Yes, and that is what I mean by "NEVER EVER". A lot of players don't see this as balanced or a good gameplay change. If you want Elder to just end the game then either have it literally just end the game or have it instantly execute all enemies on any damage or something dumb like that. Clearly you think having buff should auto-win the game so why beat around the bush. I don't think the majority of the playerbase feels buffs should auto-win the game though.
He doesn't just have elder. He has infernal soul, at least 2 infernal buffs, Liandry's (which significantly increases the duration of the elder burn and the overall damage of his DOTs against her), lots of other AP items AND elder.
It's not like this is just elder buff, but it certainly did some decent damage to jinx, too.
I promise I'm not trying to be antagonistic. I just see a lot of factors contrubuting to this slow 1 shot.