League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

04 Sep


Originally posted by prowness

Nah he’s technically right since DL boosted TL. PastryTime likes this kind of obscure knowledge so I wouldn’t challenge him on it.

Prowness wins the award for remembering DLs streaming break was broken up by saving Team Liquid from being relegated!

It wasn't a full split, but yes technically LiftLift did play in Spring '17.


Originally posted by DanteMasamune

popularity matters a bunch in these metrics since champions that are almost never seen are seen ten times more in other regions and the reverse happens too

Agreed actually. I think the biggest critique me saying "players find X champion less frustrating in this region" is that playrate likely plays a huge role.

You won't be as frustrated with a champion if you never see it, and you're likely going to be more frustrated by a champion if you constantly have to deal with it every other game.


Originally posted by Uthor

Didn't DL take a split off in spring 2017?

He technically played on Team Liquid for a couple games at the end there.


Originally posted by HubblePie

I'm kind of curious to see where this data's coming from

From our Mass Champion survey (giant survey we run in a bunch of major regions to assess champions on a number of different things).

It's a nice addition to playrate and winrate data (those being behavioral data, Mass Champion being sentiment data)

If you check my comments I responded more in depth about the details of the survey to some other people in the thread.


Originally posted by MasterOfBinary

Agreed. As long as Riot isn't releasing full datasets on this stuff, I find these tweets from Blaustoise shitting on community sentiment frustrating at best and antagonistic at worst. Want to complain that only NA finds something frustrating? Fine. Release the question asked, who was asked it, sample size, answers received, etc. He constantly hides behind cherrypicked stats that the community doesn't have access to, and everyone acts like it's totally fine. So long as they're not releasing the methodology and data behind these talking points, it's not a discussion with the community - it's shifting blame.

Question asked:

Next, consider these specific aspects of [CHAMPION]'s gameplay in League of Legends and rate your agreement with the following statements:  

 [CHAMPION] is frustrating to play against.

Answers: 5 point likert (Strongly disagree to Strongly agree)


Who was asked:

Active League of Legends players throughout the month of October, 2019, in 5 major regions: North America, Brazil, EUW, Korea, and China.


Sample Size:~150k for the total survey, ~30k per region. Respondents randomly see 3 champions to evaluate, 90,000 total evaluations per region, ~600 per champion per region. So "NA Yuumi" data is n~600, "CN Yuumi" data is n~600.


Answers received:

As stated above, it was a likert score. Scores are then ranked per demographic or split that you want (so Pyke h...

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03 Sep


Originally posted by DarkLeoDude

Depends on the sample size of data. How many people are actually filling out these surveys and giving a rundown of EVERY champion in the game?

Most likely it's small fractions of a fraction of a percent, which leads to wild swings like this.

From the most recent survey:

NA, 30,000 players each evaluate 3 champions randomly selected.

Total of 90,000 champion evaluations from 30,000 players

For the ~145 champions on this survey, that comes out to over 600 players per champion per region.

It's difficult because given the number of champions we have (now 150), and if we want to slice the data by region (let's say we do 5 regions), the survey gets pretty massive. Around ~150,000 total players surveyed. Hence "Mass" Champion survey


Originally posted by GaggedAndDrooling

lol it's blaustoise. He never shares the source of his comments. He just cherry picks points of data that only he has access to and abuses his privilege to make a point that no one can say anything against.

The source is from our Mass Champion Survey (many devs have referenced it before, myself included. We've talked about it in official blog posts too). It's a survey we run in some of our largest regions that asks players their opinions about champions regarding everything from being frustrating to play against, their visual design, to their VO and lore.

The survey is distributed via the client (it gives a link to a Qualtrics survey). It's a pretty massive sample size, typically 30-40 thousand players per region. There's actually a high likelihood that players within this thread have taken it before.

As for cherry-picking, it was an interesting regional disparity that I wanted to highlight. I highlighted some other disparities too, but Yuumi in NA vs CN was one of the biggest once I found. I also pointed out that a bunch of champions are pretty close in rank for "frustrating to play against" across regions surveyed to demonstrate that it's not just all champions that...

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Originally posted by 2th

He went on to post the top 10 for NA which were (formatted for better view)

From 2019, the top 10 most frustrating champs in NA were:

  • Pyke
  • Fizz
  • Zoe
  • Akali
  • Teemo
  • Shaco
  • Vladimir
  • Rengar
  • Yasuo
  • Master Yi


EDIT -- Check my comment history for full details on the survey

grabbing the top comment to say:

data is from October 2019. It's why in another thread I remarked that Korea is more likely to find champions frustrating if they have high pro-play presence (they disproportionately found Pantheon, Renekton, and Leblanc frustrating relative to other regions.

We typically run this survey around end-of-year, so we'll update data for 2020.

Champions not included:

- Samira, Yone, Lillia, Sett, Aphelios, Senna, Voli + Fiddle updates (only old versions)


These are also the only two players to have played in every single split of the LCS as well, pretty wild they're still successful after competing for SO long.


Originally posted by RazorRipperZ

I had a feeling Samira’s developer also made Sylas

Seeing your flair, I worked on Zoe too :P


Originally posted by WoopzEh

You're my favorite Kindle :)

I only get to do this job because we have awesome players like yourself <3


Originally posted by Swagsparian

I love Lillia btw, give my congratulations to whoever created her

Will do!


Originally posted by SkinkeDraven69

If you have any sort of authority in this, let it be known, that the people want Rabadon's to keep it's face!



These are neat :)

Important to note that the versions teased are not finalized. This means that detail work can still happen, things can be sharpened, or changed entirely as we gain more data from playtests.


Originally posted by xScarletDragonx

Currently Dark star and Firecracker Ao shin are misplaced, when you buy firecracker and use it in game you end up with dark star, and vice versa.

Other then that, I noticed his guitar emote is a lot quieter and seems to randomly fade out where Choncc and Umbra's do not. Unsure which party is bugged here but figured I'd mention it anyways.

Umbra has my heart but this lil lizard is a close second, I love how good his turning and stuff is! Great job to the team who worked on him :D

Thank you so much for the kind words!

We fixed Ao Shin's guitar emote, it was indeed fading out.

I'll check on the Dark Star and Firecracker error. Thanks!


Originally posted by all_nighters

The second half of Ao Shin's guitar riff has no sound

Thanks for the report! this is now fixed!

Originally posted by Caenen_

Yes the change different from the patch notes. However I believe the 100-60% (floors at 5 targets) scaling that's in game and in the tooltip is the intended one, and the patch notes are using wrong/outdated info.

/u/GreaterBelugaWhale could you comment on this?

yeah sry this is patchnote error. its intended to be -10%, down to a minimum of 60%

02 Sep

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by legendstaff21

Is there any chance you can give us an update on the next roadmap? I believe you said it would come out after Samira. Can we expect it within a couple weeks after she hits live servers, or will there be a larger gap this time?

Edit: Also, can we know who's designing the kit for the Ultra-heavy tank support?

The Roadmap will be out sometime at the end of this month, working on it now. The tank is being designed by Stashu


It's awesome that this is getting recognition! We had some interns over the summer on the champions engineering team who were absolutely insane and got so much done. This was one of the last things!

Glad we got it in!