League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

12 Jul


Originally posted by Trampoline8

I doubt it makes any difference. The drops seems like they are just hard-coded though. Definitely not as advertised. They were supposed to be dynamic and drop depending on the game state. E.g. someone picks up a penta or a hype Baron steal.

There are actually some of each. Some have set times that we look to drop. Others have event triggers. Hopefully we can add more clarity around these sorts of things over time.


Originally posted by Siraeyou

The latest Dive episode actually went into this when they were discussing the "Tier 2 teams" Where Kobe initially was placing EG higher up in the rankings of the stack, but took back his opinion after MarkZ basically laid out his argument that EG was bottom of the list of Tier 2 teams at best due to their failures to turn around wins against teams they were supposed to win against based on the credits given to them.

I actually say TSM and TL above FLY/EG right from the start!


Originally posted by yeffington

How long will The Dive be continuing to make excuses for EG? I don't think they're bad, but The Dive had them as a top 3 team this last week and they're just not.

I didn't ;)

I had TL and TSM behind C9 and said it twice in the last episode.

10 Jul


Originally posted by KnightTea

Am not 100% if this is intentional or a bug, but if you have Conqueror rune she will gain 4 stacks if you hit an enemy with a spell i think it might be related to her passive.

Intentional, works the same as Bard/Brand


Originally posted by OmArB_1

Sry but the servers are down i can't even login into the client, and as they said it needs 1 more hour so i will try tomorrow is it okay?

yup that's fine! I'll be bringing the servers back up in probably 20 minutes.


Originally posted by OmArB_1

I will try it now

ehh I'd wait an hour or so. I'm about to bring the server down.


Originally posted by OmArB_1

It has been 3 days and i have been trying to play a single game , when i find a game, after champ select, the screen goes black for like 3 mins and them back to client with a reconnect button. I tried the "initiate full repair" but still didn't work. Tried most of the solutions on the internet and none of them worked for me, even if i try a custom game and if i try the tutorial it goes back to client and tries to repair with a timer(about 5-6 mins) https://gofile.io/d/pTMBXf

Doesn't look like you sent any logs from matchmade games. Could you delete your Logs folder, then play a matchmade game to reproduce this crash, close the game and client, then ZIP your whole Logs folder (it should generate a new one) and share that here?


Originally posted by ouvar12

yeah now all we need is some way to stop the 30 mins it takes to get into a game because if anyone picks the camp they want they dodge, every time. Took me and a friend just under an hour to get into game without either of us wanting to play lillia

Definitely open to suggestions on ways to reduce dodging. Things off the table are permanent One For All (or any other non-permanent game mode) because that's way too much overhead cost on the modes team to maintain that rotating game mode every single patch, and increasing the penalty for dodging, because PBE is by nature less than stable and we don't want to make the experience of losing connection or having a poor connection worse by penalizing you for that.

09 Jul


I guess I'm looking at Kayn and Thresh scripts again here soon.

Thanks for the report, sorry this happened! I can look at this the next time I take a stab at some bugs.


Originally posted by mysticturtle12

It's about maintaining that apperance.

These big companies know damn well that leaks generate hype and it's a pretty commonly known pracrtice that many of them "leak" things out or at least purposefully don't keep things monitored because they know the leak will just generate even more hype.

This ain’t it.


Originally posted by hiiplaymwmonk

I feel like Riot controls "leaks". Gauging and generating excitement. It's something Ubisoft definitely does for Rainbow and I always assumed it was common practice for companies that consistently have "leaks"

we don't and leaks are wack

08 Jul


Originally posted by Caenen_

It is specifically applied by each ability now (just like her MS boost stacks are gained), or are there spell damage item actives that still also apply it?

Very similar to the Q passive movement speed stacks, yes. Each individual ability hit applies/refreshes the passive DoT, no active item effects.


Originally posted by Shadowgate97

I already posted this before but now again more fitting.
TL:DR : Maybe bug ? W not dealing the right amount of damage to minions

Hey thanks for the report! Her W does half damage to minions at the moment, looking to add details to the tooltip. Good find!