Ender, Kayle doesn't get AoE attacks until level 11... his first game of the split and he's already going full WeirdChamp.
I'm trolling
Ender, Kayle doesn't get AoE attacks until level 11... his first game of the split and he's already going full WeirdChamp.
I'm trolling
Thank you, it makes me sick to see this. These people have no idea the damage they cause with names like this. The reason I say ip ban is because this person knew they would be banned and didnt care. They just make another account
Unfortunately, IP bans don't really work because your IP changes pretty often. They're not a good tool for stopping one specific person from doing something.
Was nice to see Finn style a bit with better wave control. Welcome to the LEC Kryze.
Q + E could've been better.
Make sure to report the name and it will get punished.
Personally I think it deserves an IP ban.
IP bans are not very effective, but I get what you mean.
I’m gonna miss the old ones. They have a certain charm.
The hope is that we capture the spirit of the old art when we introduce the new. You should be able to recognize things at a glance still but also appreciate the HD updates.
Ok, the fear is that both are obviously appealing to two different audiences. We don't want to reach a situation where LoL on PC is just streamlined and dumbed down due to influence of Wild Rift.
There is no risk of League becoming more dumbed down. In my time as a player I have only seen it get more complex :P
Could you share what do you guys think about Tryndamere. It looks to me like he is hitting all the criteria for a VGU, but he isn't mentioned often.
Gameplay: He is the last remenant of small crit % and stat increase/decrease aoe. Attack speed, his best stat, makes him look kinda silly swinging that large sword like it's a balloon. He has very little skill expression specific to his kit.
Visual: His design is okay, but it's kind of generic. Most new champions/VGUs are now you guys taking a trope and owning it, making it unique to the League universe
Potential: He has a dedicated playerbase and there is nothing wrong with his playstyle, but I feel he is a concept that could be executed so much better both gameplaywise and visually. What are yours and the teams thoughts on him?
I mentioned in a post not long ago, but yeah Trynd is high on our list for a VGU we just haven't got to him yet
Wow, you even typod you reddit name, that's something I'd double check before submitting.
HD longsword 👀?
I would be surprised if there wasn't some sort of HD longsword lol.
Be honest bro, how much of these shop changes are influenced by Wild Rift?
From art to functionality?
Actually, we've been working with those lovely folks for quite some time. We have different requirements based on our platforms and systems but have definitely learned from each other along the way.
Season 10s my first season playing. Do the updates and new icons come out when this season ends?
They will likely come between the current season ending and the new one beginning. It's a period we call the preseason where we test new things without impacting the game stability during the ranked season.
Would you guys ever be open to discussing specific champions that do not end up on the VGU poll? There are champion the community seems to want reworked, but they never come up in discussion with rioters. For example RiotAugust recently said that you wanted to rework Malphite, but found out he is very popular. Are you open to more transparency like that?
Of course, i talk about those kinds of things all the time with players, though its usually in reddit comments like this rather then big blogs
The "All items" tab got me a little moist, not gonna lie
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
i hope that EVERY old icon is updated, because looking at the item roster there is a different artistic look between them i'd like to see these have cool designs for them old items (pickaxe, long sword, Nashor's tooth) and specially Void Staff i want it to have that "Void" look.
Can confirm that people are doin stuff with photoshop as we type.
I wonder what's up with 25 AP Rabadon
Lmao I literally typo so much its a meme with my friends. It's finally made its way into the public eye.
I wonder what's up with 25 AP Rabadon
This is just a UI mockup. The stats on that Deathcap are placeholder.
Negative post ahead and I apologize, but this is not a decision I'm on board with. Narrative has spent the last few years trying to make a sustainable IP. The last time Riot tried this, they were surprised Lissandra actually won the vote.
More, if this is actually a vote about a major event like Noxus vs Ionia (an outcome that the writers should have known for a long time now), then it just means current storybuilding feels much less valuable because everything writers are planning is ultimately subject to the whims of champion production and upcoming events and a community that, for the most part, is not particularly involved in the setting as is.
The odds of Yone coming out are just increasing the feeling that more and more Narrative isn't really in charge. I hope Riot Forge can still take some risks.Edit: see Reav3's reply below.
To be clear, we currently have no plans to do a event where players vote on the direction of the base lore. This article was talking about AUs where we can do that kind of stuff and it can be fun.