League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

31 Dec


Originally posted by 1909Fredde_

it's all about the point of view: I am not good at this game and I am way higher placed at the rating than him. Thus I have to think he is bad as well.

But my attitude makes me hungry. I chase improvements. I eventually want to become a good player!

I am not satisfied with a lot of things I do ingame.

I am not good at this game and I am way higher placed at the rating than him. Thus I have to think he is bad as well.

There's nothing that says you have to discredit other players achievements in order to acknowledge that you aren't as good as you'd like to be.

Thanks to playing so much of this game, I know there's a lot I don't know, therefore it feels like I'm bad at the game (and I say it a lot in game as a self-deprecating joke). However, I also know that I have the knowledge to know that there's a lot I don't know, which makes me a lot better than I would otherwise give myself credit for. ...

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Originally posted by RemSai

Depends on how you define bad player. One of the first definitions of "bad" on Google is "not such as to be hoped for or desired". I would assume that you would desire to be about as good as other people that have put in the same amount of work and practice that you have at something. As a very rough analogy, if a baby can take 10 steps at 6 months old they are very good at walking, but if a full grown man can take 20 steps before falling you would say they are bad at walking, even though they are much better at walking than the baby

I think most people here, including OP, are defining bad as the antonym of "good". If you're platinum, you're definitely good at the game, so by definition not bad.


Originally posted by RemSai

I mean if he's in the top 5% of players but his ranked games played is in the top 1% of players, you could argue that he is objectively a bad player

You could argue that, but you would be wrong to do so. Hitting a skill plateau doesn't mean you're a bad player.


ah, yes, this is known as the instant surrender hook


Originally posted by truevelvet

Are you from Ireland?

Nope, England. What made you ask?


PBE is not for balance since there's no matchmaking on PBE.


Originally posted by Caenen_

Yup, for some reason any turret, minion, monster, champion can apply the Elder BURN buff to yourself when they attack you while invulnerable while holding the buff yourself. This buff will trigger the Elder Spell onto yourself if you're low enough, but the spell has a check at some point that prevents it from killing off a friendly target. Or self, dunno.

However the BURN DOT itself does 25 damage to you when you're no longer invulnerable, and that can even kill you, much like the Caitlyn Empowered Headshot/Energized thing a few months ago! I believe u/vandirilol has footage to do a video about this current case once he's no longer on holidays.

So while the spectacle of Elder's Spell executing oneself is prevented, applying the Elder burn to oneself still damages you and shouldn't be ha...

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I'm NOW aware of it, thanks to you! Cheers for this. 😊


Originally posted by thatsnottruedawg

Kinda standard to put it around walls like that because you can't see it as an enemy. Nonetheless basic, it was a clean play.

Just being nice and positive, mate.


Originally posted by SleepyLabrador

August, if a pro team exploited the bug what would happen?

One of the reasons Nunu isn't disabled is that we don't think the bug is exploitable. It's extremely rare and (as far as we know) almost impossible to do intentionally. Might not even be a Nunu bug, could be something messed up in the code with channels that let you keep moving (have heard stories of it happening with Vi and Pyke for example). Not as easy as it looks to just fix on Monday ;(


Originally posted by MillikanMTC

Considering it's easily reproduced, if they ever used it I'm pretty sure they'd get DQ'd for exploiting a bug..

If you seriously have an EASY repro for this bug please send it my way. The reason it's hard to fix is that we've found it impossible to repro reliably


Originally posted by popmycherryyosh

I'm pretty sure you mean foursight, but okay

Several people already made that joke. 🙃


We need the Riot video team to put the key-press graphics over this one to really break it down for us.


Originally posted by bluesound3

Isn't the range too small for Ryze now?

It's good vs lots of divers/close range champion. The aura range is half the range of his E/W though, so you do really need to have a brawly opposing team for it to work.

I'd still prefer RoA in most cases, but if I am vs double or triple AP Abyssals aura isn't even the most powerful thing, it's the MR in a slot that still gives you respectable damage

30 Dec


Originally posted by shrubs311

you mean foursight?

Oh God how did I miss that one!?


Originally posted by CyberPete3

My intention isn't to sit at low elo and smurf. I wanted a new account so I could reset and climb with friends. My question is why you ignore the normal mmr system on low level accounts, and instead throw a blanket "smurf" tag on ALL of the accounts. Every game has people from literally gold up to challenger. That seems ridiculous, no?

They're on their way up, too. They just need to smash you in your game then they'll jump 200 MMR and face plays etc.

How do you know they're challenger, btw?


Wait... You're smurfing and are complaining that the game has identified you as such and now you need to play against other Smurfs?

This is an interesting one!


Clean. The trap Jhin stepped on was great forsight.


Originally posted by Dark_Shade_75

Ignore the virgins lol. While I'm not personally a fan of editing photos, it looks good and anime-ish, which is an interesting style.

I think even with the editing it's a good cosplay /shrug


Ha! I knew this clip would happen one day!