Legends of Runeterra

Legends of Runeterra Dev Tracker

19 May


Unfortunately we had a ton of instability right after release. Things should be better now if you try again. Sorry for the bad first impression!


Originally posted by drpowercuties

I do appreciate that LoR devs are open to hearing community suggestions, but please be careful, I've seen other games listen too much to forums, particularly Reddit, where the userbase does not represent the average player, and they ended up destroying their game with Reddit feedback. Just take everything with a grain of salt.
As for the big picture questions,
1. What is the plan for monetization? How are you adding value to the overall Runeterra product? If there was a point in the future where budgetary cut backs are necessary, how do you justify keeping labs afloat? Sadly, 'a lot of people like our product' isn't what keeps jobs. I know this isn't the job of designers, but I do feel that these considerations should be included in a 'road map' type of article.
2. What are the plans for player retention to labs? Currently, labs are a series of unrelated events, there isn't really an over-arching progression. In the Labs of Legends section you mention "No progression...

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We try to take feedback from multiple sources, not just reddit, but reddit is a particularly good platform to directly engage with players.

For your feedback, in my responses I'm assuming from context that you're referring to labs as a whole, and not specifically the PvE/2v2 labs. Please let me know if I'm wrong about that.

For monetization, that is actually part of design's job (along with other folks), but Labs as a whole isn't really designed to be a monetizing feature, as they're intentionally a bit rough around the edges and we have a higher bar for anything we'd monetize. However, Labs does bring big value to the product as a whole and for players. For the product because it helps us find and test the next exciting mode that players are (hopefully) going to love. Likely any future big modes we make will have had their initial seeds planted in the labs. For players, labs provide new rotating content and a more casual mode where they can try something new and p...

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18 May


Originally posted by drpowercuties

oddly, I didn't think that. They are focused on some details when there are big picture issues. Not seeing the forest for the trees. But I still think they are doing a fantastic job

Thanks for this feedback, would love to hear what you think are the big picture issues you're seeing with the labs.


Originally posted by AceCircus

I don't know if my Google Translate is good, but seems like LoL and Wild Rift skins won't be coming to LoR. Which is really sad since some skins are really cool. But I love those skins!

That is not correct. Look for the skins article tomorrow - some favorites from LOL will be in LOR as well.



Originally posted by swimstrim


Riot's response yesterday was mostly focused on Azir Irelia having a surprisingly low winrate, and mentioning that they might not nerf it in 2 weeks because of that. My main point here is that this winrate-heavy perspective sort of concerns me, because overpowered and oppressive are two very different things, and a lot of the more "oppressive" decks in the game have actually exhibited the same exact winrate. TF Go Hard was also a ~52% winrate deck that stopped people from being able to play a lot of types of decks on ladder. In fact, in TF Go Hard we saw the same EXACT pattern, which was a winrate trending slowly down over time. The reason for this was the meta was being warped around the deck to the point where TF Go Hard was killing off its own favorable matchups, and I think that's the exact pattern we're seeing with Azir Irelia.


The bigger problem is that Azir Irelia is limiting the viability of a lot of decks from the game due to i...

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Thanks for the thoughtful reply, u/swimstrim.

It's important to note that the metrics I talked about over the weekend are not the only metrics we use and we don't only use metrics to make decisions. I focused on win rate, because the community has been focused on it and my intention was to keep the conversation focused on what I had been seeing a lot from the community.

You are right to call out that decks crowding out other decks is an important factor that we consider when discussing live updates. We also strongly consider how fun a deck is to play against or lose against. However, it takes more time to learn if and how new cards are impacting the meta on some of the axis. I think it's important to gather as much information as we can before making decisions that could significantly i...

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It is an interesting idea, but no we are not planning to do anything like this.

The K/DA cards are real cards; they are not skins.