Magic The Gathering: Arena

Magic The Gathering: Arena Dev Tracker

22 May




I so so so wish I could tell people, but we're not going to. We don't want to break promises, ya know? Knowing something is coming, and then it not happening, feels awful so we aren't going to announce something until we can absolutely guarantee that we can deliver it.
How about, we're looking at this, but are not sure if we can do it? And later, we are not going to do it, or we did it (that one in the State of the Beta, OFC)? That would mean a lot to the persons proposing something.
I agree that breaking promises, even if only imagined ones, is bad.

I do try to say "we're working on it" when I can. Like, friends list? Working on it. Other platforms? Something we want to do. When it comes to specific features though I can't give details.

I know that this isn't the answer you want, but we'll announce things when we're comfortable announ...

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Roger that, everyone! Some things of note:

  1. We do post the State of the Beta here. We didn't one time, simply because in the chaos of things it was forgotten. We're sorry about that!
  2. The forums WILL be updated soon. The goal is to have it live by July. We don't like how they're designed right now either haha.
  3. When it comes to feedback, we are ALWAYS listening. We are not ignoring anyone. I am constantly passing info to the devs that I see on the forums, Reddit, Twitter, etc. We just can't implement that feedback immediately. Making a game takes a LOT of time. Even the simplest of things can take days. We also can't confirm what we are (or are not) working on haha. I know it's lame that things are super secret, but it is what it is.
  4. Your suggestions and feedback always matter.
I hope that what you say happens, however there are d...
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[[37263,hashtags]] is not enough.
I want to discuss why there is no Brawl, Highlander, Commander in Arena.
Why was Two Headed Giant possible in Duels ?
I suggested Stats for Decks and Player a year ago, so its not days for simple things, unless you mean 400 days.
  1. We hear your feedback. As I said above, we aren't going to discuss/announce things until we can announce it.
  2. Duels is not MTG Arena. If only it were that easy.
  3. Pulling stats and displaying stats is not a simple thing. Also, even if it WAS a simple thing, our devs also have another million things to do. We have are limited in time and resources so things have to be prioritized. Would we like to do that? I'm sure we would! We just have other things happening right now. :slightly_smiling_face:



What would you like to see from us?
Hi Lexie, I see loads of suggestions for improvements, like for instance the basic land thing, then some time later the improvement is implemented with no Comms in the middle. I've kind of got use to this now so if I see a few comments on the same thing I try to allay folks fears and let them know the problem may be fixed sooner or later.
If you or anyone could just let us know somethings in the pipeline this would be a giant step forward.

I so so so wish I could tell people, but we're not going to. We don't want to break promises, ya know? Knowing something is coming, and then it not happening, feels awful so we aren't going to announce something until we can absolutely guarantee that we can deliver it.


Unfortunately there are going to be archetypes that stomp yours. That's just how games work. I'm not sure what games you play, but look at it like playing a support character into a dps character. I can build up my support character to do more damage, but the dps character will ALWAYS have the edge.


On that note, if someone is trolling you in this manner, please report their conduct here so we can take action.

Don't be a troll. Mute emotes if them spamming emotes bothers you THAT much. Closing thread. :slightly_smiling_face:


Roger that, everyone! Some things of note:

  1. We do post the State of the Beta here. We didn't one time, simply because in the chaos of things it was forgotten. We're sorry about that!
  2. The forums WILL be updated soon. The goal is to have it live by July. We don't like how they're designed right now either haha.
  3. When it comes to feedback, we are ALWAYS listening. We are not ignoring anyone. I am constantly passing info to the devs that I see on the forums, Reddit, Twitter, etc. We just can't implement that feedback immediately. Making a game takes a LOT of time. Even the simplest of things can take days. We also can't confirm what we are (or are not) working on haha. I know it's lame that things are super secret, but it is what it is.
  4. Your suggestions and feedback always matter.

Originally posted by [deleted]


There will be a list in the patch notes themselves, like always. #wotc_staff


Originally posted by PhantomVyper

Probably going to be patched in tomorrow's update.

Yup! #wotc_staff

    WotC_Lee on Forums - Thread - Direct

Sorry Momir isn't your jam, but it's been one of our most popular events. Appreciate the feedback though, we're always continuing to evaluate and iterate on our event offerings!



I check the forums every single day, multiple times a day (even on my days off). Just because I'm not jumping in on discussion posts doesn't mean that I'm not here!
If anyone ever has a question or needs help please tag me and I'll answer if I can! :relaxed:
Sorry, but this forum feels dead. You (devs) never talk with us. You just redirect people to forms and bug reports. Arena team completely dissociated from the community.

I agree, we haven't been very present here lately, and that needs to change.

As for me directing people to forms and bug reports, I do that because they're fabulous resources. If someone finds a bug, creating actual documentation with logs is far more efficient for devs than me telling them (though I do tell them as well). As for forms, if the information lives in a spot and will continue living in that spot then helping people go ...

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21 May




Please report this on our bug forum! :slightly_smiling_face:

Umm, wtf is that?
Is there a Dark Mode for that website... it's way to white & bright!
Why is it hidden away and not present on the forums?

Perhaps turn down your screen brightness? :joy: I'll pass along the feedback.

The forum that we use for bugs makes it a LOT easier for our support team to track, report, and follow up on bugs. We have been directing people to this page for a long time.


Please report this on our bug forum! :slightly_smiling_face:


If you have an issue with your suspension, you are free to appeal it. Your suspension email will tell you how to go about doing that.. However if you break the ...

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oh nice, someone remembered we lot are still here ^^

someone had some time left over between posting on reddit, twitter, discord, facebook, .. ?

the time/attention spend here seems to be coming and going like the tides... guess it's low tide again :/

anway, good luck to the people qualified!

I check the forums every single day, multiple times a day (even on my days off). Just because I'm not jumping in on discussion posts doesn't mean that I'm not here!

If anyone ever has a question or needs help please tag me and I'll answer if I can! :relaxed: