League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

08 Jan


Originally posted by Jokinzazpi

I remember that at the time, after they improved some champion's AI they had to make cassio bot more stupid becaue she was a monster lmao.

IIRC it was that Cassio Q was unmissable if you had perfect aim with instant reflexes. Turns out that's a pretty crappy gameplay experience lol.


Originally posted by heheoskar

MS is the most valuable stat in this game.



Originally posted by maxbrayson

Is Damonte really bottom 4?

Bruh, Damonte was bottom 3 in almost all stats


Originally posted by ItsReallyJustAHorse

But dont you know that Cass, Vlad, and Ryze exist and represent every single mage in the game regardless of how good any of the rest of them are?

Vlad isn't even that good atm...


There are only 2 reasons to onetrick: either you love a champion so much you want to play only them, or you want to cut down on the time you need to improve in order to climb quickly. If neither fits you, don't force it.


Originally posted by redditexcuse

Dont forget that rookie Jungler Akaadian, rookie mid Damonte and Lourlo in the top lane.

So many NA rookies players in Academy

Actually I think the talent pool in general is really sweet for Academy this split, DIG is just the exception to the rule in this instance xD

07 Jan


Originally posted by yousirnaimelol

If I mail it to Riot HQ and write /u/Cashmiir on it, will you get it?

lmao I don't know, actually. Our summoner names are available on our internal registry.


Originally posted by S890127

So the "showing Aphelios's second wapon icon next to the first one" thing didn't went live?

Still in testing internally. May come to live in a later patch.


Originally posted by maulcore

I don't suppose you know how Settrigh should be pronounced proper?

When I was in the Insights meeting with the team O'Bryan pronounced it as Sett-rick, like Cedric but Sett. But I might be misremembering/wrong.


Originally posted by Vzdornoff

then make it happen OR he'll get you a dio body pillow

Honestly, this is a threat that I'll have to listen to.


Originally posted by Darkforces134

I believe it is this

This was my assumption also.


Originally posted by yousirnaimelol

make it happen and ill get you a dio body pillow

lmao I hate anime


Originally posted by yousirnaimelol

Not quite related, but due to his VA being DIO is there a way to change his voice to japanese (but just sett's)?

I'm sure every weeb at Riot wants to know the answer to that question