Legends of Runeterra

Legends of Runeterra Dev Tracker

28 Jul


Originally posted by smillerseven

I definitely agree. I think I was misunderstood, i only meant that they have so many great ideas that sometimes things they want to do take time to get to and they are always adding more to the game.

Truer word have never been said!

26 Jul


Originally posted by WarPhoniex101

Thanks, I don’t know how I didn’t figure that out

You are definitely not stupid! It isn’t the most obvious rule and we don’t do a great job making it easy to know beforehand. The tutorial is there and we have a game tip on the loading screen, but otherwise it’s kind of an unfortunate “gotcha.” Thanks for sticking with it and hope you enjoy the game!


Originally posted by Moosetoo

Units with overwhelm will ignore "phantom blockers" and still hit your nexus for full damage. Otherwise, the phantom block will persist and prevent a nexus strike.

Thanks for explaining it so well!

25 Jul


Originally posted by arthurmauk

Thanks, I do exactly 3 wins per day in Expeditions anyway, so this is perfect. Unfortunately Expeditions is bugged right now in that they give 3 or 0 petals per win instead of 4 and 1... :(

We fixed it this morning, you should be all good to get Petals in Expeditions!

24 Jul


Originally posted by Teradul

Riot knows how to add a bit of memery to its events...

We try <3


We pushed a fix this morning, so Expedition wins should always provide 1 Petal, and the first win of the day 4 Petals (if your first win is in Expeditions, that bonus is shared across all PvP modes)


It is unlimited! But, feel free to pace yourself :p


That's correct: 1.7 will add 2 more Epic Quests but no more non-Epic quests


Only items on the Event Pass are limited time: the Festival Shrine will stick around in the store after the event!


Originally posted by Bad_atgames

u/RiotSalvor not sure if this is wonderful enough but i am very poor and want coins for the spirit blossom board

awesome! what's your nametag, and how much do you need?


Originally posted by seagrid888

Hello, thank you for this. On another thing that I want to ask, after the blossom update, everytime I finish a match, regardless vs players, A.I., or even Labs, I cannot find match unless I close and reopen the game. It will always stuck on "connecting" for several minutes then it shows "Failed to connect". I have restarted my laptop, my internet modem. This is annoying as I want to keep playing but seems like the server is not allowing me to. Especially with lots of quests from battle pass that I just bought. I am playing in Japan region, please check if there is any bug or any issue on the server.

Hey! Please make sure you send in a LoR bug report to player support http://support.riotgames.com/

There we can get your log files / info from your account so we can investigate and then hopefully identify whatever is causing the issue.


You're right!

There's a bunch of technical reasons why this was harder than it seems like it should be for Labs, but ultimately the "why" is because I asked the team to focus on some other urgent stuff instead. You can blame me!

You'll be able to choose your emotes (and card backs) starting with the Lab in release 1.8. Some Labs will let you pick your Guardian, too.

No Axe selection on the roadmap, sorry u/Ragnakaz.


Originally posted by jsandman46

Idk if you know him but if you have a chance can you tell Riot Bradcode, jsandman46 said hi

Used to play with a lot but haven’t be able to lately, hope he’s doing ok :) if not that’s alright

ill pass it along!

23 Jul


On Poro's Day, Freljordian tribes gather to see if the emerging Punxsutawney Poro will see his own shadow— indicating 6 more weeks of biting cold before spring.

Okay that's not canon... and while it explains why poros cast shadows, it reveals little about why silverwings do not!

Luckily it's my job to fix bugs— not write lore! I'll make sure this gets the attention it deserves. Thank you for bringing it to our attention!


Originally posted by zhaoz

Though thats not confirmed is it?

The 2 additional Epic Quests coming in Patch 1.7 are in addition to what you have now, so no pressure to complete them before 1.7 drops!


Originally posted by RavenLationz

It is necesary to be in MSPaint? I just professionaly draw on photoshop and like to share some art with you Riot! What I need to do to send some art?

no, but we want this to be crude and raw art. nothing that takes more than 15 minutes. and you can post it here, and link the post and your LoR Name#Tag to me in a message.


Originally posted by RiotSalvor

yes. always. yea, send me art or post it in reply, and send me your lor Name#Tag



Originally posted by HeviKnight

Wow, this reply was totally unexpected, I have to make it and then I will send it to you, I asume the ms paint card.

Btw, Not Draven, Draaaaaaaaven.

yes. always. yea, send me art or post it in reply, and send me your lor Name#Tag


Originally posted by ascpl

I was thinking this the other day when I was playing Teemo and he kept talking about scouts honor and all, I thought, Teemo should have Scout keyword.

you really want him attacking twice a turn?


We had a lot of fancier effects planned, but we opted to push them down the road in favor of usable ones so we could get the game in your hands faster. Expect a lot of quality of life improvements as time goes on :D