
Mordhau Dev Tracker

16 Apr


Originally posted by Triumvirat1990

T2 and T3 are not the same speed here is a spreadsheet.
Edit: added mixed armor

Yeah, the armory display doesn't work correctly in this patch.

15 Apr


We're looking into performance issues, seems to only be affecting certain people (I can't look at the water on Castello without losing a ton of frames).


We're looking into this to hotfix.


Fixed internally, came up due to some big reworks to systems we were doing to clean things up.

14 Apr


Originally posted by Andrey-d

Patchie bugged out a leg kick while holding ranged/thrown weapons, you cannot perform it with bow/crossbox/recurve/javelin/throwing axe/firepot/throwing knives/rocks.

It's a bug, will be hotfixed


Originally posted by PeanutJayGee

You actually can't kick while holding throwing or ranged weapons anymore. I'm actually really sad. I hope it's a bug, you can hear your character moving faintly when you press F, but there is no animation.

It's a bug


Scabbards most likely won't be coming - this is because we're already pushing the boundaries of performance with the amount of customization, and scabbards would probably be the straw that breaks the camel's back, so to speak :(


Originally posted by spyr04

if u would give an unoffical answer, do u think the update will come some time next week or no?

patchie is now™

the reason I couldn't have said yesterday that the update is today: something could have broken, and then I'd look like an idiot and everyone would be upset and feel lied to. 🤷‍♀️


Originally posted by WHATTheyPutThanosIn

With some quick and dirty testing experiments, we were able to see about a 2.5ms

A 2.5ms of ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀?!


oops lmao, one second

edit: fixed, also ms for rendering is how optimization stuff is usually represented, for reference 60 FPS = 16.7 ms between frames

13 Apr


Hey all!

As always, we'd love to know your thoughts on Mordhau! Any constructive criticism, feedback, suggestions or questions are welcome. As for testing, we've fixed the bulk of the bugs we've found, as of right now there are a few missing sounds that we need to add back in, and of course we've been content-locked for a couple of weeks now. This update should come pretty soon! 🤞

Some meeting notes: (keep in mind things can change unexpectedly, nothing here is a guarantee)

  • Development on making some Brawl variants for larger maps; we've made a version for Taiga, and we're looking into other maps to make variants of.
  • Sound attenuation fixes and misc audio improvements.
  • New sounds are in development for the mortar - they are pretty beefy sounding, we hope you'll like them when they release (probably the patch after this one).
  • We've shipped what should be the release build of the SDK to Epic. They'll n...
Read more External link →

Verifying files in Steam should do the trick

11 Apr


Originally posted by CargleMcCabinets

I want to like the warhammer a lot more but it's really spammy and not fun to play against. Aesthetically I like it but I feel like a prick using it. I'd like it if it was closer to the mace- slower, and more damaging. I like blunt weapons when they feel like they have weight, and the Warhammer feels miserable to play against because it's just so spammy. This complaint goes to the Axe a bit as well- and both become much worse to play against when the opponent also has a buckler.

This is a weird one but I think you should close the gap between the executioner's sword and the falx? The falx is cheaper, and does a bit less damage but for most intensive purposes is roughly as good, as well as being able to combo and having a bit of a better stab. I like them both, but I feel like it's a straight downgrade whenever I use the exe over the falx. And because the falx doesn't have any skins I feel like I only use the exe because of sunk cost in the skins I bought for it.

As others have said, there's a reason the falx/exe sword are the way they are, but we can look at making weapons at the lower point range a bit more interesting :)


Originally posted by hijab_teen_pov

Maybe actually give new maps. How long has it been now?

we're trying our best :) we brought on a lot of new folks to help out, so things should start moving a bit faster. We're definitely aware that maps are the weakest point for us in terms of development time, so we've been making changes to fix this - it just takes a while for things to get fully in motion <3


Originally posted by DovahkiinRifleman

Do you have any plans dor horse customization in the future? At the very least the colors of your mercenary being applied to a horse’s caparison when mounted when team colors are off, instead of having all horses with team colors even when these are off? With talk of new animations, do you guys have plans for more historically accurate/realistic animations for two handed weapons as well in the future?

Not right now, it would require a pretty big change to the backend code. We're working on some changes to catapult code at the moment, but if we have some time in the future this could be a good area to focus a bit on :)


Originally posted by Pipe-Independent

Looking good, hyped for patchie. I've got a very minor suggestion; The loading screen tips show alot of false and incomplete information which is very misleading to new players. Off the top of my head I can think of a few, "Blocking a couched lance will disarm you" This is no longer true. "To block a kick simply perform a kick yourself" This fails to mention the fact that you can simply just block kicks now. As a new player I can imagine it would be very frustrating to be fed misleading tips from the loading screen

Good point, we should probably update these at some point.


Originally posted by PotatoKilr

More T3 helmets with bevors for already-existing T2 helmets would be really nice, such as:
1. Eisenhut
2. Kettle
3. Slitted Kettle
4. German Kettle
5. Black Sallet
6. Sallet Raised Visor
7. Sallet No Visor

We're adding a kettle+bevor combo, and we can look into some others in the future :)


Originally posted by death1234567889

Yes. Whereas speed used to depend entirely on your helmet, now it will depend on all of your armour.

I think the new system is an average based on the two heaviest pieces. This allows for a good balance of customization but prevents some cheesy strategies as well.


Originally posted by Buddha_11

waraxe nerfff



Originally posted by MORDHAU_Carrot

More carrots when?
