
Mordhau Dev Tracker

13 Aug


Originally posted by needlzor

Any thought about unbundling the Battle Royale mode and making it free, like COD Warzone, to attract new players?

F2P is an interesting idea, but if you do F2P in some capacity you still need to add monetization in another to actually pay for all the servers. We haven't really talked about this much, and it's a realllllly big decision that would need to be made. Also, BR hasn't been a major focus of the team for a while, so there are a lot of considerations.

At the moment, it's highly unlikely we'd do this, but it is an interesting idea.


Originally posted by lambdaximus

Snippets soon or soon™️ ?

probably soon but maybe also soon™


Originally posted by Leprechaun003

They say that they want to add Folders, but if it's going to happen, it'll likely be part of a larger "Armo(u)ry Rework" which isn't confirmed to be happening, but that they will gladly take community ideas for.

Specifically, ideas that can be added in ways that don't require dramatically changing the current UI.

If that time was approaching us, I assume /u/jaaxxxxon would make a thread to gather ideas, or maybe run a small contest of some kind.


UI improvements are planned for the future, and work has been ongoing for this. Primarily armory as well as some other miscellaneous improvements.

Didn't read well enough, I guess it is soft confirmed as of this week. Can we get a thread to potentially give /u/spook- ideas please Jax?

We are working on UI improvements, but with the armory UI stuff we'll build on what currently exists, some modifications, and adding functionality. We know that people want folders and some sort of mercenary organization functionality would be something we'd include. This being said, specific ideas - for example "Hey add a button here that does x" probably wouldn't really help since it might not be compatible with what Spook would be making, so instead just general ideas are more useful, if that makes any sense.

12 Aug


Originally posted by lambdaximus

You forgot to pin it Jaxxxx.

oops thanks, me big dumb


Originally posted by Zachary9944

If ranked team play isint added into the game soon I’m no longer carrying you in warzone

shh don't tell anyone

11 Aug


This week's progress was more of the same, mostly:

  • We're pretty much done with art assets/cosmetics for the upcoming update, and we're pending some programming and backend work
  • SDK progress has been ongoing, more technical stuff on that front. Definitely still WIP though, so it's unlikely to be included in the next update.
  • Crush has been working on some animations which we'll show off soon if things go well, as well as planning a moderate balancing pass for weapons and mechanics.
  • We've also been focusing on some more backend work, which will be mostly behind-the-scenes but also should provide some server browser improvements.
  • A bit of audio work as well as some map development has been going on, with one map for ranked 3v3's nearing completion.
  • UI improvements are planned for the future, and work has been ongoing for this. Primarily armory as well as some other miscellaneous improvements.
  • As always, general bugfi...
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Hello again :)

Thanks a ton for all the feedback and suggestions. We'd really love to hear what's on your mind and what you'd like to see in the game. Let us know your thoughts below!

Last week's post can be found here:

External link →

Originally posted by Jaaxxxxon

I'll ask the team on that one, not too sure myself. Remind me if I don't update this in a few days!

alrighty thanks for the reminders - it's just a big choppy weapon, and we wanted something that's kind of unique with the blade curving forwards. I wouldn't expect this to be a trend of adding a ton of weapons from this time period, however :)

09 Aug


Originally posted by StarTheMilkGiant

huh, I don't think I've ever seen this happen before. And because this is a private server, i don't think Triternion can even really do anything about it. I've been playing this game since release and the most toxic I've seen the community are the few reprobates that are racist in the chat.

Yeah, we don't moderate private servers because the people who pay for the server should have full control over it. It's much cleaner this way, although in the future we MIGHT add an opt-in system that allows server owners to use our official server ban list as well.

06 Aug


Originally posted by TheSicks




Originally posted by SkepticBlank

Thanks u/Jaaxxxxon

  • You do spawn there initially before the first point is captured. However, once the first point is controlled by blue and assuming blue don't hold the river, you spawn just behind the ramp and 20-30 metres in front of the ballista with your back to it and this is when the spawn killing occurs. Usually it inspires about 2-3 blues to go and gank the guy doing it but they tend to just come straight back. Feeling like you need to guard ballista until the river is taken isn't ideal :p
  • Thanks! This is good to know.
  • Makes complete sense, look forward to seeing any changes.

Good good, I'll not shy away from adding my voice to the many in future pieces of feedback in this case. With that said, I'd love to see increased colour saturation on the level 110 gold tint :p - I know you've said previously that this isn't as simple to implement as it might seem though!

Ahhh I know what you mean now, we can take a look. And yeah the gold tint is something I'll definitely bring up some more :)


gachiBASS HandsUp


Originally posted by seitung

Will we see significant attention given to map optimization?

Feitoria and Castello, what beautiful maps these are, but they are so severely underoptimized for gameplay that users have been having performance issues on them since their respective releases.

Many assets are beyond the playable area. Could the LOD be reduced (for low at least), or even the lot to one massive 2D asset? Low settings should be stable on lower end.

We're working on more optimizations. We've done a few minor things, especially to castello, that have helped a bit, so we have an idea of where to eek out some more frames. No ETA as of yet, but we're aware that these maps don't run as well as others and we're looking into some more ways to improve the situation. 👍


Originally posted by PotatoKilr

Allow kicks regardless of item held (for example, shields, toolboxes, and medkits). If allowing punches when holding a shield is never added, then this will give at least one offensive capability to a player armed with nothing but a shield, as well as providing a last-resort defensive option for players who only use medkits.

We're aware people want this, we want it too. We have quite a heavy workload at the moment so this might take some time for us to fully delve into development on. While it seems pretty simple, a lot of these items work fundamentally different that weapons, which obviously are held when you're kicking, so the underlying framework could cause some issues. Not 100% on that since I'm not the smart people, but even if I fudged the details a bit that's the general situation.


Originally posted by BorisTheSVTLoveHammR

This is more a question than a suggestion, but given the recent influx of conversations about it on the subreddit, I'm just wondering: is there an ETA or anything regarding female characters? I know it's almost definitely not as high of a priority right now as bug fixes, optimization, and other QoL measures, but I remember they were there in the early days of the kickstarter and, if I'm not mistaken, that they've been promised for a while now. I also know a lot of players would like to see them added either just for more cosplay options or for a bit of actual representation, which is my case and the case for some folks I know. No complaints if it's still something of a "distant future" type thing, of course; y'all are doing pretty awesome as it is with these updates, and I totally understand that that's a fair bit more challenging to handle compared to making new weapons or armor! Thanks in advance :)

I answered this last week (I think?) so I'll keep it relatively short. Atm we're focusing on big additions that we have wanted to get in the game since before release, even. Mod tools, ranked team modes, etc. This stuff will have a big impact and take up quite a bit of our time, so female characters will be developed later, once we have ironed out these major additions. It's unfortunate, but it's just the nature of the beast.

The current state of female characters, development wise, is that we haven't worked on them (AFAIK) since we did the Kickstarter video. We will make them in the future, but right now we have to focus on the priorities we've set for major additions to the game.


Originally posted by seitung

What was the design decision or reason behind weapons only impacting environmental assets during release? Why not during windup?

Clanging off of random stuff just isn't fun, more or less. You'd have to stand feet away from any objects and using WASD+mouse and looking at a screen, you don't have the level of control or spacial awareness you'd get if you were actually doing it.


Originally posted by Majora4Prez

I'm curious as to why you guys are adding the falx. Don't get me wrong, it's a cool weapon, but you usually say the timeframe the game takes inspiration from is 1066 - 1550, and the falx is like a thousand years older than that. I'm not opposed to its inclusion at all; I just want to understand the contradiction.

I'll ask the team on that one, not too sure myself. Remind me if I don't update this in a few days!


Originally posted by Nexerade

More T1 T0 clothes to flex on tin cans



Originally posted by ETucc

Pole Hammer buff, please.

Just give me more length. 150cm.

We're looking into some love for the polehammer, it needs some :)


Originally posted by Slop-Slop

Is the ability to select your main screen background character going to come around? Can even have a "random" option for it.

Also, any plans for a "king of the hill" type map?

We can look into it :)

Unlikely we'd make a large scale map around solely king of the hill, but implementing more objectives into new invasion/FL maps is something we're looking into. We're toying around with some new ideas and seeing what sticks!