League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

14 Jul


Originally posted by cjsc9079

Just feels pointless if they aren't going to update his model.

(Yes I know, the updated model is his ultimate, haven't heard that one a million times)

As I've mentioned countless times in multiple platforms, including on every single previous VFX update boards post, these updates do not influence or change any plan we might or might not have concerning VGUs or any other updates/changes.

These are passion projects we're doing on our free time to try and improve the game for both the players of those champions and their opponents. Improving gameplay clarity and reducing overall noise is our main objective.

Originally posted by Huzzl3

Just wondering, why is shen getting buffed? According to their framework, a champion has to be below 49% winrate in the "Skilled" bracket to be considered underpowered.

But he sits at 51%+ already?

framework sets boundaries that requires changes, it does not prevent other changes.

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by tjorii

“we hear you. and we’ve decide to implement a change. so in patch 10.15 you will see we have removed item descriptions entirely to avoid any confusion.”

I can promise you one thing, that will not be the change :)

    /u/Am1t8 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Thank you for bringing this up! We are going to look into this and get a fix in soon, appreciate the feedback!

13 Jul


Originally posted by KXylo

I'll be requesting for Riot Flair on Monday.
For the longest time I didn't really think that I can bring any value to you guys on reddit, but I think I can now. I work on the skins team as a sound designer, and whenever we receive feedback like these we go over it and see if we have the bandwidth and capability to fix it.

Notified the team that worked on Arcanist Kog'maw. Thanks for bringing this to the light.


Originally posted by Chiramijumaru

Leaving this a little late, but why are you guys releasing 18 new skins and making them all legacy?

That's a terrible idea, for a long time Sylas's only skin was legacy, so anyone who picked him up after release was forced to use default even if he was their main, and now we're doing it AGAIN with Lillia?

Legacy skins can't make money 11 months out of the year, so what's the impetus behind this system?

These skins are not Legacy.

Originally posted by Papaya_Dreaming


Funny story, I only know the random fact that the Riot LA lunch area is called the Bilge. A long time ago I threw a bunch of random office terminology at RiotMasterCheese Cactopus and he bought it for a hot minute.

Anyway hope the stay at home order is not too brutal! I work for an essential business and thus have to go into the office, hence my small mistake in the fact.

One day I'll try to apply to Riot...

its not called the bilge. bilgewater is a coffee/drinks bar, but actual meals are at noms. :)

many of our old champs reallly REALLY need visual updates :(. One at a time i guess

don't let your dreams be (only) memes.


A number of bug fixes have gone out for crashes as of today's PBE deploy (finished about 2 hours ago). Reply here with a new ZIP of your Logs if you're encountering a game crash still. Also include what behavior you experienced leading up to the crash if you can!

A decent number of the crashes being experience are related to the DirectX 11 testing we're doing on PBE right now. DX11 will be disabled on PBE with Wednesday's update for the rest of the 10.15 PBE cycle so we can finish preparing 10.15 for Live release.


or the classic "stand on a trap as blitz / thresh to get the free hook on the headshotting caitlyn" bait. my favorite

Originally posted by Papaya_Dreaming

Have you gotten lunch yet? Know the long tables in the Bilge closest to the windows? I'll leave a post-it with a smiley on the rightmost side facing towards the food.

edit: please... buff him, nerf him, remove him from the game and make him a shopkeeper... please do something about his 3d model's lips. I love him more than life itself but when I zoom in I gotta speak up.

good luck doing that with all of California under stay at home order.


Originally posted by OmArB_1

is there any solution yet?

No solution yet. Team is back at it today following the weekend. I think we're good on Logs now. Just a matter of finding the right fix before pushing it out to PBE. Don't have an ETA though.

Are you a coworker? Should I buff Teemo?

12 Jul


Originally posted by titisos

We are 2 tier 1 players. My friend plays mid and I can adc/jg. IGN : TheWorstPlayrNA

Hmm our ADC and Jungler can only play ADC/Jungle/Mid combos -- I think at Tier 1, they would get wrecked in an off-role.


Slots filled thanks everyone

IGN: Riot Codebear

LFM: 2 Spots Open
Roles: Top/Mid or Fill

Current Tier 2

Looking for chill people to fill the open roles and hopefully get a win. Feel free to DM or add me in game.


Originally posted by AlexIsntTexas

it feels so good watching vlad players get chainccd to death
