerf target. Nothing indicates he's "problematic" from a solo queue win rate, ban rate, or pro presence stance. This doesn't mean he shouldn't receive changes.


Originally posted by Phr33k101

Phreak actually said that stats disprove this. According to one of his patch breakdowns, toplane having an advantage very early is a good indicator of which team will win, but if that advantage develops midgame or later then it actually has little impact on overall winrate. Instead, any of the other roles getting a lead in the midgame or later is a better indicator for overall winrate than top. So, unless you are absolutely dominant in toplane from the get-go, you probably are not going to be a 1v9 machine anymore, and everyone else having a lead is going to be more important than you.

To clarify:

You're overstating the gulf in late-game somewhat. There are some top laners that still express their late game leads as game victory better than even the most snowbally bot laners (Kayle and Tryndamere are the biggest standouts). You're correct that the overall trend does shift toward bot lane as games go later.

My belief is that every role should have both solid early snowball and late game carry options. Darius and Kayle don't need to have the same agency curves as one another. That likely means reigning in some things as well as buffing others.

29 Jul


Originally posted by relrax

Explanation is pretty simple:
Riot wants strong but not op carry toplaners at worlds. The fastest way to get balance to where you want it, is to overshoot, go back some amount and from there take smaller and smaller balance changes to push into desired direction.

If riot buffs aatrox by a really small amount for 5 patches, he might not even be strong enough for worlds meta.

Let me shoot part of your claim down real quick:

  1. We want carry tops to be relevant. This is the true part of your claim. For example, there were tentative Sion nerfs in the patch because K'Sante changes weren't ready for 13.14 and we want to hit a 2:1 ratio of carries to non-carries in top in pro play. There are no individual favorites, just a general goal for the shape of pro play.
  2. The goal for Aatrox was +1.5% win rate. Personally, I like to skew changes toward flatting out win rate by MMR and also want to skew top lane changes toward fewer kills early game (lane is thus less snowbally and thus over after first blood or a good gank) and stronger late-game carry potential. Either way, the goal was 1.5% win rate. What we got, averaged out across all ranks, was like 3.5%. As designers we have oversight from the rest of the team and GAT (Gameplay Analysis Team, a group of largely Masters/GM/ex-pro players) who also help validate magnitudes and direction. For wh...
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Originally posted by Laure-Bulii-V




Originally posted by KnightsWhoNi

How is Cassiopeia escaping nerfs?!

She has hotfix nerfs on live already


Originally posted by S890127

Remember when TFT was showed as 8 Kai'sa in one game in match history?

Thats what you actually are "playing" if I understand it correctly, or at least thats how it used to be.

28 Jul


Originally posted by WoonStruck

I agree its small.

I just remember being incredibly disappointed a few years ago by the Rioter who said it would be cool if Horizon Focus amplified Vel'Koz true damage, and it clearly being approved since items, which didn't amplify true damage before, now amplify true damage.

I was simply wondering where broad stances on something like that landed now.

Pre-rework Swain E used to multiply true damage on purpose so that it multiplied him running Ignite. It was designer intent of "this works the way I feel like it should" benefitting the player being more important than rules consistency.

To be clear, consistency is never the most important rule. It's nice to have when there aren't more important priorities. It helps the game be learnable and is a positive, just not the most important design consideration.


Originally posted by Ramus_N

We are still waiting to find out if Ixtal is a real place or if Milio is a paid actor.

Is this "Ixtal" in the room with us now?


Originally posted by ImSoFar

You add real ducks in the river?

and frogs