League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

06 Apr


Originally posted by czartaylor

no one said pros are infallible, but they are by far the best metric for determining champ balance, not solo queue shitters.

When you look at solo queue balance, you have to account for

player skill in general

player skill at that champion

how hard the champ is to play

how high the skill ceiling on a champ is

skill of the teams relative to each other

stuff like secondaries/autofill

general shit happens.

and a couple other things

there's so much that can affect the data that you can't control for.

when pro players test a champion, the only factors affecting it are:

champion power

general shit happens.

pro players are roughly as skilled as each other and roughly as good at a champion as they can be. It produces more reliable data.

Yeah that's not true at all. There are massive skill disparities in pro play...


Originally posted by czartaylor

riot shouldn't balance the game around solo queue at all aside from dealing with ridiculous ouliers (like, 55%+ outlier at a minimum).

you balance the game around people who are actually good at it, not around people who are a bad at it. People who are good at the game give objective statistics. Pro players are equally skilled, as good at a champion as they can be, and play properly. When they test a champion therefore, the only factor that varies is the power of that champion. The most powerful are then played on stage. When you balance around solo queue, you have to consider how good people actually are at the game. Which is why akali had a 46% win rate despite being absolutely broken.

Pro players aren't some infallible entities just because they're pros. In fact they're quite often bad at recognizing the power of champions.

Not balancing for soloq at all is monumentally stupid. There's a damn good reason champions like Master Yi, Katarina, Darius aren't buffed into competitive relevance...


Originally posted by Shocky_2

They need to fix their playoff system

LEC/LCS first


Originally posted by czartaylor

'solo queue players would rather bitch about how unbalanced a champion is rather than learn to deal with them' falls firmly under 'not riot's problem'.

kat has clearly defined weaknesses that pro players exploit to make her trash in pro play. Solo queue players could learn how to do those things and have the same result, but they would rather blame kat being unbalanced and their team being bad than do it. 'my team ignores pings' is not a reason to not learn how to ward properly vs her or lane properly vs her.

Why bother balancing the game at all!


Originally posted by czartaylor

actually yes though.

kat isn't a good champion. She's just good when people play bad. She gets smashed in lane by nearly every mid laner (if you have either a dash or a quick form of interruption and are ranged, you probably beat kat in lane), can't roam bot effectively when people ward, and as a result is rarely relevant in teamfights. Sometimes shit does happen and she gets kills and snowballs, but it shouldn't be happening frequently except for the fact that solo queue players are lazy and don't ward properly and won't learn how to deal with her.

There's a reason why even diana sees niche pro play despite (if you judge purely by solo queue stats) being worse than kat: she has less abusable weaknesses than kat, but even then she's still pretty bad and frequently gets exposed when played in pro play for similar reason to kat.

it's not daddy riot's job to hold people's hand and nerf champions because the player base doesn't want to learn how to deal with th...

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Katarina is unbalanced in soloq, plain and simple.

05 Apr


Originally posted by RnK-Naru



Originally posted by RnK-Naru

Imagine roaming when you could cause chaos in your lane by freezing and then denying CS.

This post is made by lane kingdom gang

Freezing? With that flair?


It is a duo lane.


She is broken, just not in this way. So many damn bugs...


Originally posted by Ghettoblaster1945

he was 2013-2017, he set new standarts but right bow he isnt as far ahead as he ised to be.

He's not the best anymore, plain and simple


It was actually working for a bit yesterday


I think this is debatable. For example, Vladimir heals even when his Q is spell shielded. I think the idea of "I get my selfish buff even if I don't get to do anything to you" is reasonable against spell shields. That sad, I feel like "I now auto you" is more of an enemy-effect than a self-effect.

04 Apr


Originally posted by Neville_Lynwood

Come on, FPX is almost completely a product of teamwork. Their individual skills are not exactly the best in the world. Arguably not even close.

But teamwork > skill has rang true for years now. Like sure, you want your players to have a certain level of skill if you want to challenge the top positions, but ultimately the team needs to work as a unit. If they don't, no amount of individual skill will make up the difference in modern LoL.

Yes, they have insane teamwork. But also great players.


Originally posted by Penguingate

Only the jungler is the best in the world and even that is debatable. If you put all of those 5 players on seperat teams, most of them will look good but not worldclass.

Who's better than Crisp? Who is even in the conversation???


It's a very underrated item imo


Originally posted by Penguingate

FPX would disagree with that.

The team with the best support in the world, best jungler in the world, and one of the best midlaners in the world?


lmao people blaming Upset even though Nukeduck and Xerxe are f*cking useless


Originally posted by ChaoticMidget

Well, I can't say that I vote along those same lines but I appreciate the explanation. Thanks for responding!

For sure, I hope you and your family are well in all the chaos. Enjoy playoffs!~


Originally posted by ChaoticMidget

Any particular reasoning for Froggen and aphromoo for 2nd team? You're literally the only person who voted for them anywhere.

Absolutely. I had to make changes at the end of my ballet and I missed that Aphro should be Ignar. Huhi is correct. I was incredibly impressed with his play and be it recency bias huhi is someone Id put over others on the 3rd all pro cause I weigh (performing highly when your team needs you, what overall effect did you have on the team and wins, and stats comparison to separate any head to heads)

*Froggen choice- editing this in. I love Jizzuke but his tendency to ham it up in plays makes me want a more focused mid like Froggen. Large unique champion pool, plays well under pressure and put up decent stats while compeletely winning a few games for his team this split. I also chose to not go Bjerg anywhere because I like the team dynamic these two create much more. Stats for mid still came into play but team synergy and playstyle is a big weight for me in mid. Part of me still waffles on switching poe and froggen, this sh*t is tough lol

There is no doubt I favor diffe...

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