Legends of Runeterra

Legends of Runeterra Dev Tracker

08 Jul


Originally posted by RuneterraGuides

I actually love the fact Riot call their decks with these names! I thought bad naming convention was just something I did with rookie level programming ahah

Naming is the hardest problem >.<. For example, our Unranked queue is still called "ForFun" in our game data because that's what it was years ago and it never changed haha.


Originally posted by Kitlikrik

Thanks for taking the time to respond, no problem about the delay!

Sure thing! Thank you for the thoughtful questions <3


Originally posted by Xatik

Yeah, I desided that it was a bug and not a feedback and didn't talk about it.

So, yeah, I really dislike it =) including bugs

It also should minimize when we click other part of the screen (not this tab) like other tab does.

Hi, thanks. That's not a bug but a design we are trying out. The idea is you can view your quests while on deckbuilder, rewards or other screens (which is also why it's thin). So you can see your daily quest and navigate to another tab without having to close and reopen the menu.We'll monitor how its used over the next couple patches.


Hello, this is not a bug but a design choice for the quest menu we wanted to try. We moved it to the side so you can be able to look at it in deckbuilder, rewards or other screens.
The thinking is you could open the menu, see you have a Fearsome quest for the day for example, navigate to deckbuilder without having to close and reopen the menu, and put together whatever you need to complete your quests.

We'll be seeing how people feel about it during the next couple patches. Thanks!

07 Jul


Yea, if/when we bring this back as a feature, we'll have to add filtering so you can't traumatize your opponents with your deck name.


Originally posted by Gron_Doom

Absolutely love what you and your artists have done with the art in this game. Looking for little clues and hidden stories in the cards is so great. I hope you enjoy reading about my little theories as much as I enjoy making them.

absolutely! people enjoying the game and it's world are the reason I get out of bed in the morning!


Originally posted by ikariw

I think they meant to be able to give it a name as you import rather than having to go into the edit screen after importing

Lazy and I can't read. I'm a mess, coach.

That's a good idea.


Originally posted by IWantToKillMyselfKek

Is it possible to give us an option to name an imported deck when creating it? One "Imported Deck" is managable, but once you have 4 or 5 it's quite confusing.

Don't let my bullsh*t confuse you, you can rename your imported decks today! You should be able to Edit those decks (and change their name from within the deckbuilder) just like any other.

I am just lazy.


Originally posted by vealin99

How about implementing an option that allows your deck names to be visible and just have it default to off?

Giving folks more opportunities to express themselves (or their memes) is something we want to do. Given the response here, this could be a promising way to do it!

But we wouldn't want to do it by default and without warning, so we'll be fixing it for now. Maybe it'll be back at some point as a feature instead of a bug. :)


Originally posted by Loranter

How come the bug isn’t visible for everyone? Felt like I was getting pranked since I wasn’t seeing my opponent’s deck names

Our assumption would be a version mismatch; if the players seeing it are on PC and the players not-seeing it are on mobile, they probably just haven't updated to the new client yet!


Originally posted by transactionexpress

Is this intentional?

Nope! This is not intentional!

It does look cool. But players often name their decks in a way that gives away competitive information (unless you're terrible at building decks like me, in which case it's "Imported Deck" all the way down).

So we're working on getting a fix out to you all ASAP. Sorry for the oof.


Originally posted by Kitlikrik

I was looking for general advice on common pitfalls to avoid, simple ways to increase rate of card acquisition etc.

With regards to things being out of date, one site that said it was talking about 1.0 economy for example stated the gem rewards for duplicate commons/rares were 25/75 but I thought I remembered getting 15/60 myself, is that right? What are the gem equivalents of duplicate epics or legendaries? Although I probably won't get any of those anytime soon since duplicate protection applies, correct? And it applies to cards of those rarities no matter what source you get them from, capsule, region reward track, vault, anything, right?

Do you earn gold in the game or is it only purchasable with money? I was a bit surprised at first since the 'industry standard' for free to play games seems to be to make gold the free to play currency and gems the premium currency.

Hey, sorry for the delay in getting back to you!

If you are looking for max efficiency, try and aim for a Level 10 Vault whenever you can. Levels 11+ still provide some solid rewards, but the reward efficiency is highest up til Level 10. Picking what Regions to get rewards from is a matter of what excites you, but if you are not sure what deck you want, consider taking each region to 4, then each to 8, 12, 16 etc because every 4th level in a Region is a bit more efficient in terms of the reward you get.

Regarding duplicates, the Shard values for extra copies are 15 (Common), 60 (Rare), 250 (Epic), and 750 (Champion).

Epics and Champions have duplicate protection whenever you get a random card from any source, which means you will always get an Epic or Champion that you don’t have 3x copies of before you get Shards instead. The way duplicate protection works is that we check any Set restrictions followed by Region restrictions.

For example...

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these are great! as part of the design process, there's a constant feedback loop between our artists and our narrative and design team to make sure all of our art looks consistent, fits the lore, and conveys the appropriate feel for the design and mechanics of the card. There are many reasons art changes from one iteration to the next, but our artist partners have been great about making all our art both look great and fit into the larger story we're telling.


Originally posted by magicshmop

Is sixmorevodka a team or a person? That's a lot of art for one person, but still impressive for a team.

they're an awesome team of artists. if you go to their studio site, they have a gallery of most of their current staff. https://sixmorevodka.com/


Originally posted by Megamaxstar

I'll start DMing you nice stuff to even it out. You have an amazing game and I love it so much. Thank you for your hard work ♥️

Appreciate it. I love all the DMs no matter what. People are passionate and it's awesome to see.

06 Jul


Originally posted by LabluDuck

"Card" is such a terrible card. No wonder you're stuck in "Rank". Just put "Niche Region Card" into your deck. I can't stand these "Rank" players complaining about easily counterable strategies.

I feel like this is my DMs everyday