League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

21 Aug

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by TheeOmegaPi

Hey /u/Reav3,

I've had discussions with other rioters about niche champs before, and I'm just curious about your thoughts on this going forward: Will there be any changes to how the creature/monster champions will be marketed to create hype?

I ask this because, statistically speaking, the amount of hype building that's been done for the majority of new monster champions has paled in comparison to how the humanoid champions have been hyped and advertised.


Ornn: Facebook short

Yuumi: Very short video telling story of Yuumi

Lillia: Small teaser, slightly tied to event, briefly reference in Yone's video

Senna: Massive video, part of music group

Kaisa: Part of music group

Yone: Event-related video

Aphelios: Pre-season video

It's a bit concerning to me because niche champions aren't really given an opportunity to exist in League's universe com...

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I mean we did a CG for Fiddlesticks which neither Sett or Aphelios got. At the end of the day that is up to the publishing team not the champions team though

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

Can I ask where does Dr. Mundo as a Zaun mutated human fit to in your eyes?

Though Humanoid we would put Mundo in the creature/monster category, same as other humanoid monsters like Warwick, Voli, Renekton, Nasus

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Fasmodey

Is there any monster champion that is not niche? Like, isn't Rengar kinda popular? And Renekton gets a skin yearly for some reason.

Maybe instead of Rek'Sai, you can go in their direction.

We also haven't had a dark monster for a while, so I hope next monster isn't cute like Yuumi and Lillia.

Yeah like I said we didn't make a dark monster this year because we had Fiddle, and we know some players love them. We felt we had much less cute creatures then dark creatures on the roster as well when we started working on Yuumi

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Do you guys have a similar philosophy when choosing which regions a champ should be from, since I noticed this year we had a large amount of Ionian releases so far

No, we generally explore arhetypes first that match gameplay designs and then we figure out which regions they fit best in later in the process

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Sharjo

Question for you Reav3, where do yordles factor in to the creature vs human spectrum? I feel like they'd end up in the more creature end of it, but just wanted to ask about it

Yordle would be in the creature camp, and yes we know we need to make another Yordle soon

    /u/unso on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Ben135790

LEC observers smurfing this year

thanks :)

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by N43N

I also feel like champion remakes should also count to some degree.

Fiddlesticks and Volibear both went from 'comic' style to a more serious look. The goal with Fiddlesticks was literally to make him as scary as possible. They are both now basically as far away from 'hot generic girl' as imaginable, at least for me.

VGUs totally count when we look at our year roadmap. We still want to make monsters and creatures we just make less of them since they are more niche and when we look at the years roadmap we include VGUs. That being said we have made it a goal to have at least one non-human new champ a year, and we might do more then 1 in a year where we didnt also do VGUs on monster champs. Yuumi was the non-human for 2019 and Lillia is the non-human for 2020. For 2020 though we already knew we were going to ship both Volibear and Fiddle so there wasnt that much room for more monster/creature champs, though we still made Lillia. One of the reasons we chose to make Lillia a whimsical/cute creature was to contrast Voli and Fiddle since we were doing 3 creatures/monster champs in a row. If Shyvana had won the VGU poll, for example, we might have done a new monster champ this year. TL:DR we still want to make creature/monster champs but less since they are niche, and VGUs count towards the amount we m...

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Originally posted by dakka-PRIME

I just disenchanted Overlord Malzahar about 3 days ago.
I wanna slap myself so hard.

rip :x


Originally posted by ChamyChamy




Originally posted by TheSirusKing

The Q is really good, never realised it was so wide, so massive improvement in clarity. The E however should look more like spaceaids and less like a glowing orb.

I tried to get closer to his ability icon design. :C


Originally posted by [deleted]


Yup! It indicates each tick of damage.


Originally posted by eeldiov

Is it just for his classic skin /u/RiotSirhaian?

All skins~!


Originally posted by threwitallawayforyou

I love them, but I have just one question...please, what about Shadow Prince? We've been waiting for 8 years for him to get arclight-style particles on that skin.

If Riot says no, that's fine. But just in case nobody said anything about that skin...it'd be a shame to let this move to release without at least bringing it up.

As much as I'd love to get new VFXs for him, I sadly can't add them because he's a 520. :(


Originally posted by Kronoshifter246

Also fixed a bug where his E would go on cooldown when Malzahar's target would die during the cast time.

The visual effects work is amazing, but this is the real work. I can't count how many times I've lost entire waves because of this.

Yeah same. Malz is my second most-played champ and that one bug always irked me. >:C


Somewhere, Meddler is smiling.


I need a shower after watching that.


Originally posted by Constantierul

I live for frosk



lcs update at start of ready check with sjokz! :D


hi friends, there are a ton of great questions and critiques that I'd love to address on this content, but since this is a personal project I don't want to do it here w the riot tag.

happy to hop on dms, twitter, yt, or anywhere else to answer any questions about limitations of this, future exploration of visual appeal of characters, and my obnoxious use of "aspirational" as a linguistic crutch.