League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

07 Jul


Originally posted by Senoshu

Hello! Mind if I ask a question? What was the justification for going true damage on the Q over adaptive? While I realize she's supposed to be a jungler, I feel like she's shaping up to be really feast/famine as a top laner. She'll either not deal enough damage/not have enough sustain to get rolling, or she'll relentlessly stomp you everytime you walk back to lane with an overwhelming MS stacking passive, a long range slow (needs skill though so not as bad) and an unavoidable hard CC if you fail to dodge anything.

I would be worried of the scenario where people take her top, she gets an early advantage from a bad play or her jungler ganking, and she just runs you down over and over. You won't even be able to tank it out because she has true damage on the Q. This wouldn't be a problem but unlike Darius, she has way better MS in addition to a slow. I feel like she'll just CC you with E/R, and then rip your HP bar with true damage Q while you can't move.

The true damage is there so she can fight tanks. She loves being able to just hit them and back off.

Keep in mind she's not really a burst character unless you build deathcap + other heavy AP items, so unless she gets really really ahead, she isn't one shotting you. She is very squishy baseline, and really can't stand toe to toe with a darius or sett unless she's waaaaay far ahead.


Originally posted by dillydadally

I feel like this is the key thing that's missing from the video. Watching it, I felt like her kit was just two aoe damage spells and a generic projectile that slows. Not exactly exciting dynamic stuff, but what you described sounds fun.

It's just her Q though that adds a stack of speed though - not every ability - right?

Nope, its all of them.


Originally posted by BadRequest121

How are you supposed to stack that up? If the stacks fall off at a rate of 1 per second, and she can only get one stack from each cast, the only way that will ever stack is if Q has a CD less than 1 second. As it’s 4 seconds, you’re never going to be able to get a second stack. Plus, the movement speed lasts longer than the stack? How does that work?

They last for 5 seconds, after which they begin falling off.


Originally posted by jhueckel

The video said it's blocked by terrain. Doesn't that mean that it'll hit turrets? Feel like it'd be hard to angle it from fountain so it won't hit the inhibitors or turrets and go all the way to lane

hard, but not impossible.


Originally posted by zd625

I saw the % but what's her base moment speed



Originally posted by dirtypeasantneedshel

'lulling people to their dreams' would be equally creepy so i dont think you can do much better

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Originally posted by dirtypeasantneedshel

oh we'll find a way, my guy. vandiril is on it i'm pretty sure.

nervous sweating


Originally posted by CelioHogane

which doesn't make sense considering Akali, Ahri, Evelynn, and Senna got their Prestige versions way later than their base versions.

Even if they were released later, they were still done at the same time, just released later.

What this basically means is "We are doing a prestige skin for a skin that we designed a while ago"



Originally posted by Simple_really

if her E gives vision it will be stupid strong for scouting baron

, he

You need an angle on it. She can't get it into the pit from anywhere, its blocked by terrain.

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Originally posted by adenrafael

Will the masked assassin be complex? Like Riven, Akali or Irelia. Hope you're able to talk about this :(



Originally posted by IcyColdStare

The beginning of the Udyr video had me in tears. Complete silence into Annie just getting BOPPED. I can't stop rewatching it lmao

VFX stuff is neat too

Hahaha, didn't even notice that. Glad you like the changes!


Originally posted by NuclearBurrit0

btw what's her Q CD like?



Originally posted by RiYaZeD

The only problem I got when using that skin is ITS EXISTENCE, SHE JUST GOT A SKIN LIKE 3 MONTHS AGO!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, she did just get a skin, but that was an Esports skin selected by the player. It falls outside our planned skins. It's been a while since her last non-esports skin.


Originally posted by GA_Deathstalker

Ok I also got a much darker impression. Nice to know

I mean, she's going to kill you in League. That's just a given.


Originally posted by czartaylor

I guess my skepticism comes from Riot historically (and iirc they've admitted to do so) holding off on any work like that if there was a vgu or even just a VU in the foreseeable future. Is that not a thing anymore?

I'm not aware of this, at least not for VFX Updates. We've never took into account VGUs or other projects that might remove our work.


Originally posted by The_Yeti_Rider

how does her ult work with sylas?

When Sylas takes her ult, his skills apply the dream dust that he can use to sleep them. He doesn’t get the damage from the passive though.


Originally posted by MyPetKoala

Does her movement animation change with move speed? Like if she gets stacked movespeed she can hop really far? Would be really interesting

She has three movement anims. Zero stacks, 1-4 stacks, and 5 stacks.


On wings of night, a new Vayne has swooped on to the PBE.

Spirit Blossom Vayne is hitting the Rift with:

  • New models and textures!
  • New VFX!
  • New SFX!
  • New recall animation!

Spirit Blossom Vayne is set to be 1350 RP.

Spirit Blossom Vayne will be available to play soon on PBE! You know what that means? It’s feedback time! If you have thoughts about this festive skin then let us know in the thread below! I will be lurking around, all stealthy like, hunting the feedback.

Thanks for the feedback everyone! We have noted that there is some cohesion difficulties between the skin and the emotes/icons. The team felt it important to not hide Vayne's face as it makes it very hard to show any kind of expression in the icons/emotes. As for some of the other things mentioned we have decided not to make any changes at this time.

External link →

Originally posted by Blueby5

