League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

06 Jan


Originally posted by Haunt-azir

akali W and R

lower dmg on dash and high cd on smoke and the champ is fine and balanced.

This kills the Akali. She needs her energy regen :P


Why would we rework windwall?


Originally posted by LL3344

This isn't going to happen very often.

4 cloud drakes is pretty disgusting on anyone, yet Ocean soul is still the more powerful buff. The drakes were just poorly thought out.

They're all very close in terms of power, actually.


Originally posted by Danmoreng

Buff Malzahar for higher elo :3 especially laning...please https://u.gg/lol/champions/malzahar/build?region=kr&rank=diamond_plus

43% winrate in diamond+ on Korean server cannot be good :S

That's over 200 games. See previous patch for more accurate stats.


Originally posted by Ku_Haku

I think u were against a nasus and i was in my promos as zac, i think we got absolutely dismantled

Oh wait. I think this might have been one where he was chain killing me under tower.

05 Jan


Originally posted by Ku_Haku

I think I had you in my game before playing malz top

I bet that didn't go well...


Originally posted by MegaBaumTV

It would make games longer because baron would be impossible to take as long as the enemy jungler or cho is alive.

It did make Baron harder to take, yeah. There were many ways to flank and close on the team that was taking it there were pretty side agnostic.


Yeah, we actually tried this but it felt awful. Completely removed tension from these epic objectives since there was a clear way to escape and break off if it ever felt too risky.

The creation of a new pathway there essentially reduced conflict, not increased it.


Originally posted by [deleted]


  1. It's Sunday; I'm not working
  2. I live in Dublin

Originally posted by Mai_Shiranu1

by having lp gains and losses weighted by individual performance, like overwatch does with sr losses and increases

you already have an individual performance system

you can weight lp gains losses by how badly someone gets rated by said system, unless you're going to admit that the grade system is broken

The grade system isn't broken, but it's meant to be a cosmetic thing. I'm not sure it's ready to be used to determine who ends up climbing ranks or not.


(Speaking as a player, not a designer, because I am not a designer)

How would you define who the best players are?

The easiest way to determine who the best players are is whether or not they won the game. Any other metric would likely lead to abuse. For example, if you measured by KDA, players would play incredibly conservatively to avoid dying at all so that they would have a perfect KDA.

Originally posted by Jebsuwu

I remember it being mentioned that you can't roll same keystone in next 5 rolls or so but when I was working on this, I kept rolling the same keystone even twice in row very often so I thought it was just coded wrong and that it wouldn't be implemented in the game (at least I think this is what you mean).

Basically I just did the math based on 300 - 700 keystone rolls in row in practice tool to check the percentage values of rolled keystones and try to create a formula that would support that no matter how many keystones were available and prioritized at the time. But is it still safe to say that it is around 5% ~ higher when prioritized or not? Or is it more like 7% higher

probably closer to 7%

you shouldn't be able to roll the same keystone twice in a row, but i can definitely believe that there might be weird rolls - the scripting is uh, pretty jank tbh

Originally posted by Jebsuwu

So glad to hear, much love for riot <3

Oh sry, not to mislead. the smart logic section is not accurate to how that works, at least not literally. omnistone in general builds a table of all keystones it can grant, then rolls that table and removes the selected keystone. if the table has fewer than X entries, it refills the table.

Smart logic runs before rolling the table, and checks to see a variety of ideal situations in a specific order. if any ideal situation is found, it rolls a chance to grant the relevant keystone (chance* is higher if the keystone is not currently removed from the table). If that roll succeeds, it selects that keystone, removes it from the table, and stops searching subsequent situations. If nothing is found, it goes through and does the normal roll of the table

*Chance here is usually something like 15%||8%, but different situations can define how that is chosen (ie: glacial chance is significantly higher if you have a glacial item off CD)


Originally posted by Spagett44

It appears my memory serves me well. Searched through my 6 total heimerdinger games to find it. Lol. (https://imgur.com/gallery/nENTad9

Ha, we showed that D3 enemy Nunu what's what!


Originally posted by Spagett44

Hey! I had you in my game once. Cool.

Did I win? Was I playing Malzahar?


Looks really great! This picture really captures the star guardian feel, nice work


Originally posted by xXDaNXx

His anus

That is ACTUALLY my pet name for it.

04 Jan


This is so amazing. Love to see the competitive scene grow naturally and sustainably.