League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

05 Aug

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by kyokuga

couldn't that be done with soraka?

Its really a question of how many resources we have free at the time of the legendary record. Someone still has to write the script, get feedback on it and iterate on it, record the lines, edit the lines, implement the lines in the game and then loc it for every region. When we do legendaries we usually look if we have bandwidth to do all that, since these are done by people already working on a bunch of other projects. Sometimes the stars align and we can do them, other times people are slammed with other deadlines so we cant.


Originally posted by ratazengo

I understand that LEC produces these videos inhouse but don't they use templates created by DesignStudio?

These video packages are completely brand new. We make new ones for every playoffs


Originally posted by Acroozlooze

haha I too love being a sound designer at riot!

I know you're memeing but if it's something you're interested you should DM Riot KDan. He actually is one and he's incredible.


Originally posted by fabs777

I get the feeling that a lot of the Rioters are workaholic....

I think that's the issue doing something you love... You just don't know when to stop. Fortunately Riot's leadership, managers, and other Rioters tell us to take time off and fully support it.


Originally posted by endercasts

putting this here also

designstudio did the rebrand but all the new stuff like this hype video is all our graphics/video/publishing team afaik

And even for the rebrand, all LEC crew had major influence and input over the direction it went


Originally posted by Lulullaby_

They did the overall design of LEC, like the Logo and colors and all that for the launch of LEC.
I'm not sure Design Studio does the current LEC promotional stuff as well, could just be LEC Graphics Team using the same thematics.
Could be wrong though, I don't know the details of course.

putting this here also

designstudio did the rebrand but all the new stuff like this hype video is all our graphics/video/publishing team afaik


Originally posted by ratazengo

DesignStudio did all the rebranding for LEC.

They did the rebrand but all the new stuff like this hype video is all our graphics/video/publishing team afaik


Now imagine being an LEC caster... never get to play clash. I feel your pain <3


A sh*tpost worthy of an LEC callout


Originally posted by bubbleharmony

Came in here to say this, lmao. We all know y'all just secret FFXIV addicts, Riot. Taking the week off for a whole company patch bonanza.

...they know...


Originally posted by GaggedAndDrooling

Then you remember all the other stuff about riot work culture and feel bad again

I don't usually comments on this stuff, but I literally signed my acceptance offer the day before Kotaku came out. The next day my team all contacted me to talk about it. And even though I do the Champion Insights and stuff I'm on the corporate communications team. And I'm a woman.

I genuinely think Riot is a great place to work. I love my coworkers, I love my job, I love my team, and I love working here.

No company is perfect. But I've never worked at a company where I could openly voice my concerns or opinions in front of the whole company including leadership and NOT worry about my job. I think that's pretty amazing, tbh.


Originally posted by Frodolas

That's literally what crunch culture leads to lmao.

Maybe? I crunched like crazy at my last job, but the patch cycles here don't usually require it. I have busy times, sure. I wrote 7 BTS articles for Spirit Blossom. But now I'm back to playing a game of League (or 2) every day with further out deadlines.


Originally posted by coronavirus_

wait ur the insights guy

I am! But Riot KDan is a sound designer I worked with and another sound designer was working on Saturday to send me some files and I told him to get off Slack.

    /u/Reav3 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Would you also have context behind Sona’s update, was it just because her VA was recording stuff for the skin

Yes, we used the legendary skin record time to also update her base VO


Originally posted by Xyltin

My question is: Why do you mini nerf a champ that is overperforming in soloQ so hard? This will likely get him down in mid and bot a bit, but in the jungle this will do at best -1% WR. That will put him around 54+% WR in Dia2+ still which means still outside of the framework and a follow up nerf will likely come.

Reducing his Q monster dmg to 80% wouldn't have made him bad for sure and it hits his jungle without hitting lanes harder.

Because this is a fairly substantial nerf to his primary DPS tool and we didn't want to nerf just Jungle (note that the patch notes say that his botlane was similarly OP [it was even stronger than jungle]) and mid was very very strong as noted above