Legends of Runeterra

Legends of Runeterra Dev Tracker

05 May


Originally posted by SirRichardTheVast

The card says "the first time I see you damage the enemy Nexus this round." If you are able to trigger it multiple times, that does sound like a bug that should be addressed.

Edit: Realizing now that I misunderstood this comment, so I have a bit of egg on my face. Glad to know everything is working as intended, though.

Sejuani behaves as described here; so the first time she is both leveled-up and sees damage dealt to the enemy Nexus, her ability will trigger. That still supports the scenario u/Fast2Bfast described.


Originally posted by QUINN_VALOR_VGU_WHEN

Hey Cash, a bit late to the party here but is there anything you can share about Quinn's development process and why the devs designed her the way they did/where they took inspiration from?

As a Quinn main from League going on 5 years now, I absolutely LOVE playing her and her team of rangers in LoR - not only due to their amazing theme and visuals, but also because of the Scout mechanic that accompanies them. Forcing fights feels so good, especially in combination with Rally.

This is coming from someone who's never played card games before and swore he'd be disappointed if Riot released one! I'm having a blast so far and feel incredibly grateful to have my favorite champion in the game, so thank you :)

I didn't get a chance to talk to the team about Set 2, but I'll see if we can cover her in a later article maybe!

My manager is also a Quinn main, and as a Yuumi main, there's nothing I love more than running at someone with Youmuu's Zoomies and just obliterating them in one shot. So I'm pretty in love with her LoR mechanic. :D


Hey folks,

Here's the important part. Today we hotfixed some critical bugs affecting some equally critical cards:

  • Sejuani's leveled up ability should now always apply, even with start-of-round effects like Citybreaker. Previously this worked sometimes. "Sometimes" is even more frustrating than "never."
  • Lee Sin should now properly receive Barrier, even if he leveled up from the first spell in a round. Previously this gave him double Challenger, which sounds cool but is about as useful as a screen door on a submarine.
  • Vi should no longer temporarily gain +8 attack power during her level-up. Previously she would Dragon's Rage your nexus for a staggering amount of damage and you would cry.
  • Twisted Fate should now be playable with a full board, like any other unit. Previously... he wasn't.

Expect to see more fixes in Patch 1.1 n...

Read more External link →

04 May


Originally posted by DoorframeLizard

Just gonna say that it's super nice to see you guys responding to a lot of criticism and feedback. Hope this will extend past the launch period, I think you guys are doing a great job thus far.

I personally have my stern reservations about making posts that are just overwhelmingly positive at the launch of a game or expansion since plenty of companies have shown to only care about making that good first impression and then milking the customers. This subreddit saw a lot of those posts on launch day, which I was skeptical about, but I'm stoked to see that people aren't afraid to criticize aspects of the game and that you guys are actually responding to these posts - it makes me very hopeful for the future of LoR. I love the game so far but I think a healthy dose of skepticism never hurts when it comes to games and Riot seems to be aware of that and handling it very well - excited to see what the future holds.

Glad to hear it makes a difference! I've been working on this game for a long time so it is exciting to see how some of my guesses panned out whether for the good or for the bad. And if it is bad we'll try and make it better for you all!


Originally posted by Portaljacker

How much does the video quality setting pact battery life? I'm playing on a Pixel 4 XL and keep wondering if it's worth lowering for more battery. Also I have no idea what each setting actually changes...

Hi! I am one of the LoR engineers working on quality / performance / battery life. Thank you for playing LoR.

Battery life is pretty device and usage dependent. One of the biggest factors is screen brightness, but video quality does impact it quite a bit, too. Let me explain what the settings currently do, and try some rough estimates for play time on your Pixel 4 XL; sorry if it gets a bit long :)

  • Starting from the top, "Ultra" is the highest quality setting: Native resolution, MSAA, and cinematic bloom on certain animations. This looks great, especially on tablets with larger screens, but is rather expensive. Luckily tablets tend to have big batteries to compensate for the battery draw to some extent.
  • On "High" there is no MSAA, slightly less post processing effects, and the resolution is capped at 1080p. This tends to look pretty crisp on most phones, but especially text can feel a bit blurry on larger tablet screens. Battery consumption scales c...
Read more

Sorry for the interruption folks. Things should be recovering.


Wow! This is so awesome. Nice job, especially all that fur!


Originally posted by TheKinkyGuy

While you are here can you please:

look into the fix for the lvl-up animation bug. NAmely Everytime a champ lvls up there is a square in the background messing with the animation. you can clearly see it and it f up the visual of the animation.

This is on mobile.
Ty in advance.

Please report this here if possible -- https://support-legendsofruneterra.riotgames.com/hc/en-us


Originally posted by lagetakethewheel

sorry for hijacking this comment but you have any news on the missing XP several players have reported? its not just a visual bug and its kinda bad getting XP lost.

Yes; we believe we've tracked the issues down and will have it fixed by next patch


Thanks, this was one of the outcomes we hoped we'd achieve -- glad it's working for you!


Originally posted by Tulicloure

We're hoping to do more of these in the future, so I'd love to go back and talk about the ones we missed in here.

That would be great! While this text talked about some instances of champions for which the LOL mechanics were hard to translate into card games (fast!), what makes me more curious is how you guys came up with some of the designs that are more unique to card games and don't really match much with their LoL-selves (Maokai with toss/mill, Nautilus with Deep, ...).

Also would love to hear the history behind Swain's design, as I feel like he has a lot of different facets that could have ended up with very different versions of the champion card.

Would love to do more of these and cover those champs! I'm also very interested to know that!


Originally posted by Nnekaddict

If I may add : would love to be able to filter cards by sets. Right now it's not an issue but it might become one in the future.

Workin on it


Originally posted by ppmi1

Just asking will you do this for every single champ

I would love to! LoR is great and I really love learning about this and sharing it.


Originally posted by TheAvocado96

The article was a very interesting read, especially as it helped me learn a bit more about the different regions! Also hearing that one of the devs is a fan of yugioh put a smile on my face. However, I’m still very new to the lore as this is the only game I’ve played, didn’t know anything about League of Legends before this. I wanted to ask, what’s the difference between Runeterra and the summoners rift? Is that a different region not in the game yet?

Summoner's Rift used to be a central area where combatants from Runeterra came to fight. I'm not sure if that's still the case or not.

But ST is just the name of the main map in League. So it's not exactly a natural environment for these champions.


Originally posted by leodix

It was nice to get an insight as a new player, I'm having a lot of fun so far with my good ole pal TF. As much as it was nice to get an insight though, it felt like this was just a flavour of the full creative process, is there any more content that goes in-depth on card design and the creative process from a mechanical sense that people know of? Would be very interesting for me

This is something we'd like to do in the future!


Originally posted by RiotUmbrage

Thanks for the feedback!

Piggy backing on this to say this to cover specifically the 3rd party deck tracker.

We work very closely with 3rd party companies to provide data so they can build out experiences. We even work with certain companies on launches of new sets and games to make sure that they have things for players on day 1.


Thanks for the kind feedback - we have several heroes who really championed for mobile and helped everyone deliver the goods on phones; will make sure they see this!


Originally posted by ScrollLockKey

Thank you Riot Cashmiir. You have made a man's day.

Also, that name is very cool :D

Awww shucks you.

Lol ty! I've been using it for years. Since Classic Runescape through Vanilla WoW up to now. :D

Edit: Your name is the bane of my existence. Second only to Num Lock.


Originally posted by Tricursion

Wow Kalista and thresh left out :( kalista is understandable because she already got redone(and it’s much better).


We're hoping to do more of these in the future, so I'd love to go back and talk about the ones we missed in here. They all have really interesting stories. I can't count the amount of times UNCONKABLE repeated that when we were talking.


Originally posted by IssacharEU

Thanks for the insight ! You didn't talk about Freljord, but I really like how Ashe and Sejuani complement nicely each other, both for leveling conditions and when they are leveled up.

When you do Lissandra, it would be cool (haha) if she had an ability like "Whenever you Frostbite an enemy, deal 1 to the enemy Nexus". This way, when all 3 of them are leveled up and attacking, you get a big wombo combo !

I shall pass this feedback on to the team, but I can't make promises. I'm just a writer and have no influence over the game's design. :)

But that would be pretty solid and absolutely horrifying. Thanks. I hate it. :D