League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

09 Jan


Originally posted by Padulsky21

Hello! I’m just curious since you say you’re an ASol main, how do you feel about the mini rework? As in, do you still enjoy playing him as much as he is now than before the mini rework?

I noticed that a lot of the ASol playerbase is pretty split. Some still stick with playing him and learned how to work around the changes, then there’s others that just dropped him. He’s one of my favorite designs ever in league so no matter what I’ll still play him just because of that.

I personally enjoy the rework more because I feel that I have more agency in fights with the repeatable MS boosts from W. I also think he’s more fun because he requires a bit more active engagement (being mindful of repeated W presses to get more damage or more MS vs just toggling the old one). During development and even when the rework hit live, I’d find myself missing the toggle at times, but now I’m pretty sold, enough so that he’ll probably compete for my most played champ of the season w Cass. Oh, and I especially love how diverse his builds and rune options have become.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Hi - I'm an A Sol main and also happen to be on the balance team. :)

Aurelion Sol is a pretty unique case of a champion. Before his mini-rework, Aurelion's 'depth' ( defined here: https://nexus.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/2017/11/champ-popularity-mixing-math-art/) was low enough that his high WR (generally around 53-55%) was more likely fueled by people just trying him and dropping him, than one tricks maining him. In other words, he was just strong and people who were trying out were winning a lot...because he was actually a 55% WR champ. Post-rework the amount of people maining him as gone up a bit, eno...

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Lol at Tea's body language in the background: "Yikes."


Jaysen was a great man. Leading Riot efforts in Korea with high integrity and passion. It has been an honor working with him. Our prayers go to his family. Rest In Peace.


Originally posted by RoyalFewl

i mean you're playing in the competitive queue, maybe if you don't want to play in the most competitive queue you wouldn't pick it

That's why OP's suggestion is cool. Flex feels like the most cooperative queue, so it might be worth looking into there.


Originally posted by Pedollm

Cao ni ma is hello nice to meet you and sha bi is good job, all you need to know



One patch is likely not enough time to know that something can't be solved in another way besides a revert.


Originally posted by Asulfan

I think your third point is the most valid one, but not necessarily formulated like that. I think having a larger female player base is a strength. However competitive games (and sports) are often filled with prejudice and even more dangerous bigotry.

Edit: I think I formulated myself wrong by saying you formulated it wrong (ironic right..). What I disagree with is the angle that a larger female playerbase is a weakness for voicechat when I'd rather think it is a strenght (over time).

How better could it be formulated? I believe our higher % female player base is a stat to be celebrated!


Originally posted by SirCampYourLane

I'm curious if you unleashed a real AI like that starting at plat or low diamond mmr where it would go.

I'm honestly super curious as well. Make a team of mechanically amazing AI's (take off the built-on constraints) and don't spend time trying to make them smarter. Let them play premade 5s ranked flex and go to town. They'd be a rare enough part of the population that you wouldn't be able to read into it on the other end. Most players would probably never know.

They'd probably end up top 10% just from forced surrenders and tilt because they'd be ABSURDLY good laners. Jungling would be hard though.


Originally posted by iuhafsyuih

I mean people already drop discord links into the lobby chat so this just eliminates that extra step to getting into vc.

They do. Have you ever fed when you've joined one of those? It gets awkward...


Originally posted by EIgreco

That's a shitty excuse. Watch any pro league game and they still ping all of the time. I play flex as a duo and trio and we don't just stop pinging just because we are in discord.

I didn't mention pings at all... Huh? I said they'd be flamed and ping spammed "????"


Originally posted by Lmaowuttw

Every other competitive game can handle voice chat, though. At this point, even Co-Op games have had voice chat for years. And I've never heard of anyone ever being flamed for not using it, even back when I played high level CS:GO (MGE/Roughly Diamond). CS:GO requires way more active call-outs than League and doesn't have a ping system, so voice chat is way more necessary, but you still never saw flame. In fact, I'd wager a lot of the flame comes from the fact that text chat is so much worse than voice chat. People are way more willing to insult using type than speech and everything seems like flame without the inflection and accenting in voices. Plus, voice chat might help bridge the gap between soloQ and pro play, making it easier to balance champions like Ryze.

In any case, I'm rather disappointed to hear from a Rioter that it won't be happening. I was under the impression that it was a WIP that was coming relatively soon considering the addition of pre-made voice chat...

Nicely thought out post.

I'm certainly not the person who can make the calls on voice chat, but this is still the thinking on "non-party" voice last time I checked. Maybe one day! I do like the OP's idea though, and I could at least see this being the place to trial the feature out.

Again, I don't make the calls.


Originally posted by dog671

2020 no voice chat lmao, would definitely come back to League of legends. Also good in preparation for Clash

It's a decision. Find my other comment for details.


Originally posted by YouPoro

  1. csgo games are not "short" compared to league games. in fact, they can be much longer

  2. you can feed enemy $$$ in csgo

  3. thats sexist. my gf likes it loud

  1. Apologies
  2. Apologies, that is true.
  3. It's not.

Originally posted by aariboss

LMAO how hard have these guys been overthinking it xD

Remember that nobody is forcing anybody to talk because the voice chat is up to everyone (they can mute anytime) and there is no obligation from anybody to talk, no matter the gender

Right, but if I mute you, our team is at a competitive disadvantage now. I'm not hearing your calls or warnings. You've felt what it's like being the solo player with 4 premades on discord in normals before, right? They never type a thing.

So, whilst I COULD mute you because you're being mean, or, I could still listen and choose not to speak, our team will be worse for it.


Originally posted by d15ch0rd

I'm sorry but a competitive game of CSGO is frequently longer than a game of league, unless it's a complete blowout. And leaving a competitive game is like an 8hr lockout, so you're stuck with them.

Oh? I actually didn't know that. I stand corrected on that one.


If you want to look at something that's decided more by algorithm than by random, one possible set of questions you could answer is:

"How does champion popularity (pick-rate) correlate with the type of skins that are released for that champion (1350, 1820, Prestige, Hextech, etc.)? Given this correlation, can you create the pool of champions you believe are likely to receive each of those types of skins in 2020?"

There's a ton of cool info you could take a look at if you're familiar with using the Riot Games API, but the above questions you can probably answer without it.


Originally posted by Cloakes

Just curious about your opinion but what about other games such as CS:GO and Overwatch? I play these games frequently and don’t seem to run into others being toxic towards people for not using their mic.

  1. Those games are short, and you're not "trapped" with teammates you don't want to play with.

  2. Neither games are snowbally: you can't "feed" the enemy McCree.

  3. I'm not sure about Overwatch, but I imagine League has a higher % of female players than CS:GO. Plenty of our female players like to be anonymous and just get on with the game. I know my wife prefers it that way.


Originally posted by 8910237192839-128312

It's a bad idea because it means no voice chat in SoloQ. Riot should just put opt-in voice chat into the game.

That's likely never going to happen for good reasons. Players who won't/don't want to use voice chat will immediately become a disadvantage to their team. Then, they'll be flamed and spam pinged for this, further confirming that, yes, they should stay off of voice chat forever.


That's... actually not a bad idea. At all.