League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

13 Jan


Originally posted by BenjenRyan

As an LPL viewer let me telly ou exactly why FPX domianted last year:

They left top side (gimgoon) for himself 98% of the times. And gave him champs that can defend well (gp, morde). So they left toplane alone and then Doinb and Tian perma camped bot side to get LWX ahead (since he gets murdered in 2v2's). If they see that is not possible then they switch lanes topside. Everything relies around LWX getting ahead.

Now Tian must gank Khan. Khan would have lost lane vs TheShy and Khan is a resource heavy player. Problem is LWX is also a resource heavy player.

Thus they dry out the other guy when they camp top like they did today. Which made them lose, since LWX is basically invisible without an advantage.

Did you start watching LPL midway through summer split of last year?


It's a solid message, one that some of us just need to be nudged with from time to time.

If you feel like you or someone you care about needs help maintaining balance in their life, I encourage you to read and share the resources that were made in collaboration with mental health orgs headspace and Le Va down here in OCE.

Help people be informed of what they can do to improve their physical and mental health, and help th...

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Originally posted by Jiigsi

Look - those could be top 2 teams, there's no double round robin in lpl, so this could have big implications on the end of split

Big implications? No.


Originally posted by BenjenRyan

LWX is not something special. Dude has Tian and Doinb sitting bot for an entire year and gets fed. There are quite a few adc's better than LWX. And Perkz said LWX is better than DL lol.

Funny how FPX didn't play around bot in spring and still beat up on everyone. Almost like you're full of sh*t.


Originally posted by Lewo17

yea and they won't play each other again? its an important match

Week 1 ain't important lmao


Originally posted by BenjenRyan

No bro. LWX only looks good when Tian and Doinb camped bot and got him ahead (as seen in Finals). We saw this in LPL last year. LWX needs resources to carry. FPX lacks the 2v2 Botlane strenght.

Now LWX is not a bad player. He is pretty good, but this is how his matches always goes when he does not receive many ganks.

FPX botlane went on an absolute 2v2 rampage in summer 2019 but ok


Originally posted by FakerBangMyWife

Man Puff dropped his balls on FPX in that last fight,.

If Leyan can be more consistent iG are strong as fck.

FPX takeaways: Doinb was pretty bad, I think all 3 games were mega hard carried by Tian and Crisp just making roams everywhere with Khan playing a central role on Ornn and Fiora.

Lwx and Doinb were really lacklustre.

iG: Ning is god awful, at least on Qiyana, 0 impact early, Leyan was way better in the teamfights and had some things going early game. Rookie was ??? on rumble but great on Ori, TheShy even in game 2 was a beast despite getting hard camped by FPX, and then the iG bot lane I feel was most impressive alongside TheShy

Tian was hard trolling this series


Originally posted by yelsew_tidder_

I can't really be wrong considering it's an opinion buddy, I hate it and you telling me I'm wrong won't make me.. not hate it lol.

Maybe Solitaire would be for you if you hate interacting with your opponent so much


Originally posted by yelsew_tidder_

IMO blocking (Magic has it and I hate it) is the worst thing you can put in a card game. I guess I was just looking for Hearthstone 2.0 with League IP and I didn't get that and I'm disappointed.

To be clear I was speaking about my personal opinion, I hate the game and I won't be playing it, wasn't trying to say it was objectively bad.

Defender choice is actually the best thing you can do in card game combat, you're wrong


Originally posted by Cr1m1nl

No, he was critizising that veigar gets free AP just for csing and i pointed out that vlad also gets free stats just for buying AP/HP, which is kinda ironic.

It's not free when you're buying it tho


Originally posted by Angry_train

Your scaling means nothing when Talon just got a doublekill Bot while you farm.

A mage can maybe get halfway down the river by the time Talon kills botlane


There have been plenty of champions in the past that were completely broken in terms of power/winrate and you couldn't pay people (in LP) to play them.


I guess many of us have 25 prestige points left over from 2019, checked it today and they added some stuff you can buy with them, like icons, a ward and the keys

Keys cost 3 presitge points so you can buy 8 of them

External link →

12 Jan


Originally posted by HornyAndNeurotic

Man this post is a great example of why winrates don't mean jack, dogshit champs like fizz and diana have good winrates while batshit insane champs like akali and eve don't lol

Eve is really bad rn tho


Originally posted by BaronDraek

I'm sorry but I have no idea who you are.

Thanks for the answer annyway.

Burn was super effective!


Originally posted by esteebangus2008

Thank god if that happens. Maybe they'll actually try and improve the game where it's most needed if the playerbase starts to dwindle due to a lack of patches and new content.



The teams working on these games were formed specially for their genre (shooter veterans for Project A, etc). Anyone who worked on league who was specifically interested in the genre of the new games would have already joined those projects years ago.

League has nothing to worry about, it's still got me! 😁

11 Jan



The main difference is the neutral objectives that the lane is closest to. Top lane is closest to the Rift Herald and bottom lane is closest to the Dragon.

The dragon is generally more valuable and easier to take early on in the game, so teams tend to position a Marksmen (a champion that is weak until later on in the game) and a Support (a champion that is a bit stronger and mostly exists to protect the Marksman, with a few exceptions) in the bottom lane.

This lets each team have four people able to take the dragon early game.

Because most of the focus early game tends to be around the Dragon area (again, it's easier to take and, in general, more valuable), top lane doesn't tend to get much attention. Champions that go top lane need to be fairly self-sufficient and strong right from the get-go, so these champions tend to be bruisers (who are strong melee range fingers), tanks or occasionally ranged champions (which can beat up bruisers and tanks)...

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Originally posted by TeamAquaGrunt

he's probably gonna see about fixing the problem in general. im sure if there are other affected players they'll try to get it fixed for them too

Yup, if we get wind of any other players affected by this, would love to help them out! We think this may be an error, misunderstanding, or glitch with the recorded games themselves. Right now, just trying to find out how this happened and making sure we remedy it if possible!


Originally posted by That_90s_Kid_

I still wanna thank you for your effort in last years rank specific roles.

I dont want you guys to give up on that. I enjoyed it, minus the autofilling. If it wasnt for that, it was f**king awesome.

Also, you guys are making changes so people get their roles later on this year within this season a bit more. So im begging you to retry that feature and make it work. As long as people have their assigned roles its super healthy for the game.

Thanks brother. Stay awesome.

Thank you!