League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

02 Aug


Originally posted by Whodoesntlovetwob

It's removed from tier 1 now? Why?

Tier 1 smite can't damage champions and doesn't slow pets.

Tier 2 and tier 3 smite (the two that can damage champions) should be unchanged against champions and mimic all the same rules against pets unless someone else shipped a change meant as a jungle nerf.


Originally posted by yorick_support

On lethality build, it might be stronger at rank 1 but falls of at rank 2. There's less incentive to build hp items, we go for build pure damage instead.

Having base armor/mr is functionally a multiplier on the HP ratio. The late game HP ratio is essentially higher than before.


Originally posted by Raffaele520

I can understand the smite changes on pets, now it should become more a team effort.

But why removing the slow from the first smite upgrade? It doesn't impact the early game, it's just a f you to junglers. Are all main ADC at riot or what

Pretty sure that's a misquote in the patch notes or it's someone else's change. I didn't remove the slow from t2 smite.

01 Aug


Originally posted by Jragon713

Fixed a bug that was causing Gangplank’s R Silver Serpent upgrades to not correctly display the icons.

One Arena Gangplank bug down, one to go!

Unfortunately, the one they didn't fix is the one that impacts gameplay 😭

Its fixed, we'll make sure its in the patch notes


These are incredible. I laughed, I cried, 10/10.


Originally posted by microsoftpaintt

I'd be curious about champs like Zeri/MF/Samira who have abilities that can crit. Zeri in particular has a way higher pickrate with Navori but she still has a decent amount of games with IE. IE has almost a 2% higher winrate(lolalytics).

IE is goated for Samira. Collector IE is a cracked build. Yeah the untargetability sometimes matters but she's so good at applying both of those items.

Zeri is also a good IE user, yeah. Players should typically buy it instead of Quickblades.


I'd be challenger in all of these

Great job on the icons!!

31 Jul


Good luck friend! Rooting for you and interested in the results.


Originally posted by ThomasFromNork

Ie now has the opposite problem though. There's like no champs that buy it bc it's extremely underwhelming in that it just provides stats

This is false. It’s BiS on Yasuo Yone Jinx Caitlyn Aphelios, and maybe a few others that I haven’t checked.


Originally posted by InfieldTriple

Maybe I should clarify, I know you do game design, I meant like I didn't get the impression that you are on the preseason team (which would be responsible for changes like changing how top interacts with the game). And if you are, that is not the purpose of this particular video and the Aatrox change. If that's not fair either, I can delete my comment because apparently I'm woefully uninformed.

Really just depends on the scope of the work. We absolutely can make large systemic changes on the Live pod.


Originally posted by InfieldTriple

Right, its not really Phreaks job. He is on balance changes, not game design stuff. Maybe he will do some preseason work in that vein but that is not the point of what he can do as far as balance changes are concerned over a short period.

Not really an accurate description of my job, tbh.


Originally posted by D4ZR

Phreak talks here about having top lane carries feel good in the late game... which honestly I don't care about.

I might be in the minority here, but I'm just interested in top lane feeling less horrible for the other 80 percent of the game. I think all top lane changes should be completely focused on fixing how a entire game can be UTTERLY lost for top lane in the span of 1 minute. Bad jg gank from a counter pick matchup into getting frozen for 20 minutes OR the other option getting heralded 5 plated and being at an absurd gold deficit.

I'm not interested in aatrox being able to delete champs in 1 combo. I want top lane to be punished less for 1st pick and I want less snowball, less freeze, less unfun bs.

P.S. f**k Aatrox

One of the tasks coming up (IDK if it's on my sprint or not, I wasn't in last week) is identifying what we want the shape of top lane to be in modern League of Legends.

Most players tend to really not like the results of pure split pushing and I think I agree with them. Feels like they single-handedly decide who wins. Compared to a fed ADC, you can usually one-shot the ADC with Rengar or something and at least more people are involved in the game. This is a very short summary, to be clear.

I have ideas. Regardless, there needs to be a holistic look. Top lane in particular probably needs to snowball less, at least in the early game. It probably needs to be less decided by jungle ganks. And we need to figure out what actions a top laner is meant to take after 10 or so minutes into the game. Again, there is a lot to look at here.

What's funny (and this isn't really targeted at you in particular), last time I made a video talking about how I'd like to see top la...

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Originally posted by mystireon

out of curiousity, while 17% on u.gg isn't exactly the highest among champs and I'm sure it might also just be a deceptive stat.

What if anything does the balance team do when a champ has too high a pick rate for whatever reason?

Like I know some champions are insanely popular even when not really that strong but I can only assume that still has an effect on the game perspective as a whole as it could make metas feel stale so what happens then?

Like Kai'sa for example who's winrate seems about average with other ADCs but who's pickrate is like 40~% according to u.gg

I think punishing a champion for being popular is a very silly approach.

30 Jul


Originally posted by Ronizu

Do you have any stats of the average kills per game in soloqueue, let's say diamond+? Not sure if this is something you guys keep track of (well, you probably do in some way, but I don't know if the stats are easily accessible for you) but it would be interesting to see.



Worth noting that this is specially LCK games, not necessarily League of Legends as a whole. Historically the LCK has had incredibly low bloodiness, which was not remotely representative of the typical League game.


Originally posted by ToTheNintieth

Is that so? I'm using lolalytics as a point of reference, which has him at 52-ish in silver and gold and on the upper side of 54 for platinum and diamond, going up with ranking. Last I remembered, lolalytics was called a reasonably close approximation of internal data by Rioters. Is there another public site you'd recommend as having more accurate data?

Lolalytics win rates are fake. Look in the top right corner. See where it says "Average Emerald+ Win Rate: 52.xx%"? Yeah, you have to subtract that. That's the baseline for any champion at that tier for that website.

The vast majority of "but look at the win rate!" posts make this mistake.


I got trolled on the nexus in game 3, but hopefully recovered when it finally went down.

I'm happy to see how well G2 played but feel a little deflated for XL because they are a better team than they showed today. I'm hopeful to see how they will perform during the season finals.

I hope you had fun despite the short series, and I'll see you all for season finals!


Originally posted by l_Kage_l

Thank you for explaining. Your communication here has been astounding ever since you got into the balance team. I bet every one appreciates this, please please keep it up!

My pleasure. My challenge now is to have better emotional control and not let the frequent antagonism get to me.


Originally posted by ToTheNintieth

It's interesting because despite Reddit claiming Aatrox is giga-busted, he was in 1 of 9 LCS playoff games this week and there isn't a single minor league on the patch that has him at 100% presence.

His winrate in solo queue is off the charts, though

It’s like 51-52% at every skill bracket. That is well within the charts.