League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

02 Jan


Originally posted by chr1spe

Yes, and that is what I mean by "NEVER EVER". A lot of players don't see this as balanced or a good gameplay change. If you want Elder to just end the game then either have it literally just end the game or have it instantly execute all enemies on any damage or something dumb like that. Clearly you think having buff should auto-win the game so why beat around the bush. I don't think the majority of the playerbase feels buffs should auto-win the game though.

He doesn't just have elder. He has infernal soul, at least 2 infernal buffs, Liandry's (which significantly increases the duration of the elder burn and the overall damage of his DOTs against her), lots of other AP items AND elder.

It's not like this is just elder buff, but it certainly did some decent damage to jinx, too.

I promise I'm not trying to be antagonistic. I just see a lot of factors contrubuting to this slow 1 shot.


Originally posted by chr1spe

Clearly you have a drastically different view of the game than the majority of your playerbase. I'm sure if you polled the playerbase the majority by far would say 1 shroom from a not super fed teemo should NEVER EVER kill a full health champ who isn't super absurdly under farmed or leveled.

The fact that you think this is what should happen is actually extremely disturbing and disheartening for the future of the game for me.

He has all the buffs too... I mean...


Originally posted by Qwertdd

There was nothing to autoattack for her to lifesteal. Plus, Teemo has a Morellonomicon, which f**ks her healing anyway.

Jinx should certainly die to a shroom at this point

No. No champion "should" die to a single f**king ability. What the hell kind of game is that?

You choose what to build when that can make a difference.

Do you, as an ADC? The way I see it, Jinx already has a defensive item, PD, but her needing PD to be up to not die to a single ability is a joke. She already has a QSS, but Mercurial Scimitar only gives +5 magic resistance when the item's completed anyway, and the QSS/Merc active would do nothing for her here. If she went for the MR item earlier, she'd do no damage because ADC damage without going directly for full damage items is godawful. The mistake in the build I see is that Jinx went for 100 percent crit. Maw of Malmortius is off the table because she already has PD. So Jinx...

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Yes, when the enemy team has literally every possible epic neutral buff and jinx has nothing to life steal from, she should die here. Not really sure why Reddit is having a tough time with this one. I'm pretty sure naut could have saved her with Locket (if it was off of cooldown), buy yet no one's mentioned that yet. I mean, he had about 6 seconds in which to react before she died...


Originally posted by Qwertdd

Why doesn't she have lifesteal?

Why is every bullshit thing in this game the ADCs fault?

I mean, you choose what to build when that can make a difference.


Originally posted by Stron2g

Looking forward to even more games with y'all in 2020

...are you bronze like me?? :D

I am! Summoner name? I'll send an add


Liandry's burns for a few seconds after the poison ends and the elder burns for a few seconds beyond that! Brutal.

I mean, Teemo also has Infernal Soul, at least 2 infernal dragons, Baron buff AND elder. Jinx should certainly die to a shroom at this point.

What I don't get is why she doesn't have a life steal item? You need that against Teemo, otherwise you'll get chunked out and have to back after every single shroom.


Originally posted by TheRealSteemo

Do rioters ever go on Reddit, see threads like this and just think "ah shit I'm busy tomorrow"?

Yeah, not so much something this level, but certainly some threads! The one where Karthus could be killed in spirit form by Elder dragon said "Guess what you're doing tomorrow, Daniel?".


This is so clean. Very happy to see a play as simple but as effective as this.

Originally posted by LunaKhengar

I think i saw on ff20 a new Elder Execution where the drakes droppes a bombo or sth on the target that should get Executed. Is this still in work or is this an old Information i have there ?

that was a wip in dev effect from months ago

Originally posted by Pascals_Tricycle

Why did you guys make the execute effect into a projectile rather than making it so that if champion A has the Elder buff and apply damage to a enemy B then enemy B gets a debuff which kills him if they are below 10% hp?

thats exactly how it works, but with the added step of firing a projectile because that looks good.

01 Jan


Originally posted by piotrj3

I think it is horrible idea in general since there is tons of DoTs in game as well delayed damage done by runes, which means most of time elder gonna kill both.

That's a fair assessment! So, the solution here would be: Braum puts up shield > blast effect passes right on through and kills original target.

Belugawhale would agree that's the best solution here too.


Originally posted by lunchbane

Or maybe you could fix your f**king game and not make terrible coding a part of decision making?

Yawn. What a boring addition to the discussion.

Why not instead suggest what you think should happen in this instance? Should Braum block the elder blast? What happens to that damage if he does? It can't behave like a beam, else that would suggest it would damage all enemies under the beam too.

Try and provide some value in your next comment: I challenge you! 😊

Originally posted by Rovient

This is a really tricky one. Part of me thinks this is really unfair for braum, since he's essentially sacrificing himself to save a teammate. But on the other hand that sacrifice could be game winning if he protected the ADC long enough for her to cleanup. I'm not talking about this clip, but in general. Tricky to know the correct path on this one.

Edit: got the answer on this: Braum should not intercept the execute attack.

think elder execute should probably not be a blockable projectile. it reads more like a laser beam and it doesn't have a meaningful cooldown, so it's pretty unlikely this is desired since I think even just the elder DoT will re-trigger it.

I shipped the braum urgot interaction because I felt that a significant amount of times it would be correct for braum to sacrifice himself to Urgot R since that spell DOES have a meaningful cooldown, but we decided against that shortly after ship.


Originally posted by Caenen_

One problem may be that the Spell going off at all is indicative of the target being about to meet its demise in most cases, anyway (especially with Elder, considering the DOT can just be re-applied), so it just puts Braum into an early grave from full health, too.

I believe this is why it was removed in Urgots case back then, but I don't know for sure because u/GreaterBelugaWhale never told me :x

True, but if the burn was about to end (and the elder blast won't retrigger on the same target for 2s, so it doesn't look odd when whacking tryndamere), the victim may survive.

In this instance, WW just chomped Teemo and killed him moments later anyway.


Originally posted by Caenen_

The Elder Spell is a projectile (or at least interacts with the Windwall tech which Braum E uses like a projectile), so it can be intercepted and deal the effect to Braum instead. The effect is 'die' - technically it's 'lose all shields and take 100% current HP damage*', but that's pretty much the same thing.

* also checks for a few buffs you may have, but you had none of those in this clip

Considering the inconsistent interactions of Urgot's R and the Elder Spell (Urgot chains no longer attach to Braum when he intercepts them since 1 patch after the VGU release), I don't know which set of interactions would be the intended one - to die of Elder but not Urgot, to save from both or to die to both? u/Rovient is responsible for the Elder Dragon shenanigans, so perhaps he could comment on that.

For those curious, here's the initial patch interaction for Urgot R vs Braum...

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This is a really tricky one. Part of me thinks this is really unfair for braum, since he's essentially sacrificing himself to save a teammate. But on the other hand that sacrifice could be game winning if he protected the ADC long enough for her to cleanup. I'm not talking about this clip, but in general. Tricky to know the correct path on this one.

Edit: got the answer on this: Braum should not intercept the execute attack.


Watching streams or youtube vods is another way to learn the game. Especially for champions, would recommend watching the champ spotlight videos to learn what they do!


Happy New Year /r/LeagueofLegends ! Looking forward to even more games with y'all in 2020. <3