League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

10 Jan


Originally posted by itsaworkalt

Ranked UX design or ranked the game system? If the latter, that's pretty cool Riot lets people float from UX roles over to more general system design roles.

On Ranked I was the product lead. There's a good amount of flexibility within Riot in general, especially among product/game design/UX design. It's helpful for getting people to be well-rounded and take on new challenges.


Originally posted by Goamoth

that's the way to do it! people rush games out way too much nowadays. I've been wanting to play TFT but I just don't find enjoyment from it on PC. Mobile however, definitely think it'll be worth the wait!

There will be rough edges still when we ship, but we want to make it a good experience.


Originally posted by Honeybadger3k

Dang! I was hoping it would come out in the next week or so. My mother is resting after surgery and is stir crazy, was gonna try and get her into it lol.

Happy Friday my dude!

I'd love that too, but we want to make sure you can enjoy it before we make it available!


Originally posted by Eruptflail

So... When for TFT mobile beta? :)

Hopefully soon! We are gonna be taking things slow to make sure we can get a stable experience on the broad range of devices players have.


Originally posted by Dontforgetthat

what do you work on ? Just curious

Right now I'm the UX lead for TFT Mobile. Before that, I did the same on TFT, and before that I was the lead for the Ranked team.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Sap doesn't accept bribes. Also I don't work on anything related to skins ;-;


Originally posted by Chef-Nasty

From looking like a bum in his splash art to chiseled AF

WHAT? He's a hunk in his splash!


Originally posted by G2Esports

Currently deciding whether to queue for adc or mid as primary...

That's completely against the script. Please, consider the feelings of our writers...


Originally posted by adharsh2423

Holy shit he is GOOD at his job!

Big time agree! Also a genuinely lovely person! Seeing him around campus is one of my highlights! :D


Originally posted by PM_ME_SOME_YAOI

If you were involved in doing that, I have no words to thank you!

He's the concept artist responsible for Sylas (and Aphelios and Mordekaiser rework, among other things).


Originally posted by Jabukufo

From what I understand, as long as it doesn't interact with the in-game player experience it's allowed. All this does is change a single line in the settings file, and then launch the game with a language parameter. It's something you can manually do without my tool, this tool just simplifies the process.

That said, I have not got any sort of official OK from Riot. I do know there are tons of people who manually set the language, and I've never heard of them being banned.

The policies around third party apps are fairly nuanced, but typically yes bans are mostly related to breaking competitive integrity in some manner. You shouldn't get banned for enabling Spanish on NA, but I also can't say, "this app is okay" because not only would I have to vet it, I'd have to continue to vet any future releases and that's something we can't do for every app.

PLAYERS: In general, be cautious about any third party application you download. If it breaks competitive integrity you're likely to get banned, but if the app is literally just changing the language setting for your client you should be fine.

Also u/Jabukufo please register your app on the ...

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Originally posted by Mr__Tomnus

I just wanted to say these updates have all been incredible man, Riot is lucky to have you on the team!

I would love it personally if maybe Vayne could get some love VFX wise... I understand she's mostly auto attacks, but for a high playrate champion, I feel like her VFX falls short compared to others like Kai'Sa, Lucian, Xayah etc. It might be a short project in that regard. Anyway, just a suggestion!

Keep up the awesome work <3

There are many champs I'd like to update at some point if given the opportunity. :)

And thanks!

09 Jan


Originally posted by Muffindrake

The balance team is accountable to the company (they are Riot employees), and are forced from above to introduce changes that put certain champions in the limelight, or are ordered to not touch incredibly frustrating, problematic, long-standing broken, and recently released ludicrously overpowered champions because that would affect Riot's bottom line.

If a single person with some decision making leverage employed at their balance team had a backbone and acted on it, they would lose their job very quickly. Balance changes for the better go against profit motives, at least with the way the game is set up. Champions that aren't played sell no skins - why would they dare touch the mid lane cash cows a la Zed, Yasuo, Qiyana and more. I can't think of a recent champion release (ignoring long-standing garbage like Zed) where I had the thought Yep, I had a reasonable experience playing against this character.

This isn't even some insane redpill conspiracy theo...

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On the other hand, the playtest team is some set of random nameless (!) players not affiliated with the company under NDA that have no teeth over what balance changes are implemented into the game.

We're full Rioters. We don't control what's implemented into the game but we always have a seat at the table.


Originally posted by LordKnt

Ezreal is clearly the ADC because he tries to f**k off while his support fights, then turns around and ults for the remaining 3 HP while thinking "wow I'm so good", so you're 100% right

LOL spot on


Originally posted by [deleted]


It's just... true though? Don't believe me if you don't want, but I love our Playtest team and can't wait to get back to working with them in the new year.


Originally posted by Koalmar

How can you put the edgiest, most brooding, evil character in league and Thresh in the same sentence?!

high five