Disclaimer, I haven't really played much on SR since... 2015? But I remember at some point it stopped being heard globally by enemies unless Vayne was in vision
Me sad
Disclaimer, I haven't really played much on SR since... 2015? But I remember at some point it stopped being heard globally by enemies unless Vayne was in vision
Me sad
Oh man this makes me miss the old days of League where Vayne would put her first point into W on the spawn fountain at the start of the game, and the entire map would hear SILVER OF THE MOOOON!
it doesn't do that anymore???? im pretty upset now
Aery being triggers is correct. Happy with that. It's that Aery damage applies the elder burn that's the issue. We're going to make it to that no "proc" damage or effects can apply elder burn anymore.
Small Nerf but important to keep it consistent.
Believe all I submitted for 10.1 was a special case excluding aery from triggering elder. Technically however aery triggering elder triggering aery is correct behavior though as aery and elder both state they trigger on "damage", and both deal damage. Other situations clarify damage types more strictly to avoid this (ie: believe liandries states "damaging spells")
We should talk about that when we get back
I've made this mistake before, too! The 0.00 is seconds of CC on you.
I know, I'm just asking why they choose this route. Maybe my wording was bad, i'll edit it to make my intention more clear.
DoT users don't have a good keystone right now, and Aery at least allows them to feel they're getting good value out of a keystone (you still need to pick Aery up again to send her back for anotyer attack).
I am curious, though, what exactly causes this? Isn't Aerie only supposed to deal damage on Auto/Champ Ability Damage?
Aery being triggers is correct. Happy with that. It's that Aery damage applies the elder burn that's the issue. We're going to make it to that no "proc" damage or effects can apply elder burn anymore.
Small Nerf but important to keep it consistent.
Riot finding smurfing in low elo impressive lol hope this guy isn't on the balance team
How should we know if he's smurfing or not from this clip?
We shall be fixing this soon.
Good Lord that was impressive to watch. They hit you with so much CC yet you managed to evade and keep distance from 5 champs each time!
Maybe you could create an easier champ than Garen for my friend
Choose an option:
1) Flash out and hope to live
2)Flash in and try to kill your enemy laner before the jungler arrives
3)Bitch in all chat that you never get any ganks, but also get camped
Choose wisely!
It is dark, you are likely to be ganked by a grue
Was given out with the first floppies
Ah yes the 1995 text adventure version
But he is not invisible, it is just that the game renders him at a wrong location
One of the players I tested with had an idea for a definite fix - global reveal of Nunu right at the start of game, just for a brief moment and the bug can't be reproduced
You hear that August, I expect it fixed by Monday.
Why do you guys need to make everything out of minions?
For surprises for future scripters
End me. Pls.
Have you considered spawning a minion ever frame on nunu and checking visibility, then stapling a vision bubble into nunu if it's visible. Of course we need to kill the minion as well after this. I'm sure engineering will love us for this.
Fixing the bug monday guys!
End me. Pls.
You don't balance a f**king video game with players being bad in mind. I f**king hope you don't.
as a security engineer, I don't balance the game at all, but the balance team have outlined their balance philosophy quite a bit in /dev
I can tell you that from personal experience playing Ryze and Cassio that ranged champions do take minion damage and they will chase you down the lane if you don't manage minion aggro properly (like me, because I'm bad) :(
Leona: has ocean soul
Enemy: appears to not have grievous wounds
Leona: "Gg idiots!"