League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

30 Dec


Originally posted by Dankdeception

I'm damn good at learning things game related. I just needed to watch a quick game leap ADC tip video and bam I'm feeling good about this. My goal is to hit challenger in one month and grand master in overwatch in a month. Alot of people are saying buy a rank 30 account but in dota that shit is a no no. Is buying accounts okay in league or something?

Is buying accounts okay in league or something?

No. :P And my comment was assuming you had a level 30 account. I think it would be impossible without one.


(As a player, not a staff member)

I think it's really unlikely unless you absorb information like a sponge. There are some things that transfer over from DoTA and others that don't.

I play this game a lot - 5-6 hours a day on weekdays after work is not uncommon. Lack of time investment is not what keeps me from climbing to the upper echelons of ranked (high diamond+), but the fact that I don't learn from my mistakes/absorb information enough and am able to turn that information into better plays. That's not to say that you will have the same experience I do, but I imagine my experience is quite common.

I think it's a really tough ask to be able to reach top 500 of a given server (unless you play on a really unpopulated server) just due to your past experience in other games unless you're able to learn the meta and strategy of league really quickly and adapt to your mistakes, bearing in mind you'll be competing with people who likely play League as a job.

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Originally posted by FluidTale

What brand new art? The map variants are basically the same as the old map with very slight variations. You spent months adding a few brushes and walls? If 10 artists aren't enough, why not pull some artist who undoubtedly do nothing out of those 2,500+ employees, or even outsource the art like you did an entire game.

If you wanted to, you'd have done it, but I guess Christmas isn't a priority for Tencent and the Chinese market.

You clearly know nothing about game development. To be honest your post is a little bit embarrassing.


Originally posted by JoniDaButcher

Understandable, they did a great job with the map, every dragon feels like it has a powerful impact on the game.

That being said, I hope you bring it back next year!

I'm sure we will!


Originally posted by Tenryuuu

What a sad excuse, they could just make it so you can toggle it on and off like every other event, if you want to get used to the drakes.

We made brand new art for 4 elemental terrain types with less than 10 artists in a few months. There was no time for a snowy version of each one for snowdown.


Two ults in one fight. What a dream.

What does bruiser katarina mean in terms of build and masteries? Looks like she had conqueror and I couldn't tell what else.


Wow, this is incredible!

29 Dec


Nice work! Bought enough time for Lee to arrive.


Originally posted by JohnFighterman

Zhonya has objectively best DEFENSIVE active in the game. It also gives good amount of armor. Surprisingly, it's NOT a tank item, but a mage item that also has above average AP. Not to mention it's underpriced (a common theme among mage items) for the stats it gives.

Void Staff has more %-pen than ANY AD item AND ALSO costs 150 less.

Protobelt, an item that grants mobility to mages that don't have it in their kit but desperately need it (Annie, Vlad, Kennen etc.), and also very good base damage active, is severely underpriced.

Banshee gives more MR than any proper MR tank item. It's also a mage item with good passive AND, surprise surprise, is underpriced.

Rabadon is a steroid item no other class has an equivalent of.

3 of the previously mentioned items give unnecessary CDR that you actually never pay for, because mage items in general are underpriced.

It's REALLY hard to make a good MR build, even for tanks (3 big items that grant 16...

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Imagine thinking Banshees passive is good or that Banshees is a good item lol

28 Dec




Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Hey Bellissimoh, hope you’re enjoying the holidays. Wanted to say Night and Dawn has been really fun so far as a replacement for Snowdown, Adriaan and Justin have been really delivering on passes and missions after promising to improve, it was a really good combo with Dawnbringer and Nightbringer providing something unique and returning a fan favorite line while Sugar Rush provided some more light hearted content to contrast.

Thanks for the feedback Spideraxe. Glad to hear you’re enjoying the event and it’s content. We’re definitely trying to make sure that event passes are a ton of value for players who plan on playing (even a modest amount of games) during an event.

Also our creative teams are working hard to try make content that really connects with players and excites them to see what’s up next.

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year. :)


This clip gave me anxiety.


Originally posted by Danmoreng

Tbh I’m still really annoyed by the Malz rework from years ago. I would gladly not have the ridiculous passive spellshield and instead have him stronger altogether. Especially the nerfed AA range from patch 6.14 feels simply terrible. The only thing which was good in the rework in my opinion was reducing E dmg but making it continue after hitting an enemy with Q or R...I even hate the Voidlings on W.

I actually don't even remember the pre-rework malz! His passive was to create voidlings, right?

27 Dec


Originally posted by [deleted]


Company culture has been excellent in every team I've worked with so far. Can't speak for the experiences of others (I'm a straight, white male, after all), but things appear to be moving in the right direction!


Originally posted by Danmoreng

Any chance Malzahar gets some quality changes for the laning phase?

His laning phase is meant to be weak to make up for his powerful 2 item spike and insane gank assistance.


Originally posted by DucksMatter

It’s called snuffing, and has been a problem in your game for years.

Nontheless. Was still a good clip

Snuffing is a new one! Damn autocratic.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Comments like this make me think some of our players are just miserable bores.


Originally posted by hyxaru

Shouldn’t comet be the premier keystone for DoT-heavy champions, via it’s cooldown reduction mechanic?

Even better is that comet can miss. Deathfire Touch boiled down to just doing more damage without any gameplay choices.

I'm with you on this except for one thing: comet can't miss. It can be dodged. The gameplay it exhibits is all ok you opponent, which imo isn't fair for a keystone. But yeah, it's ok due to its reset component.