Legends of Runeterra

Legends of Runeterra Dev Tracker

02 Jun


You didn't need that anyway!

Any chance you know what happened in-game just before it uh... vanished?


Originally posted by fiver49

Didn't see this mentioned in the patchnotes but it's an awesome QoL update that the community has been asking for for awhile, great to see it added!

It does seem like at this point it might make sense to just let you choose your first power from a list, but I'd imagine this was much easier to implement quickly.

Yep you're right! It's a little silly as a solution, but at the same time that we're adding to Lab of Legends we want to make sure we're putting most of our Labs time into the next big PVE experiment...


Hello! Wanted to shed some light on this. We did update the quests, for a few reasons:

  • We heard a lot of feedback that the previous quests were weighted too heavily toward Gauntlets/Expeditions, and we also saw lower engagement rates with those quests as well. We wanted to even the balance a bit and actually shift more toward labs, as we now offer 3 labs at a time and some of our most exciting and popular new modes are in labs.
  • We wanted to move all the quests to a two week cycle, rather than a full month, to reduce the downtime between quest cycles.
  • Overall we wanted to keep the rewards value about the same.

This update actually went out in early May, it just took a while for the old quests to cycle out.

It is true that there are no more Epic Boxes in this set of quests. In general, we want to reserve those for competition and special events, and use the commons/rares for the more regular rewards like quests. You will be g...

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Good memory and great post.

The majority of our buffs to cards over the last year did not impact the play rate of the card that was buffed or cause any change in the meta.

As the card pool grows larger small buffs to innocuous cards become even less impactful to the overall metagame.

We don't like the idea of doing "token buffs" to artificially create a big list of changes if we know those changes won't actually change anything.

We want the changes we make to live cards to be impactful. We also want nerfs to not completely destroy a deck or archetype.


Originally posted by Ultrabadger

You know what? I believe you.

I'm pretty sure I overreacted and made a bad post. Edited it.

Thanks for making a fun game.



Originally posted by Hard_Thruster

Can you make a post addressing your thought process in the patch? I think you owe the community that at least.

I included my thoughts in the patch notes.



This is 100% not true.

We do not make gameplay design decisions based on revenue.

01 Jun

31 May


Don't worry. We won't stop communicating.

There will always be a small part of the community that argues in bad faith, takes comments out of context, or have a general negative mindset. That's part of the Internet.

Keep in mind, most of the people that post angrily or are upset are passionate about the game and that passion is a good thing.

We love our community and we will continue to do our best and communicate as openly as we can.

Take heart that the post had way more upvotes and karma than negative comments.

Positivity is the path.


30 May