
Mordhau Dev Tracker

06 Aug


Originally posted by SkepticBlank

Thanks for these threads u/Jaaxxxxon they're really useful. Just a couple of things from me, apologies if they've come up before.

  • On Camp would it be possible to make the ballista in blue spawn area an off-limits zone to red players? Pretty much every frontlines game I've played recently has had some smart-ass from red sit on ballista and spawn kill blues as they jump over the precipice, it's getting quite common and annoying.
  • I use the messer quite alot, specifically the swiss sabre skin with inpune blade. Several people have complained at me after killing them that the weapon has a lot of phantom range i.e. the skin is shorter than the strike range and so feels like it's a bit broken. Personally I've never had too much of a problem with it but I figured it's worth pointing out!
  • Wondering if the polehammer needs either a small buff to it's default mode or a reduction in points cost because I'm seeing noticeably less people...
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Hey there, glad you're liking them! A few quick thoughts on these:

  1. I can see the point on that, but at the same time (unless I'm thinking of somewhere else) that ballista is exactly right beside where you run off the ramp. If an entire team lets a red guy sit on their ballista in spawn and doesn't catch on... 🤔
  2. We're looking into it. Been getting reports about it for quite a while, but never were able to identify what is actually going on there.
  3. Polehammer could use some tweaks, yeah. It's best if new weapons aren't insanely OP so we tend to be a little cautious if possible and then get them into a better state, as opposed to them completely destroying the meta of the game :D We'll take a look and see what can be done to bring it on-par.

Thanks for the feedback, we appreciate it a ton :)

Even repeating things is good because i might initially dismiss something until I hear a ton of people mention it. A good example is the ma...

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Originally posted by kaisettevelliane

Would love to see some smaller maps. Don't get me wrong the maps we have right now are good but there are some so large you could slice them into 3 different maps and they'd still be good.

Would also be nice for the people whose PCs choke on some of the newer maps.

Agreed, even in 64+ player modes some can feel a little too big. This being said, jamming more people into frame at the same time can make performance a bit worse as well (more detailed characters to render) so there's a bit of a balancing act to be made. :)


Originally posted by H8DCarnifEX

just read the forum, where a lot of suggestions and bugs were already posted over the time

because many of the bugs are still in the game after more than some months

so why should we write here again, if those bug-reports didnt even found a ear?

as example: how many times were the Team-Color Tint instead of Metal ones reported now, its like way more than 20 times?

its like talking to a wall... the devs are incomprehensible, i have no mo words... wtf


...Aaaaand Forum got locked/deleted again.

Seriously, whats wrong with you, Guys? ...

Going to post this as a reply to the main comment, but also in response to intelligent_rat's as well.

We read the reddit, I check it pretty much every hour or so when I'm working (that being said I can't comment all the time or I would have none at all). The issue with the forums is that the website itself it relatively unresponsive, and it also doesn't lend itself well for that type of communication. Some random person can easily derail or co-opt a thread, and it's much less efficient when compared to our other options - Reddit/Discord.

With Reddit, we have the ability to show info off or get feedback, and it's filtered more or less by popularity which can help determine how others feel about said idea. Of course we don't develop based on upvotes, but it can help sometimes to get an understanding and context to some issues or ideas. Of course we have this thread which I read every single comment in 100% of the time (some posts on the sub i don't always end up ...

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Originally posted by gooseppe1

Suggestion: add broken weapons to a list of weapons , so they will cost less points but will be good for certain cosplays. It might work gud with a new perk, for example. It might work like a peasant perk , so you will have an option to choose only from broken weapons.

This is kinda neat, but I think if we were to add the rusty/broken weapons in we'd just do it under the peasant perk. I feel like there would be way too much overlap adding them as a separate perk for a handful of items.

04 Aug


Some notes from our meeting on what's been developed:

  • A few things have been looked into about server stability and what we can do to resolve the issues. At the moment we don't have a 'perfect' solution, but we're looking into ways to improve the user experience on multiple fronts.
  • RCON has been worked on a bit more, and there should be tools to provide server owners with the ability to add people to the RCON system with varying levels of permission. This is different than in-game admin but we'll probably find a way to provide ingame admin to also have some different permissions and stuff. Also, we're looking into ways to have some more robust options for stuff like message-of-the-day, etc.
  • Backend work has been done on some technical stuff for matchmaking. Gameplay experience won't change at all but this will allow Mordhau to work a bit better without reliance on some other, equally boring technical things.
  • SDK development ...
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Hello everybody!

As always, we appreciate the feedback, suggestions and critiques. Keep 'em coming, we'd love to know what's on your mind! Like usual, keep suggestions/feedback constructive, and let's be nice to each other :)

Like last week, check the pinned comment for a few notes from our meeting we had earlier today.

Last week's post can be found here:

External link →

Originally posted by CargleMcCabinets

This is kind of a moon-shot suggestion, but could polearms like the Spear, Lucerne, and Halberd have a "hold" mode? As in, held out in front of the user to act as a spike instead of swinging. Ideally, it wouldn't be very effective at damaging people (think bumping into spikes) but would instantly kill a charging horse that made its way into it. This solves a problem with horses by giving them a more reliable counter than bringing a billhook and hoping that they f**k up their lance or you jump over it, and also adds more functionality to weapons that the community already likes, but are pretty one-dimensional (spear specifically). Plus, everyone wants to make a phalanx, so why not let them? (Bonus points if you make the Zwei able to break a spear if it's being held out like this- turn it into a quarterstaff or something)

Failing that, could you make it so that bear traps had a slowdown effect on horses? I would think that a steel trap clamping down on a Horses' leg would im...

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this would be really cool as an alt mode for a new weapon, but i'm not sure if we'd add it to the existing weapons :)

02 Aug


Originally posted by DCamzJogOn

And unfluted chest version

Maximillian = fluted, there are other non fluted chests but the maximillian style is fluted stuff

01 Aug


alright, this is the last sh*tpost armor suggestion i'll allow for the time being on the sub


can I share this on our twitter? lmao


Originally posted by Leprechaun003

Here's a few things I think most folks can get behind.

  1. Additional Sound Sliders (Lute/Voice Lines/etc)
  2. Fix Cruel, please.
  3. Client-side team colors
  4. Customizable Team Marker settings (multiple icons to choose from, positioning, color, etc)
  5. When the SDK launches, some tutorials to go along with it - maybe some short/basic videos if the SDK/Map/Cosmetic Devs are up to it? (and please also try to release the Dev Maps as editable, without us having to recreate them)
  6. Armor Tint & Dye Color Rework, please, for the love of all that is holy.
  7. I know you hate the idea of "going back to fix cosmetics" but we all know there are a few stand out cases that are just terrible looking. Make them a new cosmetic, with a small gold cost - if that's how you have to justify it.
  8. Would appreciate more t0/t1/t2 options, as always.
  9. Love you, thanks for all your...
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1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 - yes, these would be great and we've been talking about some of these.

7, 10, 11 - we'll see, might be possible, might not. gotta take a look at the priorities and we will have to figure out what we're able to devote time/resources into

9 - thanks love u 2 :) r/HydroHomies


could be cool, forwarded this to the devs :)


Originally posted by Point__hurt

I find it funny you think anyone uses game chat in consoles anymore

as someone who plays cod mw, i can tell what food every player on my team is eating

31 Jul


Originally posted by RSwordsman

afaik english knights favored being dismounted because it rains in england all the time and horses + mud don't mix very well

I never really thought about why English knights preferred fighting on foot, but this kind of blew my mind. It's so simple!

terrain dictates tactics, hasn't changed in the past few millennia


Originally posted by Icy_Concern

That there's no big cosmetic patchie coming?

Huge cosmetic drop incoming

30 Jul


Originally posted by 69CrackFiend69

I was tempted to screenshot it but I thought taking a picture on my phone we be better as most of them are but yeah it's very annoying

you need to get your phone to not focus correctly so there is a ton of visual artifacts, 2/10 picture unfortunately. also your desk isn't messy enough


Originally posted by The-Globalist

New voices plz, emotes are the best part of this game

voices would be cool, right now we're focused on other stuff since working with voice actors requires a LOT of back-and-forth cooperation on getting the lines right, but it's not like we are settled on never ever adding voices in the future


Originally posted by JKMcA99

All the top players have been saying it for ages, but reddit complains about the maul, so that’s what the devs focus on.

No lol, i mean the maul was busted and reddit folks are the ones that felt it a lot in pub matches - we listed to general casual/pub etc. feedback AND comp players as well. The vast majority of the time we don't have to choose between balancing a weapon for only comp or only casual play, the changes we make benefit both.


Originally posted by 052801

Any plans to nerf the greatsword? It’s clear dominance over many many Weapons in the game and I just don’t think it should be as fast as it is.

Not sure why you're getting downvoted, greatsword is absolutely s-tier since it has no downsides. We're still tweaking weapons, so we could take a look.