
Mordhau Dev Tracker

05 Sep


Little oopsie, forgot to link last week's feedback as well as announce we have a new developer on the team - c++owboy! He's (as you might have guessed) a programmer, which will help us a ton going forwards.

Last week's thread:


While people may be concerned about us not being able to support Mordhau long term, you shouldn't need to worry - the team is very small, only about 15 people now. The downside to this is that updates take a little longer than a larger dev team would have, but the upside is that we are in a very sustainable position. We're not needing to constantly turn a huge profit each month to stay afloat, and there's no ticking time-bomb on us either making a new game or monetizing somehow within Mordhau to keep supporting the game. We're able to currently provide free content and updates to the game without needing to charge you all any extra, at least for the foreseeable future.

01 Sep


Hey folks,

As usual, let us know your thoughts on the game, what you'd like to see in the future, and of course any suggestions, criticism, or feedback that you have. Please keep things constructive, as well as keeping minor suggestions etc. to this thread.

As for our unofficial dev notes, here they are once again, apologies for missing 'em last week.

  • Shields have been rebalanced quite a bit to add more variety, and some changes to balance on a few other things. No specifics yet, but we'll detail them in the changelog once we release the next patch.
  • Waraxe throw animation is done :)
  • Lots of RCON, server backend work, etc. has been taken care of.
  • Both maps for Team Ranked are more or less done, and we're mostly content locked.
  • We ran into a pretty serious bug regarding the code for ranked matchmaking, so we're tinkering with that quite a bit, should be fixed relatively soon once we find the specif...
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Originally posted by Bluellama01

Would it be possible for all cosmetics with chainmail to have uniform chainmail colour and texture so that we can mix them all together? For example the hauberk and brigandine arms. Can something be done about bots making players ragdoll when they climb a ladder next to them? Also I have a suggestion: make finding items in Horde mode easier. It's a hassle to Google item locations all the time ALSO maul on Castello is underground and the only way to buy it is through chests

A lot of the discrepancies come from earlier stuff compared to newer items, our workflow and cosmetic standards have changed a bit (you ca see this a lot with plate/metal textures, too) but honestly I don't think we're really looking at making it a priority to go in and make all the mail uniform texture wise, since it's not just a simple copy/paste and it'd eat up a decent amount of time.


Originally posted by Deltiq

Can we get an improvement on objective details? Specifically on Castello invasion phase 3 where there’s indicators to grab loot chests and take them to the cart. The problem is that it stays there even though the cart has already been filled. I always see (newer) people grabbing those chests and carrying them around wondering where to go next. I’m sure you guys already acknowledged this but I just wanted to give it a bit more attention, not a big problem anyway though! Thank you for this amazing game btw!

Good point, we can investigate 👍


Originally posted by Branko100

Could you make it so the beard shows when wearing the tier 2 burgonet?

we can take a look!


Originally posted by macelad

Level 106 currently clocked at almost 500 hours. I feel like this game is missing out on some major opportunities to reward the player for, well, just playing the game. Here are some implementations I feel would suite Mordhau rather well, and will reinforce the sort of subconscious positive feedback loop found in many other multiplayer games.

-An "Accolades Screen" post-game: After a game ends before the scoreboard is shown, you could implement a screen that features only a select few players in a podium-style line up, rewarding them for the most amount of kills without dying, or most objective points, or what have you. Maybe here they can emote and taunt as well, I dunno. it could be for silly things too, doesn't have to be based entirely around skill.

-Medals: Much like Halo, Mordhau could definitely benefit from a Medal system. You could style them in a medieval emblem fashion, and they would appear on screen with a little satisfying sound whenever the player sc...

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  • yep, agree
  • could be cool, but might be a little bit distracting. it's a neat idea though so we could potentially figure something out!
  • yeeeah i think having avenues for making more gold would be great, although it's unlikely we could get a monthly skin since we're not really on a regular update schedule.

Originally posted by orangesheepdog

The medieval gucci you guys roll out every 2 months is getting wicked pricey. Are there any plans to add alternative sources of gold, like weekly objectives?

We're toned down adding super mega expenive things as the only option - that being said, Mordhau's cosmetics are more of a pick-and-choose instead of pokemon "catch em all" if that makes sense :D

That being said, 2xp/gold, daily/weekly challenges, etc are great ideas and there's definitely room to some features like that in the future.


Originally posted by Miltawne

An emote that adopts the equipped weapon's default pose as seen in the menu. Been mentioned recently in this sub but I cannot stress it enough. Great idea and seemingly easy to implement.

Edit: ok maybe not as easy, the more I think about it. Still neat though.

So yeah with this, they're static armory poses, so not something that is just a copy-paste, but we can look into it!

28 Aug


Originally posted by Seanannigans14

I was gonna say I've been watching forged in fire stuff on YouTube. It's so cool. Almost took blacksmithing in college before I dropped out

FiF is super cool until they use a sword incorrectly and break it via negligence

27 Aug


I'm locking this thread, as it's getting a bit out of hand. Be nice to people, don't say rude things, don't get muted. Report abusive or toxic behavior to mods via discord - - and we will take care of them.

26 Aug


giving these people attention makes them feel powerful, just report them to moderators on our discord - - and we will mute them 👍

25 Aug


This was awesome, glad we could help with a few gold prizes :)


Hello all,

As usual, let us know your thoughts on the game, what you'd like to see in the future, and of course any suggestions, criticism, or feedback that you have. Please keep things constructive, as well as keeping minor suggestions etc. to this thread.

As for our weekly dev meeting notes, I wasn't able to attend this one this week, but to quickly summarize - we're mostly content-complete on our next update, and work is now focused on fixing up some features, adding some functionality, and general polishing. No ETA yet though! Next week, things will go back to normal with a more detailed list of what we've been working on.

Last week's post can be found here: ...

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24 Aug


hey, can I share this on our social media?


Originally posted by KCL80

I'm not sure how feasible it would be, mainly in terms of costs, but I'd love to see more voices/accents in the game.

we let voice actors pretty much come up with the voice/personality, and make the lines themselves. this ends up in having a better quality voice, but it's definitely more time-intensive and requires quite a bit of back-and-forth discussion and tweaking. I think we'll get around to putting some more voices in the game at some point in the future, but it's not something on our radar in the short term, currently.


Originally posted by needlzor

O Jax, genie of Triternion, I summon you. Here are my three wishes:

  1. Streamline the report system

  2. Grant our spawn points a circle of protection from horses, traps and buildables

  3. When pointing my cursor at a buildable/bear trap, show me the name of the miscreant who built it

(and if you still have time after that, something should be done about the "spy builds")

  1. would be nice for sure, i definitely want this at some point in the future. not as easy as it might seem though
  2. buildables yes, but not sure how you stop horses without it feeling awful. something we can take a look at for sure though
  3. yesssssssss i want
  4. spy builds are our lifelong nemesis. the battle against them continues, but emblems next patch should be team colored i believe. this will help somewhat

Originally posted by Th00nk

Are you saying that its too easy to do it and its not worthy enough to be in a changelog? Since you mention this, if not fix the brigandine arms, remake them but just fix the chainmail and add a variant of brigandine arms without the leather cuffs?

so maybe I worded it badly, not sure why I'm getting downvoted though

let me explain in a different way:
- fixing the metal tint on arms might take 4 hours
- making a new piece that is visually similar might take 8 hours

option a) fix the old piece, takes 4 hours
option b) spend 4 hours more and get a new cosmetic

especially with the brigandine arms, they're very old assets that are harder to work with, and so it could take a ton of time to fix them that would be more efficiently spent making a new armor piece that is similar in look, but adds variety

23 Aug


because we're adding it next patch, check the feedback thread - i sticky a comment in there with what's going on with development each week