Legends of Runeterra

Legends of Runeterra Dev Tracker

11 Jul


Originally posted by Kyryck

Hello again. So as an update, I played against two friends last night and we all completed quests after going to the first draw with zero issues. I also asked the one that had the Braum quest if he remembered if we went to the end of the first round and he said that we did indeed. I am unsure as to why precisely the Braum quest didn't complete that once, but although we didn't have that specific quest again we didn't have any issues this past day. I will forego posting again unless I encounter more difficulties or odd behaviors in quest completion.

On a similar note, thank you for taking the time to respond to my concern. While I was dispirited upon discovery of the issue, and was irritated with Riot for making things difficult, I am glad to be shown wrong and that it wasn't a change made to incentivize card purchases but rather a change as a result of the new game mode. My apologies for the quick resort to complaining on Reddit instead of collecting a couple of days ...

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No worries, I appreciate you taking the time to reply! The internet can be a tough place, and I can understand your skepticism. Thanks for taking the time to ask questions and learn <3


Originally posted by jinfanshaw

didnt know that thanks

You got it. :)


Not the easiest to find, but we do support this (because you're absolutely right, knowing the base health matters!).

Check out this button on the detailed view of a card: https://imgur.com/a/uj4ZZqi

Pressing it gives you this view of the undamaged (and unbuffed) base stats: https://imgur.com/a/OtbGcnL


Originally posted by shutupreddit2

Lovin the lab music!

(yeah I was too lazy to paint the part outside the window)

On behalf of the Labs team... You get us.

Same (chill)wavelengths.


Originally posted by Kyryck

How nice, a developer response! Thank you for taking the time to read and respond.

There may indeed be something going on then, because I believe the poster at the top said that his quest was "win with Shadow Isles" and that it didn't work during his friend match but it did against AI. I don't know if he played to the first round draws though, since he didn't post that.

I know that personally I had a friend yesterday try to do a quest where he had to win with Braum and we tried a surrender (he doesn't have a lot of Freljord cards and can't really make a good Braum deck) at the mulligan stage and it didn't give credit. We then tried to play a round each and then I surrendered again and it again did not give him credit for it.

I appreciate the response however and I will purposefully see about quests tonight again to collect further data and post if I encounter more difficulty completing the standard boilerplate quests while I'm playing with people I know...

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Sure thing! "Win with Shadow Isles" is one of the quests touched by this change since it checks if your deck has Shadow Isles cards in it, but if Win with Braum also didn't work after playing a round that would be unexpected ^ ^ ;

10 Jul


Originally posted by imbusywithinternet

I did the work for anyone wondering. Jinx player uses Get Excited (deal 3 to anything) to bring Swain health low enough for Jinx quick attack to kill him and live. Then karma player responds with Death's Hand (deal 2 to enemy and 1 to nexus) and 2 are used because Karma is levelled up (she casts a copy of the spell you cast). So now 4 spell damage is hitting the Jinx which will kill her. The Jinx player then uses Unyielding Spirit (a unit can't take damage or die) on the Jinx to keep that bitch going. The Karma player says well f**k Heimer then and uses Death Mark (remove ephemeral (unit dies at end of round or when it deals damage) from an ally to grant it to an enemy) on the octopus asshole and gives ephemeral to heimer. At the same time the Karma player uses Concusive Palm (stun an enemy and summon a 3/2 prick) on the Jinx players elusive (ha you can't stop my attacks) fish. Again because karma is levelled up she copies both spells and casts them on the same targets. In the end ...

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Hey folks! Quest design owner here! Quests should still all be completable vs friends (except for queue specific ones that ask you to play a specific game mode) but we did make a change to how a few quests track progress.

Previously, any quest that checked the contents of your deck (quests like winning with a specific Region or specific card(s) in your deck) did so at the start of the game.

With the introduction of Labs, sometimes unusual things happen to your deck at the start of a game (fun fact: before you mulligan in ARAM, your deck is entirely composed of Champions!). To give Labs more space at the start of the game, those quests now check when you draw your first card of the game on Round 1.

So, if you were not getting quest progress and were snap surrendering during mulligan, that would be why. But, if you are seeing other quests not progress during Friend Challenge, please let me know, because otherwise quests should work the same as before!

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Originally posted by dutch_gecko

Thank you for considering colourblind players

we try!


Originally posted by iEslam

Maybe hovering over a card would highlight all the spells affecting it, and vice versa; hovering over a spell would highlight all the cards it affects, and the highlight color changes based on who owns the spells, this way; we can track red lines to enemy spells, green or blue lines to our spells.

Thanks for the suggestion! An overall goal of giving more info to players on hover is one I totally agree with especially since top level info can get so dense and complicated. One tricky thing with hover (there's a lot!) is that it isn't as useful for touch based devices (especially smaller ones) since we have to bring up the hover card itself and often that card will be on top of the targeting lines.

In terms of highlights we actually really try to only use 2 highlight colors Blue and Gold. Blue being the standard highlight color which means something is playable and Gold being something is playable with a special effect. I imagine you're more talking about the color of the target wisp or trail. In those cases we've mostly stuck with Blue for a couple reasons: Color can be tricky for colorblind people. Color can be very hard to balance on the various playmats plus during Oracle's eye

In any case that's a whole bunch of blah blahs & excuses, when...

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Hiya, Jeff here from the LoR audio team. I'm really happy to hear how much you're enjoying the music direction for Labs! And I'm right there with you, playing the music on repeat to bring some chill vibes to my day.

This track has a working title for the moment, but I love the suggestion of 'Beats to experiment and hextech-trasmogulate to'. You'll see that it's already made its way to YouTube, and there are plans for sharing the music of LoR more widely later on.

I especially want to call out the efforts of composer Clément Belio whose delightfully inventive music has given the Labs a feeling all their own. Now...back to looping this tune one more time.


In the past we tried several strategies to make it easier to tell who “owns” which spells on the stack. Color was one of the first we tried, but I found that not only did it not help make things clearer, it actually made spell clarity much much worse. Also color can be tough from an accessibility standpoint for colorblind folks

I definitely think you all are right that situations like in the one pictured clarity gets pretty bad and I think we can make improvements for sure. We built some tools like showing hover states, and of course Oracle’s Eye to help. Thanks for bringing this up! I’ll certainly keep a lookout and make sure our clarity bar doesn’t slip. I appreciate the feedback


Originally posted by balencedrago

i absolutely adore rng labs. its so low stakes and fun. i have a blast. thanks so much for all your hard work



Originally posted by srulz_

Hello, since you've said "build", that must mean you are 1 of this ARAM mode's main designer. First of all, good job! The fact that champs respawn + starting with 3 mana + additional cards mean there's a lot of thought put into the design. The strategy also seems quite deep. If so, I have some questions:

  1. Is the card pool totally random within the chosen regions, or there's a specific pool? If there's a pool, can you release the list to the public like the Expedition buckets? If it's totally random, can you make sure stuff like Lure of the Depths doesn't appear if you have no Sea Monsters at all? Or just not appear at all if the checking is not possible?

  2. Can you confirm that MMR exists in this mode? I've only played a few games, but beating on new players get old super fast. I do hope there's some MMR in place.

Thanks, looking forward to the more stuff.

I'm an engineer actually, so I meant build in the more physical sense. But I do work closely with design so I can answer briefly without going deep into design philosophy.

1) It is totally random within the chosen regions. We could have gone very deep on ARAM and made buckets with specific cards so that you never got anything that was non-synergistic, but opted not to. A designer would likely have a better explanation, but two reasons are that Labs modes are very short lived (we plan to make a lot, release them quickly, retire them just as quickly), and the theming of ARAM is randomness, rather than consistent synergy.

The randomness can lead to some duds for sure, but it can also lead to card combinations you wouldn't normally ever see in something like Expeditions or Constructed. Hopefully that helps explain why we don't have consistent buckets.

I think if we end up bringing ARAM back again one day, or do something similar, we would look into buckets to se...

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09 Jul


Originally posted by _ThankU-next

I guess Labs isn’t for everyone then, for me it personally i became quite tilted while playing it when I normally never get tilted on normal games

I think one of our next labs might be more your style, if the RNG is not your thing.


Thanks Riversong!! I was excited to build something chill / lower stress, because I think there's a lot of players out there that want to relax rather than compete sometimes.

Lots more crazy stuff to come, now that we have the foundation in place.


Hahaha I'm glad you liked it, I stayed up late one night to have the time to sneak this one in.


Originally posted by leaponover

I don't like it either. I opened the quest, then go into play, but I can't select any of the decks the quests box is covering, which makes me have to go back to the home page and then minimize the quest box. I'm sure I can get used to minimize the quest box before I go into play.....but doesn't that equal lack of intuitiveness?

Hello, you can close it from any screen using the "Scroll" icon in the top right (the same icon you see on the home screen button. You don't have to navigate to home to do it.

Thanks for all the feedback, we can tell this button is not clear to players as it is right now.

08 Jul


Originally posted by _Obanye_

You can do both, for example Hearthstone had this exact mode, the reward was small but it was enough to do each week even though I didn't really care about the mode. Giving incentives to play is never a bad thing, the problem is when the rewards and incentives are not aligned. For example if competitive players were forced to grind it each week that would suck, but if there was a small reward for winning a few games or something it could be a nice break.

It rewards XP, which is our vehicle for delivering new cards to players through reward roads and vaults, similar to how a competitor may reward 1 pack for a special mode.

Our philosophy of not having highly limited card access may make our rewards for any one given activity look worse, but we believe it rewards you more regularly for playing the game any way you like.


Oh my dear that is both beautiful and awful all at the same time!! Thanks for sharing!


Originally posted by magicshmop

I wonder if they code the decks to play a specific way, or if the AI just tries to play on curve?

If they just play on curve, I would think it'd be easy to implement new decks. They probably want players to play each other rather then bots though. I would imagine its more healthy for the game when people play each other rather then bots.

That being said, hearthstone has those solo adventures and tavern brawls that are against AI, and those seem to be popular.

For these, it is actually all the same AI, but we modified the difficulty by changing up the deck contents themselves.