Magic The Gathering: Arena

Magic The Gathering: Arena Dev Tracker

25 May


The cards in the “order blockers” browser and the cards on the battlefield are always in the same order. You can check the battlefield to see which deputy has which prisoner, then swap or keep the order in the browser.


We want to be on other platforms, but for now, we're focusing on PC. We don't have a time estimate for other platforms.


Important: For those that qualified, you HAVE to join the event from 6am PT (13:00 UTC) to 7am PT (14:00 UTC). If you don't, you won't be able to participate.

You can find more information here, specifically the ...

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24 May


I have a Commander deck that is basically all enchantments... The only creatures I put in are walls haha. Does it win? Nah. Is it hilarious? Yes. I have another deck that has creatures, but I literally never attack with them. They just sit and do damage passively.

Tl;dr you need creatures, but don't need to attack with them.




Please try changing the format as mentioned in this post.


Bug Fixes

  • Chandra, Fire Artisan's first ability should now deal the correct amount of damage when she is dealt combat damage.

Known IssueS

  • "Asset Error Detected" - Players who have their Windows display language set to Turkish may encounter an "Asset Error Detected" warning that was forcibly exits the game.
    • Work Around: Change your Windows display language to "English" and relaunch Magic: The Gathering Arena....
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Flattered! Thanks so much for the kind words!


Originally posted by twitticles

I think the current version is unintended. Hiding crucial UI elements underneath graphical noise is just too daft to be intentional.

Correct; it’s a bug


There are only stained glass styles for the 36 WAR planeswalkers that you can open in WAR boosters. Not the buy a box promo Tezzeret or the Planeswalker Deck planeswalkers.