League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

04 Jan


This is so amazing. Love to see the competitive scene grow naturally and sustainably.

Originally posted by Jebsuwu

How inaccurate my math was? And the MS on predator doesn't scale I'm 100% positive :D

off the top of my head, it looks pretty accurate to me

for the most part, all scaling is relative to the damage per dark harvest soul (ie: you'll get less on ARAM where souls are worth 3 damage)


Originally posted by AlphaTenken

His tentacles were ready to get some hentai action in her.

Ok this thread is just getting way too thirsty for my comfort zone. UNSUBSCRIBE

Huh. I thought I made it scale predator mspd. Thinking back I'm pretty sure I just misremembered though, since the starting point was any damaging keystone should also do one souls' worth of extra damage (5)

Making me wonder if something in pta is scripted wrong now

Gg wp


Originally posted by Snootylol

Yeah unpopular opinion but Caps/Perkz and Wunder are all better imo individually. FPX just play around mid.. jungle support so well though



Originally posted by Getfooked

If G2 didn't make it to worlds or didn't make it out of groups you could maybe make this case, but they got 2nd. They got 2nd at the most important event of the year, first at the other prestiguous international tournament of the year (to which they qualified by winning their league, something FPX failed at). FPX winning one BO5 does not outweigh their lack of 2 titles given how close G2 were to that title as well.

One LPL title > two LEC titles


Originally posted by computo2000

Ty Mr. Cactopus

ty mr. computo2000


Originally posted by SerratedScholar

Her ult is on cooldown.
Edit: you probably meant the rock geometry.

Yeah, I actually think she made a good choice here, doubling back around the rock. Didn't pay off!


Originally posted by Solash1

But what did the third beam mean, Mr Quacktopuss?


just a sort of weird tingly teaser that something unexpected might be coming

at one point we were planning on having the chrissy/elevator/music video scene conclude with a much more clearcut reappearance of the giant white beam, but instead we went with a more subtle fade to white because we didn't want to spoil the fact that we were about to reveal something big


Originally posted by nizzy2k11

Blizzard suffered a lot of backlash (unjustly imo) to their announcement of Diablo: Immortal, a mobile game

idk it sounds just for devs being tone deaf to get burned for it.

my bias as a guy who works on games is that sometimes i think gamers are a bit too harsh on devs

but uh i understand that others here would maybe not agree with that perspective LOL


Shame the velkoz decided to go melee there!


How did you have vision of vayne to ignite her in this clip?


Originally posted by nizzy2k11

caused some to interpret our subversiveness as us taking a shot at Blizzard, which wasn't our intention

how on earth did you not see this coming?

The other way to read it is that we were poking light fun at all the people who got mad about a mobile game being announced. "Aha! We got you. We KNEW you had phones."

My personal perspective is that the phones meme was a wolf in a room. The room was called "mobile game development." We had seen the wolf bite some of our friends. So we tried to use the power of memes to defang the wolf. I think we weren't 100% successful on this one, although people did get a kick out of that line.


Originally posted by LeonardBenny

How do you even run out of mana on current LoL?
I haven't run out of mana since season 6 honestly..

I mean, yes, sometimes I do, but not systematically as before S6.

Because Syndra and Ori need to prepare their balls, they already need to be properly set up before a fight breaks out.


Originally posted by philycheesecake65

I can’t even remember the last time I played my secondary haha

I get autofilled more than I get my secondary (supp)

03 Jan


Originally posted by Taylor1350

He queued for support, then just played proxy / counterjungling singed whilst abandoning his adc to 1v2 botlane.

He had a decent winrate in high elo doing it because he basically f**ked over the enemy jungler and thus had success with it.

Riot eventually banned him and put out a big statement on their philosophy regarding off meta stuff.

They basicaly said that just because it was successful doesn't mean it's okay, it made the game completely miserable for his ADC who should expect to have a support of some sort. The used the line, "Just because you want to play support smite singed, doesn't mean your team wants you to play support smite singed"

The same shit happened to that Nubrac kid when he played roaming teemo support.

Interesting. So then that same logic may apply here i.e. "just because you want to duo bot with yourself, doesn't mean your team wants to have a support that is being played by the adc's feet"


Originally posted by Taylor1350

It doesn't matter if he is winning enough. If he just played normally in the same games on one account he'd have a near 100% win rate.

Just because he's smurfing doesn't make it okay. Nobody wants this on their team. It's similar to the whole smite support singed in a way. Just because he has a decent win rate doesn't make it okay.

I bet his yuumi account has an extremely high report rate. His playstyle is basically putting his team into a 4v5 with a strong ADC because the yuumi is basically a stat bot + heals.

His yumi never even gets the first support item upgrade because he basically just afks on that account once he's attached aside from pressing heal.

Not caught up on support smite Singed. Is that just someone who ran a suboptimal loadout but was still trying to win despite annoying people for not doing something safer / more traditional?


Originally posted by Taylor1350

This is neat, but I really hope this doesn't catch on and it should be a bannable offence imo. Calling it for what it is, griefing.

How do you figure?


Originally posted by Epinephrine186

Give nexus blitz back for good and I'll consume more than you do for lunch

I dunno about that. I can eat a pretty large lunch.