
Mordhau Dev Tracker

21 Aug


Originally posted by H8DCarnifEX

I now gathered all the most known Spots(atleast for me) where Players getting stuck into. (Invasion Map-Versions are not included, because i dont play them such often)

I made a .zip - every screenshot is named after its mapname

as example: mpeak 1 / mpeak 1-1 / mpeak extra 1

1: picture is the player getting stuck in the spot

1-1: spectator mode aiming directly on the spot with the white dot

extra: some different things (with text)

Beside the Stuck Spots, please restrict the MPeak Ballista on Red Spawn for Frontline.

Actually they can shoot on Players on the Hill/Sideway up to about 6-8 meter, this makes it pretty hard to destroy it with a firebomb,

when you have to strafe for 2-3 times on the way tryin to not getting killed by it....

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what a god, thanks


Originally posted by HPADude

It would be nice if approved/registered clans could have their logos added to the game, if just for their own use.

Adding emblems actually takes quite a bit of time. the team has to clean them up, scale them properly, adjust a bunch of things etc.

It's something we can look into but at the moment it's not the highest priority for the art guys, but nothing's off the table in the future.


Originally posted by Inspect-Element

Anything new on folders? folders for character organization would be so useful, please.

folders at some point, probably. spook is working on some armory reworks (won't be in next patch) but we're looking into some organization options


Originally posted by Th00nk

Brigandine arms have chainmail at the top of the sleeve which don't get affected by metal tints, pretty noticable

To be honest, it's unlikely we'll change that. like most things it's a lot easier to make a new armor piece and just have 2 cosmetics, as opposed to taking that dev time to fix 1 cosmetic.


Originally posted by Zachary9944

one thing im sure you aware is the spot where you can quite literally crash the servers in 5 seconds of spawning in on moshpit, any word on if that will be fixed in the next update? im sure 3v3s will be unplayable for anyone if its still active.

Moshpit won't be the 3v3 map, but we can take a look. PM me with details on that bug please!


Originally posted by HPADude

Have devs considered using an open-source matchmaking library like TrueSkill for ranked 3v3? TrueSkill would be a good fit to implement casual matchmaking/team balance, too

It could be cool, right now we're going with a simple Elo but that can change in the future if we feel it's worth pursuing.

18 Aug


Originally posted by The_Young_Busac

There are a few spots on all of the maps where you can get unreasonably stuck and unable to move. Is there any work being done on these spots?

if you all can show us where those spots are, we can look into fixing them 👍


Originally posted by dropbbbear

Triternion probably under-tuned it intentionally because so many people were already bitching it was going to be overpowered before it even released, so they played it safe.

this, although we might have over-undertuned it 🤔


Originally posted by dam_i_forgot_my_dong

i WANT to use the polehammer, but it just sucks.

the halberd while being cheaper, is longer, does more damage with stabs, is faster, has longer release (better drags), can combo, and doesn't stop on hit.

The polehammer is something we added conservatively - it's better to have a weapon sub-par and just not get used that much, than it is to add a weapon that's overtuned and ruins the combat. We'll definitely be giving it some love soon :)


Originally posted by DenHus23

Any plans to release smaller patchies more often with less content rather than one big patch with a lot of content?

Pretty much what Branko said - there is a lot of work that goes into "packaging" and update, like doing bugfixing, polish, testing etc. which usually adds a few weeks onto development time for each update. The more frequent the updates, the more we have to stop active development to ship a build. While more frequent updates could get certain things out when they're ready, it slows down development on things in the long term.


Originally posted by gooseppe1

Not sure if you have seen my suggestion on the previous weekly feedback post, but I suggest devs to let us color the brigandine part of the brigandine greaves. Also, a question: is scimitar coming in this patch or it will most likely be released in patch#20?

Usually with these things, it's more time-efficient to make new items than it is to go back to alter an existing cosmetic. That way you have the old item and you get a new one that is similar - two cosmetics instead of one.

Scimitar is not coming this patch, but no ETA on when or what patch # it will be in. We don't want to flood the game with new weapons all at once if we can help it, as it can make the balance more difficult.


Originally posted by iedy2345

  1. Phammer and Zwei needs to be adressed in a way , specially phammer.
  2. What about new emblems with new placements and etc .
  3. Is there any plan in the future to give use the ability to make liveries / coat of arms with emblem positioning and etc ,to make our knights look more vibrant and historical if it has to be.
  4. Crushie confirmed Falx is coming this next patch , will it have any skins ?
  1. Pole hammer / zwei / halberd are definitely something Crush is taking a look at.
  2. New emblems aren't a priority currently, but it's something we can keep in mind.
  3. Unlikely, as at the moment there is already quite a bit of customization, and a system like that isn't compatible with our current customization system. The game isn't designed with that in mind, so we'd have to fundamentally rework a lot of things.
  4. At the moment it doesn't have customization aside from color alterations, but I think it's a safe bet to assume that in later patches we'll make some great cosmetics for the falx :)

Originally posted by Branko100

I know you're still working on a scimitar/Sabre and that it won't be in the next patch for sure, but will it really be 1h/2h hybrid? I mean historical sabers were one handed and making it a hybrid would make it feel like a Messer knockoff.

A lot of weapons start a certain way in development, and then are changed quite dramatically later on. At the moment it's a 1h/2h hybrid, but it's also just in the prototyping stage. Things always change a bit by the time they make it into the game.


Some good updates on development!

  • First and foremost, we did a playtest today. We tested our ranked 3v3 matchmaking system, but it's still definitely in development. There were a few bugs and missing features, but this is to be expected - progress is going well on it, but it's definitely still in the main development phase.
  • Ranked maps are being worked on! Ideally we'll get out both for the update, but it's not something that will be deal-breaker if we can't get them out simultaneously. One is more or less complete, while the other is still in development. These are small maps ideal for 1-6 players per team with very simple layouts (i.e. flat arenas) to focus on raw melee combat. Screenshots coming soon™!
  • We've identified a few issues with upcoming cosmetics and will be working on those, but they are very minor and shouldn't take too much work to fix.
  • In regards to feedback, we've discussed some suggestions in regards to gameplay and some ...
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Hey folks!

As always, we'd love to hear your thoughts on Mordhau. Feedback, suggestions, critiques, or discussion are all welcome here! Please keep things constructive, as well as keeping minor suggestions etc. to this thread. Check my pinned comment for some notes on our weekly dev meeting as well!

Last week's post can be found here:

External link →

15 Aug


Originally posted by -_Kek_snek_-

Hey u/Jaaxxxon have you guys noticed that the roundshield "block box" actually extends behind the user? I've had multiple occasions where I attack a roundshield user in a 1vX and my attack should hit him on the back or in the back of the head but instead I hear the bonk of the shield. I can get one of my mates to test it and record it if you'd like?

Yeah, we're looking into it on all shields.


Originally posted by Steele_not_pee

Hundskull plumes, exclusive steele (not pee) branded skillhook, animation to give my autograph (must be 30 second minimum).

could be cool for 1, 2 no, 3 no


Originally posted by philihp

emote request.

i fart in your general direction


Originally posted by Gott_Mogis

Three things:

  1. Some helmets show the wrong secondary metal color in team modes. eg on red side the metal trims are black.

  2. Pls give us supporter pack 2. It could contain a new banner o sth like this.

  3. what about "court fool" cosmetics :))))

Thanks for this game and the ongoing support of the game.

  1. please let us know which ones, we found a bunch and fixed them but probably missed a few
  2. that could be neat but we still have no plans for microtransactions etc.
  3. that could be cool as well :))