League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

02 Sep

Originally posted by fr0z3nph03n1x

Sticky this thread. In a few weeks we are going to be reading another one of these:

I posted this as the original comment. I knew we would be back here, I was just waiting for it. I appreciate your response on this old thread. It's interesting to get your insight that the decision to revert was complaint based as well as data based.

very few changes per patch are data forced. most are a blend of looking at data and looking at sentiment

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Originally posted by StopDyingMan

How about the "sensational mage" that's coming after Samira? I mean, her designer


Originally posted by fr0z3nph03n1x

 The buff to Shen in 10.15 made him a bit stronger than expected, so we’re pulling back slightly. 

Nah, we all expected it. I get trying to mix up the meta but at least be honest with the messaging.

Sure, I'm a fan of honesty. He's not actually overpowered but ppl complained more than expected.

Also wtf this is a month old thread how did u even get here


Originally posted by Ronizu

Is there a reason you didn't include this in the QoL section of patch notes? Things like these are ones that we'd really like to know about and not have to rely on spotting them randomly.

The intention was to have it in the patch notes, but there was a small miscommunication between teams. It'll be appended into the 10.18 notes in the near future.

I'm glad you discovered it and made this thread!


Originally posted by SwiftStriker00

Thanks for the clarification! Any word on /u/DoomedExp 's question about neeko?

Neeko's clone & disguise should work!

From an ally perspective, she'll always be called Neeko. Her clones won't have a name over their HP bar either.

From an enemy perspective, Neeko and her clone will inherit the name of the champion she's disguised as. This should update correctly when she transforms out of enemy vision


Originally posted by FapinMind

Client bugfixes are the mvp this update with one for all



Originally posted by AnswerIsSpeedforce

We appreciate you guys <3 as much as comments are often hateful the silent majority are not



You can also toggle the setting though Options -> Interface. https://imgur.com/a/ZsA0q0h

There's still a weird issue where the game thinks this is Blitzcrank, even though it's clearly not him. https://imgur.com/a/StqPBgr...

Read more

There will be a World's Pass.


Originally posted by relaxxer

Thats weird. Almost the same happened to me. I was about to go to sauna and there I was getting ready, slipped out of my clothes, opened the door and Quickshot was there to wash my back... best backwash Ive ever had. LEC REALLY is everywhere.

Remember to scrub behind your ears next time too. Seriously, it's important.

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Originally posted by goku332

Do we know who designed Samira's kit?


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Originally posted by Trumpalot

The real question is how much Devil May Cry were you all smoking when you designed this one?

DMC is a hell of a drug


Originally posted by ThaiTie31

My reaction is I just lost my permaban for the next 3 months :( she looks fun tho

Yeah I think she fall into that category of 'if my team picks her they will hard int, if their team picks her they will hard carry'


Originally posted by Nevran

What is your favorite new gen Fighting Game (like let's take GGXRD, SFV, Tekken 7, DBFZ, Grandblue Fantasy, BCTB, the last MK and the last UNIST)?

GGXRD even though I suck at it! I can't get enough of GG character designs. I've just been learning Answer recently I love how bm he is. Tekken 7 is the hero of this gen though imo - about time a game eclipsed SF.


Originally posted by Vulpoison

What is the Sylas ult interaction with Samira? Can he not use it, does he need to build combo to use it, or can he use it right out the gate?

As the ultimate villain he can just use it. Point his fingers like guns and yells 'bang bang bang!'


Originally posted by DerpSenpai

Dodging the heavy hitters means your path to finals is also harder though

Not if they are throwing each other out of the tournament first.