It was just intended as a compliment to OP. I don't work on that team anymore, but I could see how a little cheat sheet or better signaling in the client could help make this clear.
It was just intended as a compliment to OP. I don't work on that team anymore, but I could see how a little cheat sheet or better signaling in the client could help make this clear.
Hey good work so far with what you've done with League! TFT is by far the best in its genre and it looks fantastic (it also has a super clean UI)!
Thank you. There are some really dedicated and talented designers working on it, so the credit really belongs to them. :)
Hopefully this doesn’t come off as too weird, but I recently graduated from a UX/UI bootcamp and would love to be able to pick your brain about your journey and how you got started in the design field!
Sure, shoot me a DM and I can give you my discord info.
as always, rioters only come out to reply when it is about shit like this lmao. and when it comes to those posts about why inters, trolls, preseason problematic matchmaking, these rioters just hide themselves.
I try to strike a good balance. I think you'll find if you read back through the years of my comments, many of them tackle difficult questions from players, even specifically about Ranked issues.
It's easy for a wide variety of Rioters to engage in a lighthearted way, whereas it's pretty tough to engage on nuanced or contentious issues because the only people who should be doing that are Rioters with deep knowledge of the topic and the ability to talk about it in a productive way.
Totally understand your underlying frustration. I just want to share some additional context on why this might be true.
It's completely random somehow, it's distracting and can be confused with other particles in game. Also, it's on champion's side, not above their heads, I don't think it would be recognizable in teamfights or if characters are clumped together. Even in a minion wave. Why are you even changing this? Maybe a version of "heal" icon could look nice? Random example, heal icon which is red/bleeding, something that undoubtedly means "reduced healing".
Thank you. Nicely put.
What's the black stuff though?
Yasuo's VFX for regions that can't display blood sprays.
The new look is nice, but maybe the line above her head shouldn’t be so high/tall? I bet it’s just for a second, but even still, it’d clutter the screen if you’re applying grevious simultaneously to multiple people.
The black lines? That's Yasuo's VFX on his ult (in regions that don't allow for blood).
Hi Sap, when I check the website most of them are on the design side :) https://www.riotgames.com/en/university-programs
Oh yeah! Sorry, minor terminology difference: those are art internships. Design for us encompasses UX and game design.
The jump to the ward to dodge the Vel'Koz E was a thing of beauty.
Hey OP, totally understand how frustrating this situation is. Please DM me so I can try to sort this out for you.
If you look at his gun in the final frame as he's bowing, it has the fourth shot loaded.
Go watch the cinematic again. At 2:22, Jhin pulls Whisper and it has 4 marks on it. At 3:07, you can see the gun has one round left. /u/Divine-Storm said it better when the cinematic came out.
There are times where I think I have good attention to detail, and then there are times where I read Reddit.
Heyo - Sylas' stats are correct. Stats don't scale linearly with level. If you level Sylas to 18 he'll have gained the proper amount of base stats. :)
He just means that although the indication itself looks epic, grevious wound's isn't like an ultimate ability or even as impactful as ignite. Just tone down the effects a bit so it's not so in your face for a debuff.
That's good feedback. The main motivation for replacing the existing one is how hidden it can be (sometimes even behind a champion's health bar), but obviously don't want to go too far the other direction.
She's not that good mate.
The problem with Qiyana is that she creates really feelsbad moments, especially with her easy level 3 all in. IMO her W shouldn't reset Q cooldown but the Q should instead get normal cooldown scaling. Then rebalance from there.
Ludens echo?
Okay. Ludens Echo - Sorc Boots - Zhonyas - Banshees - Raba - Void.
Literally the best build in the game. Works on basically every ap champ.
Lmfao imagine not doing any damage until you literally have full build
Lacks clarity imo.
What aspect is unclear? Shape, colour, size, animation?
It's horrid.
What don't you like about it?
It looks good, but a bit too good for a relatively small effect.
If they ever develop "Cursed Wounds" that cause all heal effects to damage you instead, this would be the perfect indicator for that.
Note to self on Reddit feedback: it looks "too good". 😊
We don't have many internships on the design side, but for engineering there are opportunities. I think they're all posted on riotgames.com.