Legends of Runeterra

Legends of Runeterra Dev Tracker

21 Apr


It’s a hard fight. It’s worth drafting deck upgrades and powers entirely around ways to beat irellia. Normally you can overpower enemies in path but in this case it’s hard to outdo her offense. Instead you focus on upgrades that can stop her, and stun isnt enough (it usually is for enemies with one big threat). Take fast/burst removal heavily so they can’t stick irellia or another big unit, ways to mitigate the pain of blade dance, etc.

20 Apr


Originally posted by Goibhniu_

Ah ok. To be honest that's kind of heartening in a way. I'd rather that i just was unlucky with the timing than me completely missing something.

Yeah, we planned for new players to get standard-legal decks when rotation came in but hit some big surprises and blockers in the process. Building new decks for store bundles is something we do all the time and are familiar with, and we build new event passes all the time which work similarly to the road of prologue unlocks - so we assumed things would go smoothly: just make the decks like normal and swap out the decks the prologue road gives players.

However, after we were in the middle of the work we discovered there were a lot of extra snags that crossed disciplines due to the unique aspects of how the prologue road was built. It was built as a one-and-done, not a flexible system we regularly update, and this made it take a LOT more time to update. We're going to get them, updated as soon as possible - But still, I wish we'd caught it sooner.

Thanks for bearing with us, and if you aren't already - make sure you're claiming the free rewards on the event pass and...

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19 Apr

18 Apr


Originally posted by K0MSA

I have question, when card is turned into shards, as what happened to you, what percent of card value does get refunded?

~20% (varies by rarity, with higher rarity duplicates being more favorable rates compared to crafting cost). So if you get 5 excess copies of cards you can use them to craft ~1 copy of any card you want of equivalent rarity.

15 Apr


You stack items on the powder monkeys via her cards that can add random items to your units during a game. Adding an item to a powder monkey adds it to all powder monkeys she'll generate in the future. Generating them with her star power or other cards gets much more impressive then. I often get them to 6/5s or similar early in the game.

14 Apr


Originally posted by toctocroc

But the regions include Sett and Samira? So I can just farm them? That's what I really want to know

You can farm any card in the game. There are free players that earn cards faster than they come out; people with 100% collections of every card in the game that have never spent money. This takes months to years of free play to get 3 copies of everything of course, but that's literally *everything*.

If you are thinking of spending money and want to get a specific card and don't have green shards or champion wild cards yet though, you can get a coin bundle to buy them directly. If you want to be hyper-efficient, the event pass has lots of cards from the just-released set on it in its chests (plus other cool stuff).

If you prefer PvE or Roguelite experiences, The Path of Champions mode also offers a way to play with Sett or Samira (samira unlocks for free on the current event pass, Sett unlocks for the premium version of the pass).


You can craft cards from the Collection tab. When you click on a card you can use Green Shards or Coins (premium currency) to craft them.

You can get Green Shards from... A lot of places. The Weekly Vault will get you a lot of cards in particular, just play a bunch and it'll level up. You'll also get lots of card from your Region Roads (rewards tab).

You can also buy some card bundles in the store for premade decks to get you started with some of the champions, or buy the event pass if you want a bunch of rewards from the recent set efficiently.

12 Apr

11 Apr

09 Apr


Originally posted by Kuraetor

wtf you talking about buying cards is the last thing you do in game unless you want to give charity money to riot


08 Apr


Originally posted by sim0n002

u/bkopleck Can I get a confirmation that this is now the biggest coin you've seen?

yep! it's beautiful

07 Apr


hell yeah that's rad


the largest coin i've seen proof of was 1804944 mana